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Some preview pics and a little taste of K.O.E. Chapter 2 in the Photo Novels section.

Photonovels and Movies / K.O.E. Preview - 3/15/06
« on: February 23, 2006, 11:48 PM »
OK, I really am working on Chapter 2...

A little taste (albeit not a really great one)

A lone, factory-fresh LAAT rumbles through the morning air. The steady rapping of the engines echoes against Coruscant’s mighty facades, creating a strangely calming white noise for the passengers.

. . .

The din of the Scourge III's engines slows as the pilot points the belly of the gunship at the approaching platform below. The morning fog is too thick to get a good visual, but the crew know who is waiting for them below.


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Customs by Fritzkrieg Update 02-21-2006
« on: February 22, 2006, 04:37 PM »
Hey Fritz - what type of material do you use? Microfiber or something?

Awesome, awesome work.

You need to do some kind of Zombie PN. Oooooohhhh... I have an idea that involves Darth Plagueis! :P

Photonovels and Movies / Re: K.O.E.: Chapter 1 - Necessary Trust
« on: February 22, 2006, 03:42 PM »
I have a draft that I keep reworking. I took a set of pics last night for Chapter 2.

It's in progress. I promise. :)

I will probably not be able to work on the story tonight as I am heading out to a ballgame for the evening, but stay tuned.

Thanks for your kind comments, S_A

Photonovels and Movies / Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« on: February 21, 2006, 11:09 PM »
Nice work on the special effects, S_A

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Pointer needed: Sculpted on "fabric"
« on: February 21, 2006, 04:24 PM »

(2) Take some thread or really thin yarn and wind it around the upper forearm and the shins to make them thicker - you can dry brush the thread afterwards and it helps give it a good blend to the plastic, but you'll probably want to repaint some of the figure too (at least his clothes)

The thread is a method I used on my Quinlan Vos -


Darth Ripley - Thanks for your response. I'm a real fence-sitter when it comes to soft goods. Sometimes I really dig them, other times not so much. On this particular figure I want the "material" to sit relatively snug to the body underneath the robe, so I'm thinking something wrapped and glued will work better.

Thanks for your response too, CHEWIE. This is more the kind of effect I was looking for. Good stuff.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« on: February 21, 2006, 12:00 PM »

Never did congratulate you on the 'Horns victory over USC. VY isone for the ages...

This update and your recent updates have been wonderful reads. You have a real knack in the Star Wars (and Seinfeld) tradition for telling multiple stories at one time that add up to one BIG story. It's a true talent, and you've got it and then some.

The political shuffle regarding the Coruscant security forces is interesting. I assume Palpy is just doing this to make sure he has Clones planet-side for Order 66, but I also sense there might be something more... Tarkin's suggestion of moving the summit off Coruscant was either a deliberate ruse to make the Chancellor look good by insisting the summit happen at the Capitol or something more... you have me guessing!

Shade is a lot of fun. I really do get the Boba Fett vibe from him (I also get a little bit of a Batman vibe with how he disappears :) ) I'm not sure Mace would stand for his demeanor, though. Shade must be a heck of a fine weapon for Mace to give him the kind of lattitude he does.

As for Commander EZ, I think he has just the right amount of arrogance to make him a foil for Master Tiin. If they all just went along and didn't question, we wouldn't see the more broodish side of Tiin. Nice work in putting those two together. Without EZ to bring out Tiin we wouldn't know more than we did from the entire prequel trilogy and the Clone Wars. :?

Really great work. Bravo.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Pointer needed: Sculpted on "fabric"
« on: February 21, 2006, 09:30 AM »
Well, the elbows don't actually move much. He has a pivot there, but not much else. I'd be willing to give it up to achieve a certain look.

Great ideas, though. I'm going to keep them all in mind.


Star Wars Ships and Vehicles / Re: Custom AT-TT
« on: February 21, 2006, 01:35 AM »
Also WRT weathering, the ROTS era Republic gear tends to have a *lot* of wear to it. Not to say it wouldn't have been shiny new at some point. :)

It looks great as is, though.

*Great* generic Rebel Trooper - I would say with the Derlin body and some articulated knees this would be the definitive version of the trooper. Really good-looking set here. Perhaps take the second Derlin and use the other POTF2 Rebel Trooper head on it.

Great stuff, CHEWIE.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Pointer needed: Sculpted on "fabric"
« on: February 21, 2006, 01:03 AM »
So I made this guy some time back with spare parts. The main thing I'm not too keen on is the elbow area. The funky ball joints from the Ask Aak forearms fit OK in the sockets in the Plo Koon upper arms, but the look is awful. I was thinking of taking strips of paper towel, newspaper or maybe even shreds of tissue and dipping it in a solution of elmer's glue and water, then wrapping the area to build up the upper sleeve over the lower arm. Anyone ever try this?

I's also like to create half shoes for the ankles and perhaps a scarf to fix the so-so marriage of the Ask Aak neck and Koon shoulders...

Depending on how this works this guy will be a Jedi or a thug... right now he's more of a thug. :)

Does this sound like it would work? Other suggestions?

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Magnifing glass?
« on: February 18, 2006, 11:12 PM »
Was that the thing in 40 Year Old Virgin?

Yes. Yes it was. :)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Brent's Customs - Update 2/17
« on: February 17, 2006, 11:17 AM »
Perhaps a repainted Wookie Warrior bandolier would work? Or a single IG-88 bandolier? You would probably have to tighten up the former, but that's always easier than trying to make something bigger. :)

That's a sweet vignette, CHEWIE.

I agree that if GL had given the Ewoks some sort of edge (other than seeing ONE die), people might have more respect for them. It's like the Gungans. Jar Jar sucks pretty hard, but the species is actually not too bad, particularly their warriors (aside from the googly talk).

Ewoks, on the other hand, even fight battles like teddy bears. :P

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