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Messages - EUCustomMan

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The Prequel Trilogy / How many Troopers make a squad in ROTS?
« on: August 19, 2005, 04:17 PM »
I used to play the WEG RPG and it said "in the Empire era 8 Stormtroopers made up a squad" and "in the Republic days a squad was 12 troopers".
Since Lucas has actually made movies about the Republic Era now, I was wondering if anyone actually knows what the # of troopers in a Republic era squad is?

I've heard the #'s 4, 8 and 12 used. Any ideas?????

Yes, I'm an army builder.

GOOD LORD!  That is awesome!!!   I love it!

What all parts did you use?  Holy hell, my jaw dropped, I fell out of my chair, and I need a beer.   :)


Head is Shak Ti (repositioned), Arms and Legs are Mara Jade, Torso is a Scarlet GI Joe, and the holster is Han Cantina. The belt is sculpted.

This figure isn't new, but she's one of my favorite SW hotties.
I'd post a couple more if my computer would stop shutting down when I come to the forums.

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