Author Topic: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)  (Read 62171 times)

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Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« on: March 3, 2015, 12:53 AM »
Jump to minute 9 for a Season 2 Sneak Peek

A-Wings?!?  :o  Can't wait to hear what Jesse thinks of that...
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #1 on: March 3, 2015, 01:15 AM »
Actually, depends on your POV, but A-Wings were possibly even at Yavin in a prototype "spearhead" form (See the ICS books, and X-Wing. :P), so I'm not sure...  I'm ok with it maybe...  I've always viewed them as pre-ANH vehicles, but barely pre-ANH.  The XW and YW fighters were the backbone till the battle of Yavin....  and I've always envisioned like dozens of other fighter types used, by any number of cells and outposts. 

I even have toyed with a repaint (and some reworking) of the V-19 to a Rebel deco, but taking it a step further and stripping it down in some ways, and armoring it up in others, to make it look like it fits in with another TCW era ship that's seeing new life in the Alliance...  I figure the V-19's were AW's when AW's weren't widespread or even designed yet.  I figure the V-19's were early "intereceptors" for the Alliance...  no Hyperdrive, but shields and a lot of them in surplus around the galaxy...  Kinda like the YW.

Anyway, that all always kinda tied to the AW in my mind, and lineage in a way...  Or at least if not lineage, necessity for the AW to come into being so the Alliance had fast nimble craft capable of interception since their fleets wouldn't want to engage if possible to avoid it.

Yeah I can talk about this stuff all night.  :-[


And upon watching, YES, those appear to be prototype A-Wings, which I believe were called Spearheads or Arrowheads, I forget.  It's in the ICS for Yavin Base...  And they're using the McConcept Art for the early A-Wing too!  Or so it seems anyway.  I love it!  Another thing I've had on my custom "to-do list" for a long, long time.  One can only hope they crank out some of that stuff.

I love that Corellian ship design for Phoenix Squad too (assuming that's part of it).  A Corellian variant of a CR90?  Or a whole other designation?  Is that where they launch attacks from?  There was a CR-type vessel in Mysteries of the Sith that had hangar bars aboard instead of traditional cargo holds and carried a squad of X-Wings.  I love that stuff.
« Last Edit: March 3, 2015, 01:25 AM by Jesse James »
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #2 on: March 3, 2015, 03:34 PM » Owner/Content Manager
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #3 on: March 3, 2015, 03:49 PM »
I thought they were a later design, but I don't care when A-Wings were supposedly introduced. They will introduce things or add things at leisure.
Think about how unnecessary the AT-DP pilot is, why aren't they just AT-ST drivers? Why aren't the speeder bikes operated by scout troopers? Does it matter? Like the inquisitors are sort of bending the Sith rule of two again...but it also seems to the sith's standard operating procedure to groom up and coming force users so they can slay their master or apprentice.

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #4 on: March 3, 2015, 04:49 PM »
Cool to see Sarah Michelle Gellar join - let the speculation begin on who she is.

A-Wings - as a kid I always assumed the 'used universe' quality of the GFFA meant virtually everything we saw existed prior to when we saw it. Sometimes in the PT when they tried to show evolutions into the future - the Y-Wing, I guess the Jedi Starfighters - it seemed more that these were what the OT versions would have evolved into rather than out of.

I'm more and more excited for the arrival of Ahsoka the more I think about it. It has staggering implications for the show and the future. Kanan and Ezra may expect a fellow Jedi, but she's not a Jedi and I wonder what impact her perspective will have on them. What does her agnosticism mean for Kanan/Hera? As Kanan embraces more of the Jedi way, does that mean his relationship with Hera is in trouble, or does Ahsoka advocate a different path? Maybe Ahsoka, Kanan and Ezra don't go down in flames at the end of this series. l'll go ahead and predict they don't. What if they form the nucleus of a non-Jedi light side movement? I've been on the potential of Ahsoka's journey outside of the Jedi order ever since the end of CW, but this excerpt from Dave Filoni's interview with last night really got me going: I have a bit of a continuity challenge for you. In Return of the Jedi, Yoda tells Luke, "When gone am I, the last of the Jedi will you be." But now he knows that Kanan and Ezra are out there. We obviously don't know at this point what will happen to them, but is that something you're aware of?

Dave Filoni: I don't see it as a challenge at all. It's what the Sith call an absolute. When Obi-Wan says to Luke, "Your father was the greatest starfighter pilot in the galaxy," is that true? Or is that something you tell a kid because you want him to believe his father was great? It doesn't have to be empirical or absolutely true. Saying Luke is "the last," is that a singular thing, or is he the last of a group? I don't know.

It definitely is something that comes up, and we discuss that moment all the time for what it could mean. It is possible to interpret it as, Luke is the last person that's following the path as laid out by the Jedi Order, which we knew. The way of the Jedi is not the only way to use the light side of the Force. Luke is taught by Obi-Wan and Yoda, who very much followed the dogma of the day. So, he is the last of that line for sure. That's absolutely true. But you don't have to be a Jedi to use the Force. You don't have to be a Sith to use the dark side.

This I think has massive implications for what may be happening in the ST era, where at least we can say with certainty that the post ROTJ Jedi order Luke established in the comics/books is NOT happening. What is or isn't actually happening with Luke and his successors remains to be seen, but in any event, Luke would have to confront the failures of the old Jedi Order in creating a new one and a great counterpoint and balance to that would be the perspective that Ahsoka, or perhaps her disciples, embody.

What's even more fascinating to me is that this is the influence of Anakin reaching into the OT and maybe ST. Not Anakin as Vader but Anakin as a failed Jedi. I know a lot of people scoffed at the seeming ret-con of giving him an apprentice, but I don't think anyone would argue Ahsoka was a bad idea now. In fact, she may have single handedly rehabilitated the PT, and as her codename in Rebels suggests, she may in fact be the thing that ties all this together. Looking back, it makes a lot of sense Anakin had an apprentice. I'd argue the details of it - rather than having her imposed on Anakin, it would have been more in keeping with his character that he take upon himself to train someone else - but that doesn't matter. What matters is that him having an apprentice balloons his already inflated ego, creates tension between him and Obi-Wan and leads Ahsoka down a path that questions the order, it's failures with Anakin, itself and the Republic. Those questions will be front and center as Luke trains a new generation and considers reestablishing the order. Anakin's teachings, his conflict and ultimate failure as a teacher inform Ahsoka's entire way of life. We may end up seeing her as his one success.

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #5 on: March 3, 2015, 05:26 PM »
I didn't mind Ahsoka as an apprentice, personally...  For me, his training her was something the war kind of was pushing (lack of Masters, and need for more apprentices).  I also think it's likely everyone had many masters in their upbringing.  Almost like sub-apprentices.  I think it was a complex thing.

Regarding A-Wings, when I got into SW at first I always viewed them as a Rebellion-only kind of a ship, ala the B-Wing, and something (since we didn't see them anywhere in the movies) that was new to the universe around the time of ROTJ...  It wasn't till I played X-Wing that my thought on that was challenged somewhat, and they were placed a good deal earlier (Pre-ANH era).  Then ultimately the ICS ran with that as well, sneaking some of the earlier model A-Wings into the Yavin Temple Hangar cutaway and stuff, and I thought it was neat that they possibly DID have more.

Likewise Vader's TIE wasn't as unique as it seemed, and that model sans hyperdrive existed to elite pilots.  It's another challenge to the scenario the movies set up.

I've said it before regarding what Disney's doing...  To me, they're no different than EU authors, and I'm sure people will like or hate a lot of what they do.  I don't personally view them as an authority.  It's like someone writing new LOTR fiction and saying it's on a level with what Tolkien wrote...  As much as Lucas can be annoying, he still is the universe's creator so I tend to view this Disney stuff as secondary to him, ultimately.  I've never quite understood why people were bent outta shape on the EU situation because of that.  Enjoy it.  They can't make it disappear from your mind, so just have fun with what you like, and how you enjoy Star Wars.

Anyway, I dig seeing Ahsoka and I'm under the assumption she will be offed at some point by Vader.  I'd be shocked if this didn't happen, actually, and possibly before ANH, to better help seal up the whole Jedi being extinct thing.  Maybe not, I don't know.  She may have left the order but she was still a Jedi.
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #6 on: March 4, 2015, 02:25 PM »
Gellar will be the new Inquisitor (mara jade possibly)   :)

and i did notice there is a curvature to Ahsoka's new sabers when she was coming down the ladder. who else had curved saber hilts? Ventress. so wondering if there was sometime in between her departing the Jedi Temple and Rebels that Ahsoka and Ventress spent together. who knows what if Ventress also had a hand in starting the Rebellion.

Some people may or may not have liked Starkiller, but i think most people liked the storyline of the first game anyways. but i'd like to see that character somehow re-intro'd into Rebels.
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #7 on: March 5, 2015, 09:47 AM »
Well Ahsoka and Ventress were buddies at the end there. Maybe they trained each other in combat? The good girl and the goth girl as rebel roommates?
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #8 on: March 5, 2015, 11:45 AM »
I'm hopeful we see Asajj again, and maybe as partners in crime (ok, armed rebellion) with Ahsoka. These two are totally the Harley and Ivy of the SW universe and it would be in keeping with both their character trajectories at the end of CW that they would end up on the same path. Asajj was never and never will be a Sith; Ahsoka is no longer a Jedi. Asajj was drifting back towards the light side and it would be really interesting to see the two of them in this non-afffilated light side column Dave Filoni discussed. Going back to Harley/Ivy for a second, and my thoughts about Ahsoka being in the ST, if she does she'll totally be the Harley of SW at that point.

UPDATE: Link to IGN interview where Dave Filoni discusses the idea of Ahsoka in the movies, and if you read between the lines, suggests this is an idea that has already come up:
« Last Edit: March 5, 2015, 02:46 PM by Darby »

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #9 on: March 6, 2015, 05:03 PM »
Next Inquisitor will be Barriss Offee. And Ahsoka will have to kill her.

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #10 on: March 9, 2015, 09:15 AM »
I don't think Ahsoka would have any problem doing the deed.
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #11 on: April 1, 2015, 05:25 PM »
Anybody have any idea on rough release date for Season 2?  I swear my kids ask me every day when a new Star Wars Rebels will be on...

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #12 on: April 1, 2015, 09:00 PM »
October, no?
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Re: Star Wars Rebels - Season 2 (Spoilers)
« Reply #13 on: April 1, 2015, 10:31 PM »
The first episode is going to be shown at Celebration but when it will be shown on TV/online I haven't heard or when the actual season starts.

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« Last Edit: April 18, 2015, 03:57 PM by Jayson » Owner/Content Manager
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