Multimedia > The Prequel Trilogy

Ewan McGregor hates Star Wars

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Jesse James:
Thank you Tracy, spoken with true rationale thought on my post.  I appreciate that.

My nuts are quite intact.  There's plenty of hot chicks in that movie, and I noticed them.  Not the least of which is the beautiful Nicole Kidman in skimpy outfits.  My nuts and I all 3 noticed her, trust me.

A lot of creative types don't like the previous work they've done. I've had teachers who have written novels who never read them after they finished them.

Maybe in McGregor's mind, he feels he could have done a better job. Star Wars did take up eight years of his life- you get tired of anything in that amount of time.

Very weird... wonder if he dislikes his bank account as well ?

It is kinda funny how he parallels Alec Guiness a bit.  Alec thought that the dialog was very odd and was more proud of Bridge over River Kwai which did earn him an oscar, or even Lawrence of Arabia which is arguably one of the greatest films of all time, but Star Wars was what made him financially secure for the rest of his life.

Granted, Ewan has done a lot of great films in his career as well, but I bet most people will recognize him from films like Star Wars and The Island rather than some of the indie films he's so proud of.

Darth Broem:
The British seems to do this quite a bit with Star Wars.  Liam Neeson said pretty much the same, Alec Guiness, and now McGregor.  But yeah, you never see any them giving the money back to Lucas.  I don't know why McGregor would care he's been lucky to get in other stuff and not get typecast as Kenobi.  I think that was Alec's big gripe that nobody would recognize him for anything else after doing SW.    But what is more important?  Being remembered greatly by audiences in at least one film or by stuffy critics reactions to acclaimed performances?  I can see a case for both but in the end it's how your performance(s) are remembered by the public.  I would think? 


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