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Messages - urban fox

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The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Slaughter of the Padawans
« on: August 5, 2003, 06:25 PM »
Kill the padawans, Kill KILL!!!!!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: The Slaughter of the Padawans
« on: August 5, 2003, 12:59 PM »
I just suddenly realised, If we do see the birth of the twins, which I hope we do, we'll have to put up with Padme being fat for most of the film!  I really don't think stretch marks will be too flatering in a gold bikini!


Anyway I reakon George will wimp out and have the Jedi temple being blown up.  How good would it be though if the young padawns i.e. teenagers, were trying to defend the younglings 6/7 year olds.  They almost hold their own and they're all really brave, even the younglings do well till a bounty hunter or Anakin enters and tips the scales away from them.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode 3 running time...
« on: August 5, 2003, 12:39 PM »
back to the running time theme though there does seem an awful lot to fit into two hours.

Anakin getting more evil
More clone wars
Anakin vs Dooku
Obi vs Anakin fight
Padme fleeing Anakin
the birth of the twins
the start of the Jedi purge
Bail taking a stand against Palpy
End of the trade federation
Chewies cameo
Obi and Yoda fleeing
R2 and C3PO having their memories wiped

I guess a lot is going to be left to our imagination but I can't help but feel if only Episode 1 could be erased and he made this end of the story into 2 films we'd be better off!  Maybe he could call Episode 1 "star wars the begining" and call aotc episode 1.  

I don't want any romatic rubbish george style but I think the final film, covering the pinicle moment in all 6 films should have a bit of time spent on it.  If Anakin turns at the start it doesn't have enough time spent on his downfall, at the end and we won't see enough of vader killing off the Jedi.

Here's hoping for a mid-film down fall with care taken over a believable turn to evil and some kick arse Mace/Jedi killling action.  I really hope Vader kills some big name Jedi Kit Fisto, Mace, Plu Kloon, Ki Adi etc  please don't leave that to our imaginations.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Obi-Wan...First Pics And His Astromech!
« on: August 5, 2003, 12:26 PM »
You have to remember that Obi is very old "surely he must be dead by now" and he spent a lot of time in the desert heat. When Luke found him he was wondering round the desert barking like a dog and scaring sand people.  I think we can forgive the poor ol' guy if he's forgotten a thing or two.

If that bloody crystal, or any other artifact that gives the wielder strange powers, is in it I'll cry!  This film should be so simple.  No flying R2's, No crystals, Slapstick to a minimum, lots of Jedi fighting, cool death scenes and an outstanding Obi - Anakin duel.  It's that simple.  Lightsabers and starships are the only plot helpers it needs.  Lets not encourage him with talk of magical stones!

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode 3 running time...
« on: August 5, 2003, 04:10 AM »
I agree really.  With a  decent script writer and director the films would be even bigger than they are now.  George does have a good eye for design, even if it is nearly all down to his art dep.

Besides he pours his own cash into it, I guess I don't blame him for wanting to do everything.  

But if George directing makes you want to scream read this and you'll kill someone.   Copy and paste web address below for more info.

Weep for how good it could have been.  

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Is Mace Windu a "bad egg"...?
« on: August 4, 2003, 04:29 PM »
My moneys on Qui-gon.

He was defient of the council and did what he must/thought was right.
He was losing faith in the jedi order, if not he would not have been so difient.
He had access to the library and could have erased the files.
He thought he was investing in security for the future, not intentionally being evil, probably with Palpy's help.
The clones were ordered when he was alive and he died around the same time as the mystrerious Sifo-dyas, the one who ordered the clones.
He'll be in Ep3, perhaps to explain to Obi or Yoda what he'd done.
His mentor was in league with Palapy, perhaps introduced them.
Dooku says to Obi that he wishes that Qui-gon was there with him and that he'd help him, maybe that wasn't a lie.  Maybe he would have helped him.

I'm going to give Mace a break,  Qui-gon's my bad egg!!!!

I think there will have to be a subtle move to kill the Jedi, or to claim that they are evil, I don't believe that the senate would last till ep4 when Tarkin says it has been disbanded if Palpatine was so evil.  Later on "fear will keep them in line" but to start with a less obvious culling of the Jedi.  Bounty hunters and dark jedi rather than storm/clone troopers.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Episode 3 running time...
« on: August 4, 2003, 04:08 PM »
MisterPl, I have to wonder why someone so enraged and hateful of the last two movies takes the time to vist and talk on a chatroom.  Methinks you're a bigger fan of the last films than you let one, why else would you be here!

Sure they could have been better, ep1 a lot, lot better but you still loved them and you'll watch Ep3 at least a couple of times.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Obi-Wan...First Pics And His Astromech!
« on: August 4, 2003, 03:58 PM »
On hypers[ace they joked "before anyone writes in and says that Obi couldn't remember ever owning a droid he didn't say anything about leasing one."  I'm sure this is just a joke but I susspect the Jedi are give droids for starfights or to help out on some missions.  He never has to own it.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Bail Organa...Expanded Role
« on: July 30, 2003, 09:44 AM »
On hyperspace it said that Bail returns fire near his speeder ( a mighty fine, sleek red and silver number)  So hopefully he will become heavily involved in the action.  "You served my father during the clone wars" What service is this?  I always used to think that he fought for him, but now I'm thinking that Bail gave obi orders to hide luke and he would take liea and padma.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Who kills who in E3
« on: July 28, 2003, 04:02 PM »
George says that Dooka and Yoda will not fight each other again but they do both fight.  I agree that anakin kills Dooka mirroring ROTJ.  The official site says that Mace "goes out like a viking"  What ever that means sound good.  let's hope he dies protecting the jedi younglings from bounty hunters or destroyers.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Landing Pads...
« on: July 28, 2003, 03:59 PM »
George has himself said that there will be more new locations in 3 than any other film.  I susspect we will see Alderan, and probably Kysheek (spelling wrong) the Wookie home planet as Chewie and other wookies are in it!

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