Author Topic: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)  (Read 251447 times)

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #240 on: December 20, 2019, 10:54 AM »
I've got to watch it a second time to soak it all in, but I mostly like this movie.  I agree with the comments that some things seemed too fast and random.  The story probably could have been slower and added in a little more character development.

Some thoughts:
  • Agree that it was cool that Rey chose to be a Skywalker.
  • The finding of Lando was way too random.  His role in the movie was unimportant.  I would have preferred he was part of resistance cell that helped at the end.
  • I would have liked to see more internal struggle with Kylo before he returned to being Ben.  That seemed too abrupt.
  • The Jannah Stormtrooper deserter clan seemed non-essential.  It would have been nice if that figured in to a larger network of resistance fighters.
  • I was worried the jet pack troopers were going to be gimmicky, but they were used well.
  • The Hux as spy could have been a lot more interesting, but turned out to be really pretty dumb.
  • It would have been nice if there were more meat behind all the people rising up against the resistance at the same time.
  • I like the Zorri Bliss character and story that gave more flavor to Poe's character.
  • I was really concerned about the Palpatine reborn element, but it turned out to be okay (not great).
  • I liked the concept of an unnavigable secret Sith world of Exogol and having to find a map to get there.  I hated the fact that there were hundreds/thousands of Final Order Sith Star Destroyers there.   If so many ships can be built there or brought there you would think the secret would get out.  I think they should have separated the fleet from Palpatine's lair on Exogol.
  • The ground attack on a transmitter on a Star Destroyer seemed artificial.  Why couldn't they just shoot the transmitter from an X-Wing?
  • I was expecting D-O to have more character and be more fun.  It seemed there were previews/scenes that must not have made it to the final edit.  We even got Rey with D-O as a toy and they hardly interacted in the movie.
  • I was also a little concerned how they were going to write Leia in and out of this movie based on random clips from TFA.  For the most part I think it worked pretty well.
  • Loved the Wedge cameo.  I almost wish that is all they did for Lando as well.
  • I generally liked the focus they had on the main characters.  The new ones weren't distracting and the supporting cast was limited.

I know that was kind of a lot of gripes, but they were small items without any big plot holes and I really did enjoy the movie.  Very fun.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 01:14 PM by Dave »

Offline GrandMoffNick

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #241 on: December 20, 2019, 10:59 AM »
Not correct thread but now that TROS is over and season one Mandalorian is almost over it's really hitting how few figs we got. I just bought a GOA Finn so I have a representation. POP Poe and Rose probably soon for same reason.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2019, 11:00 AM by GrandMoffNick »
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #242 on: December 20, 2019, 01:02 PM »
I just got back from my first viewing, and I absolutely feel like I need some time to think about what I've just seen.  Quick impressions?

-I agree that the movie seemed like it was racing from one scene to the next.  Having moments for the story to breathe would have been good.
-The movie was dense - so much ground to cover, and it seemed like there was not sufficient time to cover it all.
-Palpatine's return  is going to remain one of those great mysteries that will evoke a lot of discussion.
-Rey training with Leia was poignant.  As was Luke's story of training Leia.  I think about what might have been had Carrie survived to take part in the movie.

I have to see the movie again, and I already have tickets to go tomorrow.
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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #243 on: December 20, 2019, 06:22 PM »
I've had 24 hours to digest the movie now, so have a couple of theories on issues people brought up:

#1 - I was surprised that they actually did cover a back story for Snoke, at least a little bit.  There were growing tanks in one of the scenes where Palpatine was creating the shell for Snoke bodies.  I took it that Snoke really is just a mouthpiece for Palpatine.  He didn't really have story other than that and his disfigurement was all just part of the Emperor trying to create an organic, force sensitive shell. I'm sure he was running a variety of different experiments with all the time that he had.

#2 - How did the Emperor survive ROTJ?  Still something of a mystery, but I think there's a clue near the end.  If Rey and Ben and Baby Yoda can summon life force to heal wounds, I think Palpatine can too, but directing the energy back into himself.  You see him regenerate his hand in seconds and he's further regenerated after blasting Rey and Ben.  So, after his fall on the DS, he could have likewise summoned the life energy of others on the station to regenerate. He could likely get to a ship from there or Mary Poppins himself through space if he had to I guess.

#3 - The Knights of Ren. These guys had almost no purpose.  They seem like Ben's entourage, but then side with Palpatine at the end because...?  Maybe he was controlling them the whole time as well, but that seemed odd to me.

#4 - Lando wasn't a coincidence.  Pretty sure he says that Leia sent him to warn the others.  He could have been on the planet already or near the system.  His role was mostly behind the scenes, but someone had to get the word out to the other systems to come help, so that was a good use of the character in my opinion.

#5 - I think the Jannah character was added because Rose is such a terrible actress.  That role was just to give Finn some acceptance of his own past, so they left Rose at home and added Jannah instead.  Not a pivotal character, but I can see why they added her.

#6 - I thought it was weird that they skipped most of Palpatine's son/daughter storyline to go directly to Rey.  Maybe he inseminated lots of women and most of his offspring didn't have force powers, but granddaughter Rey did?  That seems like a big plot point to just leave out.

#7 - I don't understand why Han is very nervous about jumping into the atmosphere of a planet in TFA, but Poe can jump from one world to the next with just meters to spare without hitting anything or causing adverse effects?  Suspend belief there I guess.

#8 - Why does the Falcon "crash" when the landing gear fails?  It doesn't have wheels to land like a plane, so couldn't it just hover and set down awkwardly?  That scene kind of bugged me.

#9 - I always took it that Palpatine kind of "fathered" Anakin, which would mean in a way that he somewhat created the Skywalker line.  If that's true, then aren't Ben and Rey like 2nd cousins?  The theme of cousins and siblings making out in Star Wars movies is a little odd.

#10 - Force Ghosts make no sense!  I still don't understand how Yoda can shoot lightning or Luke can hold a lightsaber in their "astral" form.  If so, materialize near Palpatine and make a building fall on him and you'd avoid all this fighting.  I did hear a theory that there is a difference between a force ghost and the ability to actually reincorporate for a limited amount of time, which would give them physical abilities, but that still seems odd.  Or, did they know that Palpatine would transfer his essence into whoever killed him, thus making him supremely powerful if he transferred into a form that could dematerialize and reform at will all around the galaxy?  Hmmn....

#11 - BONUS - I really liked the take on Palpatine having all the Sith "with him" in conjunction with the power to transfer his essence into his successor.  Seems like that's the Sith plan all along set up by Bane and the reason for the rule of 2.  When the Master dies, he actually joins with the apprentice, making each Sith stronger and smarter than the last.
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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #244 on: December 20, 2019, 09:17 PM »
I liked the movie. My 10-year old son really liked it. I do need to see it again to get a more honest read, I went into it with such trepidation yesterday that it might have gotten a big pass from me by not being a horrible mess. My son asked me to rank the "Skywalker Saga" movies on the drive home last night and this one slotted in at #7. In his ranking it was #4.

A few random thoughts I haven't seen mentioned here yet...

* My son was extremely creeped out by Palpatine's milky blind eyes. To the point where he was squirming when they talked about going back to his planet because he didn't want to see that again.

* I get the feeling "Claude" got mostly cut from the movie. He was onboard the Falcon at the beginning, but just barely. They mentioned him by name and he was with our main crew so I locked him in as someone to remember, but then he was just totally removed to background shots.

*As far as the hyperspace skipping...I would guess Han pushed that envelope to the point that he proved atmospheric jumping is possible, and now hotshot pilots are testing it to see how far it can go. You will notice doing it breaks the Falcon.

* I think my favorite bit of TLJ-correction was the inclusion of the young Mon Cal that someone called "Junior." I am assuming "Ackbar Jr."

* When Rey decides to hunt down Palpatine, the "Ancient Jedi Text" she consults is Luke's personal journal. So either Luke decided that belonged in the revered library, or she swiped it from his hovel. Either way I chuckled at the audacity.

*JJ can write funny Threepio stuff. He was comic "gold" here (and I always liked his humor in TFA too.)

*Since the "Sith Wayfinder" had been moved to Palpatine's hidden boudoir just off the throne room aboard the Death Star II, I am going to assume from here on out that he was making the station his permanent residence as of ROTJ. This further confirms my own "Krennic's Law: if you build a planet-destroying weapon, make sure you never find yourself on the surface of a planet."

*I could almost see the Disney+ logo appear in the corner after Lando and Jannah talked about finding her homeworld.

*Seems to me that Luke, Leia and Ben all inherited their Force abilities from Anakin and their "dying when the story is done with them" abilities from Padme. I did not understand why any of these people died, Leia especially. She shouted, maybe Force-shouted, and that killed her? Did Kylo's stab wound kill her? I just didn't get it.

*Chief Wicket! My kind of superfluous fan-service!

That's all I've got for now.

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #245 on: December 20, 2019, 10:11 PM »
John Williams score was absolutely fantastic

Luke raising his X-Wing to Yoda’s theme (as a ghost none the less) and smiling was fantastic

Loved the Jedi talking to Rey but they made some odd choices to include...Kanan? Aayla?  Adi Gallia who never spoke in the prequels?   

Like others have said the Endgame parallels are definitely there as the fleet shows up but man that scene with all the ships gave me absolute goosebumps.   

I will admit that I really didn’t get too emotional which surprised me, I cried like a baby when Tony Stark died and during his funeral...but I will say that the final scene with Rey and Ben was absolutely perfect

I smiled the whole way home and still have a big grin on my face, long live Star Wars

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #246 on: December 20, 2019, 11:45 PM »
After a second viewing, I enjoyed the film a lot more.  Not a perfect movie, but very enjoyable.

I'm also now convinced Finn is force sensitive and that's what he was going to tell Rey.
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #247 on: December 21, 2019, 08:47 AM »
My second viewing is going to be later today, and I'm interested to see how it will play for me this time around.

I think it became very apparent that the secrets of Darth Plagueis may have been revealed, but not in a completely overt way.  Witness the resurrection of Palpatine, who seemed far from whole at the beginning of the movie.  For Palpatine?  I'm suspecting cloning, since his face seemed to not be melted, and it also seems that he has been able to transfer his consciousness from one body to another.

And then there was the display of the healing powers of the Force in a more concrete form.  We saw a hint of it in ROTS as Palpatine tended to Anakin on Mustafar, and then the more overt display of this power by the Child in this week's episode of "The Mandalorian".

I have to admit, the whole back and forth between Finn and Poe regarding what Finn was going to say to Rey was pretty funny, but also had an awkward undertone.  It seemed like someone was eventually going to be the third wheel.  But considering what happened at the end of the movie?  I don't know that Rey would wind up going for ANYBODY.  That, plus Finn seemed to have some kind of chemistry with Jannah.  And then Poe and Zorri at the end?  That played out perfectly from a comedic standpoint.

Having Wedge pop in as a gunner on the Falcon was nice from a continuity standpoint.  And the John Williams cameo was a great way to include the maestro of Star Wars. 

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Offline Brian

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #248 on: December 21, 2019, 09:08 AM »
Saw it last night, and really, really liked it. It really was a fast paced, packed film though and I need a couple more viewings to take it all in. Some things I really liked:

*Chewie gets his medal!
*Luke raising the X-Wing
*The lightsaber battles
*The fleet arriving
*Having the new trilogy “big 3” together, they really do have good chemistry
*I thought it was a great movie for 3PO
*Wicket! I had heard he showed up, sort of hoped he’d be helping on the Falcon or something
*Nice integration of Leia I thought
*Little return of Han/return of Ben Solo
*Brief Luke/Leia training scene

And so much more. Even though it is “the end”, I felt there was so much story to still tell. Finn/Jannah’s backstory, is Finn Force sensitive?, what’s next for Rey, etc. kind of hoping we see some Disney Plus shows or something more with these characters. Say what you want about the ST, but I feel like much of the casting is pretty great. Very likeable actors/characters. Can’t wait to see it again.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 09:23 AM by Brian »

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #249 on: December 21, 2019, 01:09 PM »
My story for getting to see this was fun. Had tickets for Thursday night (the 19th) with the same group I always go with. The weekend before I was writing with my British friend at a coffee shop when a work colleague texted asking if could cover him on a 4 day gig. Tuesday through Friday, the shooting days, Wednesday and Thursday, being nights. I reluctantly agreed. After getting booked and going back to my work, it suddenly hit me and I said a frustrated curse semi-loudly - I had agreed to work Thursday night in conflict with seeing the movie.

Obviously work was more important and I laughed luck. So did my British friend.

About an hour later my, British friend asked me about what I was doing Tuesday night. I didn't have anything to do, so she signed me up for the BAFTA screening to see Star Wars. Never knew she was in the British Film and TV academy.  So I got to see Star Wars on the 17th.

I felt the movie was the best of the Sequel trilogy. I really enjoyed it. But, it's still a JJ Abrams movie. Very fun, but very flawed.
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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #250 on: December 21, 2019, 03:59 PM »
This has already been said but Poe Rey Finn really played well off each other. Kudos to the actors.
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Offline McMetal

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #251 on: December 21, 2019, 07:52 PM »
So which character did the Dr Who guy play? Did I blink and miss it?

Edit: never mind, I see this turned out to be another red herring.

Killing Eve chick as Rey’s mom was a nice touch though.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2019, 07:55 PM by McMetal »
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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #252 on: December 22, 2019, 12:27 AM »

  • I would have liked to see more internal struggle with Kylo before he returned to being Ben.  That seemed too abrupt.

I mean, to me we had two films of that before this one...  :)

I just got home and am going to bed, but this one was by far my favorite of the three.  There were a few things I didn't love, but it finally had the gravitas, the seriousness, and the danger that I didn't think the others did.  I loved all the Palpatine / Sith temple / Sith coliseum stuff...

I need way more toys from this movie.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 12:30 AM by Rob »

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #253 on: December 22, 2019, 01:21 AM »
So which character did the Dr Who guy play? Did I blink and miss it?

Edit: never mind, I see this turned out to be another red herring.

Killing Eve chick as Rey’s mom was a nice touch though.

Cut from the film, apparently. Rumor is he was supposed to play Palpatine until someone told JJ to ask Ian if he wanted to return.

Also, the leaks over the summer said that Jannah was supposed to be Lando's daughter, with the reason Lando was on Pasana because he was depressed over the First Order kidnapping her. That was obviously cut.
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (SPOILERS)
« Reply #254 on: December 22, 2019, 06:18 AM »
Also, the leaks over the summer said that Jannah was supposed to be Lando's daughter, with the reason Lando was on Pasana because he was depressed over the First Order kidnapping her. That was obviously cut.

That one seems like it might have been either too convenient or wishful fan thinking.  It gets back to that whole "trying to make the universe bigger, not smaller" conversation.  And I like the way the interactions between Lando and Jannah played out.  In the past I had always thought of Lando as a bit of a hustler, even post ROTJ when he really became much more of a straight arrow.  In TROS, Lando is much more of a trusted ally who can help Leia navigate some more murky situations.  But his heart is very much in the right place.  His reunion with Chewie on Pasana was one of the more touching moments in the movie.  And when he offered to help Jannah find her family at the end of the film?  To me, Lando finally seemed like a more fully realized character with a sense of dedication and compassion.

But having Jannah and her group be former Stormtroopers?  I like the story notes that it evokes - Finn isn't the only Stormtrooper to have defected from the First Order.  This group seems ready to help rise up against the First Order, too.  Plus Finn and Jannah are able to form a kind of kinship through this shared experience they've been through.  They were both taken as children from their homes and families.

As I'm writing this now TFA is playing on cable.  The Force vision scene played, and I took note of Ochi's ship taking off from the surface of Jakku.  And sure enough the ship started heading towards something red in space, much like the red storm / nebula that had to be navigated to reach Exogol.

I've also been thinking about the title of the movie and what it means.  And I got the sense that it can refer to two things - the redemption of Ben Solo as the heir to Skywalker as he was meant to be.  He had told his father that his son was dead, that he killed him.  And in Rey's act of healing him following their duel?  She helped to resurrect Ben Solo.  And the same might be thought of Ben's sacrifice as he saved Rey.  She fell as a Palpatine, but rose as a Skywalker.
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