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Messages - Phrubruh

Pages: 1 ... 321 322 323 324 325 [326] 327 328 329 330 331 ... 444
Just a friendly reminder, we have

10 days left!

to get your buildings done. I've already received packages from Diego_bah, Chewie and Fritz. Feel free to start sending them now. PM me for address. I don't want to be receiving things the night before C4. That would be bad and probably will guarntee that the item doesn't make it into the dio.

Celebration IV - Ultimate Group Project / Re: Web Site FAQs:
« on: April 16, 2007, 09:58 AM »
I'm such a bum. :P

Cool security guys. What head is that on the right guy? Is his hair really that spiky?

Some great looking buildings guys. I can't wait till they arrive. I'd sware Daigo-Bah's building looking like its made out of poured concrete.

By the way, when are we going to get Spaceballs figures? I want ones just like Dark Helmet was playing with.

What's with the DS Trooper. His helmet is so big!  He looks like Dark Helmet.

Other Collectibles / Re: WOTC Star Wars Miniatures
« on: April 13, 2007, 04:35 PM »
Compared to Warhammer custom painted figures these things are crap. Does anyone paint these things with the detail you see in Warhammer figures?

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Battlefront 2 Multipacks
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:30 AM »
Horray! Another way for me to save money. Thanks Hasbro! >:(

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: Darth Revan
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:28 AM »
Yup. Definately Doctor Doom. When am I going to get my Mission Vao?

Other Collectibles / Star Wars Miniatures painted badly
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:25 AM »
Have you guys seen the latest Alliance and Empire minis? Who the heck paints these things? Four year olds? Why are these things so poorly painted? It looks like some weird mutant anime thing.

I'm going to send a vintage Cylon along with Twiki from Buck Rogers we can tuck in the junkyard as easter eggs.

You read my mind. I'm thinking of adding a star tours REX-24 to the junk yard.

If you wanted to completely turn to the dark side, you could always take the carded Vader out and return it to the store minus the coin album.

...and pray the person behind the courtesy desk has no clue about Star Wars.

Odds are totally in your favor that they don't have a clue about Star Wars. All they are doing is scanning the bar code. If its on your receipt, you get your money back. The employees have no clue. The odds of having a star wars collector at the return counter is approxed 700 billion to one.

Ok. I finally found one of these. The problem is someone grabbed the clones out of it!!!!  :o

All that was left in the box was two bikes! >:(

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: 30AC pegwarmers
« on: April 10, 2007, 07:44 PM »
I would say Mace is definately a big peg warmer. Not as big as Obiwan and R2 but still very significant in my area. Most stores only have these three figures.

If you wanted to completely turn to the dark side, you could always take the carded Vader out and return it to the store minus the coin album. I've seen dozens of TAC Vader's without their coin album on the pegs at two of my local Targets. The bar code in on the figure card not the coin album. Free coin album.

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