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Messages - Nicklab

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Book Club: What Are You Reading Now?
« on: September 6, 2012, 03:55 AM »
"A Clash of Kings" by George R R Martin.  Just finished "A Game of Thrones" a week ago.  I have yet to see the series, so I'm happy about that.

The books and the television series have definitely been divergent of one another.  That was more apparent with season 2.  I'm wondering if the next couple of seasons of the HBO series will be more true to the books, since they're going to be stretching book 3 into two seasons of the tv show.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Will your collecting habits change?
« on: September 6, 2012, 03:06 AM »
Looking at those first couple of waves of the DROID FACTORY line, I definitely feel like I SHOULD be selective.  The definite buys for me?

Wave 1
- Arena Padme (It's about time!) BUY
- Rockets R2  (Gotta wait and see if this is any kind of improvement over the 2007 release)
- Ep2 Anakin  BUY
- Ep2 Clone SGT (Meh.  Is this a removable helmet version?)
- Geonosian Warrior (Meh)
- Luminara  (Looks like a definite improvement over the ROTS version) BUY
- Biker Scout (Is this the same as the Speeder Bike pack-in?)
- TIE Pilot  BUY
- RED Battle Droid (Meh)
- Sandtrooper (Black Pauldron)  (Meh.  How many Sandtroopers does one person need?)
- Pablo Jill  BUY
- 212th Clone (Again? Meh)

BADs = TC-70 & FA-4

Wave 2
Mace Windu Clone Wars Armor  BUY
Captain Rex  BUY
Luke Yavin Ceremony (Significant improvement over the 30AC version) BUY
Mara Jade Jedi  BUY
Darth Vader Bespin  BUY
A-Wing Pilot  BUY
Biggs Darklighter  (Significant improvement over the 30AC version) BUY
Ep 2 Clone Pilot (Meh)

The only incentive that I can see for buying all of the figures are the BAF droid parts.  Otherwise I'd definitely be cherry picking figures from these assortments.

He was engaged to that crazy chick from the Apprentice?!?

She killed him!


The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: September 2, 2012, 02:13 PM »
The fact they're repainting it for next year tells me no, but that's just my opinion.  I think it's destined to only be overseas or imported by the few willing to pay out for it.

EE has a single case/assortment with the Republic Dropship.  I may just bite the bullet and get that.

Here are my own additions to your resculpt list....

Pilot Battle Droid
Queen Amidala - Battle of Theed (Movie Heroes version is lacking)
Yaddle - Jedi Master
Eeth Koth - Jedi Master
Depa Billaba - Jedi Master
Even Piell - Jedi Master
Naboo Royal Security

Dexter Jettster (super articulation with those arms would be amazing)
Clone Trooper - Training fatigues

Emporer Palpatine (Red declaration of Empire robes)
Galactic Marine (softgoods kama)
Commander Bacara (softgoods kama)
Commander Bly (softgoods kama)

Captain Antilles (non-Haley Joel Osment likeness)
General Jan Dodonna

Han Solo (Carbon Freeze Chamber)
Wedge Antilles (Snowspeeder Pilot)
General Riekkan

General Madine
General Leia Organa

The Vintage Collection / Re: Celebration VI
« on: September 1, 2012, 06:18 PM »
I'd like to see a Snowtrooper with electronic E-Web cannon

If they could integrate it with the power pack for the E-Web, it would be awesome!  But I think that what's holding Hasbro back from doing some really cool electronic features are the child safety standards & the cost.

The Bullpen / Re: Marvel Universe
« on: September 1, 2012, 06:15 PM »
I saw both of the Avengers VS X-Men comic 2-packs today in NYC.  The Wolverine & She Hulk set looked pretty cool.  But I wasn't so crazy about the Magneto & Cap set.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Celebration VI
« on: September 1, 2012, 02:17 PM »
Wow.  I didn't realize until I saw the blown up image that this Sandy features electronics.  Bummer.

I think the concept definitely works with the lightsabers nicely.  It could work well with droids, too, but I think the execution hasn't been quite right. 

But this?  It kind of looks silly.  The blaster is just way too oversized for starters.  Add in the fact that electronics like these cuts down on articulation, and it really hurts the figure.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:50 PM »
Scored the Training SBD as well as the phase II Commander Fox today.  Who knew K-Mart could be a worthwhile stop?

Can't believe that I've actually been happy to find the electronic lightsaber Qui-Gon and MH Jar Jar over the past week.  Things are really lean when you get excited about finds like this.

Feedback / Re: Sprry75's feedback
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:43 PM »
Had a great trade with Sprry75!  Communication was great, and the trade transpired quickly.  Thanks!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Avengers (and sequels)
« on: August 29, 2012, 10:21 PM »
A SHIELD pilot?  Definitely interesting.  Although I am a little bummed that it (probably) wouldn't include Agent Coulson.  By the time Thor rolled around he became a pretty cool character.

And does Cobie Smulders wind up starring this?

JD Sports Forum! / Re: Jedidefender Fantasy Football 2012
« on: August 29, 2012, 07:38 AM »
I was tied up during the draft, so it was auto-draft all the way for me.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Celebration VI
« on: August 29, 2012, 03:39 AM »
As for how sites are reporting and interacting with Hasbro?  It's certainly complicated.  Every person who is working as a reporter on a collecting site started as a fan.  Nobody is doing this purely as a journalistic pursuit.  And very few have any serious journalistic training.  And very often their lines of questioning may be guided by their own personal interests.  Is it admirable that some collecting sites went to Hasbro with reader questions?  Sure.  And there is something kind hearted about them keeping those questions in their original form from the readers.  But in the grand scheme of things, you need to do some editing of those questions in order to make them coherent for both Hasbro and the readers.  Because this Q&A session frankly came across as a completely unfocused mess.

As someone who was there for 2 hours after the convention closed with Derryl and Bryan from Hasbro, Dan Curto, and Paul and Chuck from JTA, I can attest that what transpired that night was anything but an unfocused mess. The six of us sat in the darkened convention center exhibit hall and had a completely open round table discussion about the state of collecting right now as a conversation with questions sprinkled throughout. It was hardly a simple ask and answer grilling nor did we just dump a load of questions on their lap and say "answer these". One question sparked another which lead to another and so on. Very freeform.

There were a lot of things said in that 2 hours that didn't make it to the page whether it being proprietary information or something just omitted because the question has been asked and answered ad nauseum through prior discussions at cons, QnAs or through simple deductive reasoning. Also, it's very hard to translate the body language and wry smiles that Derryl and Bryan cast when we touched on topics that are not quite ready for public dissemination.

This experience was the highlight of the convention for me as I/we got to pick the brains of those responsible for the Star Wars line on a personal level. Derryl and Bryan were very gracious in giving up their time, and to be honest, they would have done it for anyone, not just for representatives of a few fan sites.

I've been in these types of sessions with Derryl, as well as Brian Parrish, Mark Boudreaux and others, along with other collecting site reporters.  In my experience the Hasbro staff have all been very nice, and incredibly generous with their time.   They are all fans of the saga, and consider themselves lucky to be working on the Star Wars license.  And there is a sense that some of the things they're working on are for collectors like them just as much as us.

As for these sessions?  Lots of info flows out of these informal sessions, and I was able to break stories on numerous topics following my time with the Hasbro team.  I've even seen ideas pitched to the Hasbro team from reporters, some of which eventually wound up being produced (the Cade Skywalker / Darth Talon comic pack specifically comes to mind).  The trick with these Hasbro sessions is how you break down the information and present it to your readers.  You can edit it and present it in an organized fashion, or you can just put it all up online in the manner in which you heard it.  Ultimately you have to serve your readers, and that means organizing the information in such a way as to give some weight to the important stories.  That just takes good editorial judgment and a clear writing style.

The Bullpen / Re: Thor: The Toys!
« on: August 28, 2012, 08:24 PM »
Because you live in the upper midwest, and you have to compete with all of those Norwegians and Swedes for Thor figures!

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