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Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures

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That would be awesome. Then everyone would have more material to tell us why Disney was "ruining" George's characters more.

Jesse James:
I’m actually enjoying Resistance some.  I like a lot of the designs and while it’s not adding much to the overall story it’s adding something different.  Suits me fine.

I think you said it well Jesse. I've enjoyed the last handful of episodes now. And whereas they don't play much of a part in the grand story of Star Wars they still are fun and different. Aren't stories that don't always end with some guy having a direct role in blowing up the Death Star something we wanted?

Jesse James:
Yeah that’s exactly what I was thinking haha.  No Jedi stuff has been nice for once.  It was probably the thing that detracted most Fromm rebels for me.  Had that been just about a Rebel faction of normal people it maybe wouldn’t have had the wow of Jedi in it but I liked Hera a lot more than any of the force wielders.  She and Chopper were the best characters on the show I thought.  The mystical force stuff took me out of the show in a way and I felt like Sabine’s arc was crowbarring Mandalore in because hey, everyone likes them right? 🤷‍♂️

I figure Disney can dip their toes in any of this animation stuff at their leisure in a way since it’s on their own network and seems relatively “easy” for them to try stuff.

I finally had a chance to watch the episodes that dropped on November 30th last night.  It was interesting to see this kind of take on some classic scenes with movie dialogue and audio.  The best of the bunch had to be Darth Vader against the Rebel troopers.  It was reminiscent of the scene in ROGUE ONE, but also seemed to cross over into ANH / Tantive IV territory, while using some dialogue from TESB.


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