Author Topic: Comic Book Thread  (Read 155636 times)

Offline jokabofe

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Re: Comic Book Rant
« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2004, 02:28 PM »
I'm guessing:

I liked the bit at the end with She Hulk, I've read a few rumors that one of the big Avengers is gonna bite it too in this arc, most people say its between Hawkeye, Wasp or Yellowjacket

But don't worry... this is the Marvel Comics Universe we're talking about here. I'll say by next summer - if not earlier - he'll be back, and probably better than ever. Bionics maybe? Alien Nano-technology? Who knows what will save him (and improve him) but it'll be something. Maybe they'll give him an adamantium skeleton or something.

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Re: Comic Book Rant
« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2004, 02:36 PM »
I thought they adopted a policy of Dead = Dead????

Offline Jim

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Re: Comic Book Rant
« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2004, 02:49 PM »
On a side note, somewhat relaated.  I have been out of the Marvel Universe (current at least) for a good dozen years.  Any dead Superheroes or Villains that did not make it back?  Just curious. ???

Offline jokabofe

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Re: Comic Book Rant
« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2004, 03:12 PM »
In the Marvel Universe, you can never say never.

Offline Scott

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Re: Comic Book Rant
« Reply #34 on: December 2, 2004, 01:47 PM »

I remember the Squadron Supreme mini-series (1985) very vaguely when it first came out.  I know that I even had a few issues of the arc in my collection from off the newsrack

Recently, for some weird reason I picked up the trade paperback of Squadron Supreme and tore through it like no tomorrow.  It is one amazing piece of work, truly a novel idea and one of the best things Marvel has ever done IMO. 

Gruenwald was always my favorite Marvel writer and I was a hard core Captain America fan and reader and I never knew the depth or magnitude of the work he did on Squadron. 

So I got to thinking about if I would want ML toys as well, I don't think I do.  It would be neat to see...however, they are so unknown even today, that people would pass on them like the plague.   

I do recommend checking out the TPB though if you have a chance


Offline Mikey D

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #35 on: December 2, 2004, 03:04 PM »
Scott, might I suggest Supreme Power, an updated version of the Squandron Supreme.  An absolutely brilliant read and near the top of my draw list every month.

Here's the first two TPB's, which covers the first 12 issues (#13 came out last week)

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Offline Brian

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #36 on: December 2, 2004, 03:22 PM »
That does look vaguely familiar to me Scott, but I don't think I have read it...sounds like it is really good though.  Resurrecting the comic thread now....what (if anything) is everyone reading now?  Not too much for me really yet, since the expendable income (after collecting) has been a little tight.  I am subscribed to Amazing Spidey and have been trying to keep up with Ultimate Spider-Man through TPBs.  I've thought about checking out the "New Avengers" title to see what the team is like, but haven't decided yet.  I've also recently been getting into the DC world a little bit more, trying to decide which title I want to dive into.  I think I am getting a Superman/Batman TPB from my wife for Christmas ;), and have looked at that title since I've heard relatively good things about it, and those are my two favorite DC characters.  Other than that, I've been considering a basic Superman title, but I hear that both "Superman" and "Adventures of Superman" aren't too spifftastic right now.  JLA continues to tempt me, and I've been thinking about picking up a couple of issues to check it out...always enjoyed me some Justice League.  Anyone else reading right now?

Offline John C

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #37 on: December 8, 2004, 11:13 AM »
I checked out JLA because Buisek started on it, and I've liked what has been done so far.  It's as good as is was since before Kelly destroyed it.  I really like the CSA.
Some other current books I recommend include Flash, Teen Titans and JSA.  As Nataku mentioned, Geoff Johns really loves the DCU and treats it well.  I wish he were still writing Hawkman. 
The only decent Superman title is Superman/Batman.  I wish DC would have given control of Superman to Waid and Morrison when they had the chance.  The Superman titles have been stale for far too long.
Older titles worth checking out are the James Robinson Starman series and Crisis on Infinite Earths.  Crisis is in TPB and most of Starman is. 


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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #38 on: December 8, 2004, 01:18 PM »
Check out WE3 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely. It's freaking awesome.

Offline Scott

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #39 on: December 13, 2004, 02:48 PM »
Mikey...picked up Supreme Power and its great...thanks :)

Offline Brian

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #40 on: December 13, 2004, 02:54 PM »
Has anyone checked out the "Astonishing X-Men" title?  I thought about picking up an issue to see what it is like, but was just curious what anyone thought of it.  I stopped in the local comic shop last week, and was looking for the "New Avengers" #1, but didn't see it.  Of course, I don't exactly frequent it a lot, at least not yet, so maybe I just missed it.  I have been picking up a few JLA issues here and there, and those seem pretty good.  Also, a little bit of the current Jim Lee run on Superman, which from what I have read hasn't been getting stellar reviews, but I like Supes, so I thought I'd check it out.  Nothing overwhelming, at least not so far, but the art is nice.  Picked up a "Star Wars: Empire" (#22) too, just for the heck of it, nice to read a Star Wars comic again...I hadn't done that since I was a kid ;).  Also, continue to get Amazing Spidey monthly, and pick up the Ultimate Spidey TPBs every so often...both are good.  Amazing Spidey's "Sins Past" arc was a little...different, but not bad.

Oh...also, I saw the little preview of Star Wars: Empire #27 over at Dark Horse's site.  Looks like they might find an "old" left behind Clonetrooper in that issue, might be kind of interesting:
« Last Edit: December 13, 2004, 02:57 PM by mosnab »

Offline Mikey D

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #41 on: December 13, 2004, 04:02 PM »
Glad you like it, Scott.  Did you pick up both TPBs or just the first?

Brian, the clonetrooper actually meets Luke on the "cliffhanger" splash page of Empire #26.  Going to be interesting how his "return" to civilization turns out.
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Offline Scott

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #42 on: December 13, 2004, 04:05 PM »
I just got the first one because that's all they had.  And I think its a stroke of genius that Marvel stole DC characters and is using them in their own way

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #43 on: December 14, 2004, 12:28 AM »
mosnab-- Astonishing X-Men is worth the money. It's the only X-book I really keep track of anymore.

I do hope Whedon decides to stick around after his 12-issue run is up.
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Offline Brian

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Re: Comic Book Thread
« Reply #44 on: December 14, 2004, 08:42 AM »
Brian, the clonetrooper actually meets Luke on the "cliffhanger" splash page of Empire #26.  Going to be interesting how his "return" to civilization turns out.

Thanks for the clear up Mikey, I really didn't know what was going on in the comic, but just picked up my first (older) issue last week, and decided to take a look on Dark Horse's site to see what was going on now.  Sounds like an interesting storyline you regularly read this comic?  If so, what do you think of it?

mosnab-- Astonishing X-Men is worth the money. It's the only X-book I really keep track of anymore.

I do hope Whedon decides to stick around after his 12-issue run is up.

Thanks for the recommendation HMI, I might have to check it out.  I haven't really read an X-comic since the 90s, and from what I have seen/read it looks like this "revamp" has been good so far.