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Messages - Clone Hunter

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It looks OK, but it would be better if you guys used Tiger Sharks, instead of brutalizing Water Moccasins. If you are going to paint them, it will be easier and cheaper.

I love Alpha, phase II. I only wish I could paint so well.

While the sppeeder does look like the POTF2 one, at least they returned to the vintage rear gun not the enormous missile launcher from the 90's.

And it looks like the damaged right side is cleaned up.

So you can have 4 Snowspeeders and they would all be varied enough to be true to the movie situation.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Removing Factory Paint?
« on: June 24, 2006, 05:16 PM »
Count me as three for trading.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: New Assault Vehicles In '07
« on: June 23, 2006, 06:07 PM »
The Sith Infiltrator should at least be the size of the E1 Royal Naboo Cruiser to be to-scale.

At least.  I hope it's bigger, actually. 

At $100, the Naboo ship was a smash-hit at retail during the Christmas season of the year the movie came out.  I'm sure that a new toy, similarly-sized and similarly-priced, of a vehicle which had a fraction of the screen time that the first ship did, will be just as big of a success at retail.  Especially now that seven years have passed, and the Phantom Menace Hype Machine is hotter than ever.

Well, I believe most of the Sith Infiltrator is unusable for a person. It is basically a TIE fighter with a loooong nose. I think they can fit that in that size box. Though it would be nice if it at least had a cargo bay to fit his speeder.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Purchases
« on: June 22, 2006, 11:06 PM »
I got a couple of the crystal clear Momaws today. Strangely the Hems had the painted blue glasses, and I can tell they just opened two cases this morning.

At least I finally got a Luke and three Sandtroopers.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Variations and Errors Thread
« on: June 22, 2006, 11:03 PM »
I got a couple of the crystal clear Momaws today. Strangely the Hems had the painted blue glasses, and I can tell they just opened two cases this morning.

At least I finally got a Luke and three Sandtroopers.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC White TIE Fighter
« on: June 22, 2006, 11:00 PM »
Maybe it is me but it looks like the average blue/grey color to me.

I always thought the true white one was kool, though I have seen too many with the yellow plague.

I definitely buy more PT stuff, and my loose OT stuff is only regarding Cloud City.

Though I do get all the SAGA2 stuff on card.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Star Wars Actors other movies
« on: June 20, 2006, 09:37 PM »
William Hootkins aka Porkins was one of the Army Intel agents that met Indy and Marcus in ROTLA.

Also not previously stated Terrance Stamp aka Chancellor Vallorum was General Zod in Superman II.

I absolutely love the Arden Fett.
Hayden Solo is OK too, but has an "animated" feel.

I have the Titan "han Solo" guy, if someone can use it?

I think:

Between ROTS and ANH, good idea.
I think any random world would be kool, but what happened to Naboo during/after the Clone Wars?
I am willing to contribute some kind of figure or vehicle customs, even if they suck.
I am willing to host WIP and completed shots on my page. I can isolate it from my personal stuff.

I like the raffle idea. Count me in.

Feedback / Greg's (pka mister_palpatine) feedback
« on: June 19, 2006, 07:59 PM »
Overall feedback (02)

All went very well on both deals.

He sent when and what he was supposed to. All was in the condition he claimed. Thank you.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Collection Losses
« on: June 19, 2006, 07:49 PM »
Eternia??????? Now that things was AWESOME!!

My Cloud City Capture Chewie fell from a shelf and his blaster went........???

Chewie, I have extra scouts pop if you want one. Anyone really, I have 6?

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: New Assault Vehicles In '07
« on: June 19, 2006, 07:46 PM »
Of the new choices, Id want the Commerce Guild Homing Spider Droid and the Droid gunship. I never could wrap my head around Grievous' ship.

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