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Messages - Adam_Pawlus

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The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: TRU Clone Wars "Wampa" ARC-170
« on: July 30, 2008, 08:10 PM »
The thing that bothers me is the #1 thing that bugs the absolute hell out of me about EU

Hoth is a backwater planet with no civilizations and should not be well known throughout the galaxy, let alone one of the few wildlife creatures that exist. Hell, the Alliance doesn't even know that Wampas are on Hoth.  And is a wampa showing up on a starship.  LamEU ::)

There could be wampas on other planets...

Yup!  If you played Shadows of the Empire on the Nintendo 64, you might recall some brown Cliff Wampas on the planet of Gall.  Of course, with a name like Cliff Wampa, I'd expect it to be telling me obscure trivia at some bar. 

Asajj Ventress also fought a Wampa in the original Clone Wars series in that arena on Rattatak.  They get around.

....and wouldn't that piss everyone off if he's in the animated style.

Not necessarily.  It could be animated, but knowing Hasbro's budgets, it's a lot more likely they would just do a realistic Clone Wars-style set to save on tooling costs.  And if they did an animated one, long-time collectors should be in good shape because you can grab the 2004 release and plonk his delightful self onto the display throne.

...or for all I know, it's Muunilist, or Jabiim, or something else.  That'd just be my guess.

I hope this succeeds, this could pave the way for a new Jabba with throne!


It's my hope/expectation that the as-of-yet unconfirmed-but-mentioned-at-the-panel "Mystery Clone Wars Ultimate Battle Pack" is indeed a Jabba with Throne and a bunch of Clone Troopers.

The clearance scam won't work with this, btw.

Nobody's saying "let's wait for a TRU exclusive clearance sale," because those are like the Easter Bunny.  Target's plenty impatient to clear out, but still, a good exclusive sells *quickly* when put in front of enough people.   There's definitely a "magic number" or "sweet spot," and whatever it is, I think Wal-Mart more or less has it figured out. (And I think it's just foot traffic.)   It's just, as people pointed out, if the Bantha didn't grab the kids, well, I can't say I'm hopeful.  But the Geonosis Arena did just fine, it seems, and I don't think a lot of collectors (save for variant huntin' freaks like me) got excited about that one.

I think the basic point I was trying to make is "as cool as it is, it's probably gonna sit."  TRU's vehicles have done great-- I'm really astonished to see how fast those TIE Interceptors went.  But there's no shortage of Banthas, at least around where I shop, and those had at least some action going on.  Although not much.   Maybe someone will play up the "Troops" angle on all the fan sites and that'd ramp up the interest... I mean, when you think about it from a marketer perspective, there's already a super-popular viral video that will support the set. :)

The PT Lars family would have been a slam dunk.  I'm glad they're doing this, but the price and the figure choices put it out of reach for me. 

Can't say I agree from a sales perspective-- I think it'd be more appealing to those of us who read the boards, but it's still boring, non-action characters with little dialogue and little backstory.  Although I suppose you could fudge it if you built the set up around the comic story in which a cyborg Darth Maul tracks down Luke, and gives Obi-Wan one last fight.  (Goofy, yes.  Sales gold, and prequelish Lars family, also yes.)   But I have little doubt this set's budget went to the playset and the figures are, more or less, an afterthought.

Weren't we worried about that last year too?  An AT-ST and some repaints or a Turret and some repaints for $50?! 

Those sold well enough that they made more of them.

Those had a remarkable amount of marketing behind them (which is probably more important than the product itself), were an awesome value, and also hit extreme clearance in many parts of the country.  In my neck of the woods, they were pretty much gone before the second round of clearances hit BUT I did hear from a lot of fans who got them for $12.24 or whatever it was. Lucky, lucky fans.

Maybe Anakin and his pals hang out there in the Clone Wars movie... that'd help.   I don't know the edition size either, but here's hoping that, like Target's UBPs, there's some crazy huge marketing scheme behind this one as well.

I completely agree that now is as good of a time as any to release this item.  For years, we've been seeing Master Replicas, Illusive Originals, Icons, Sideshow, Gentle Giant, and so many others going after the medium dollar and high-end collectible market, while a lot of fans spend just as much if not more on Hasbro goodies annually, just in $5-$30 morsels, save for the odd $50 Ultimate Battle Pack (arguably aimed at gift-givers) and $70 gift set bundle from Diamond and/or Entertainment Earth.

This year, it's ridiculous.  As of last Saturday through the end of the year, there will probably be $600 worth of big ($35+) exclusives coming that we either have had confirmed or vaguely alluded to by Hasbro.   Hopefully Star Wars will continue to be huge and the kids can help support it, because when I know I'll be curious to see what kids buy when faced with a giant ship with a fire-breathing snow monster on the side against two old people, a rat, and a stormtrooper with an igloo.  (Heck, it'd  be a hard decision for me.  I freaking love wampas.)

...and there's tons of $20 vehicles, Battle Packs, Evolutions sets, low-high-end exclusives, basic figures, and other stuff too.

Hopefully it all works out well.  I mean, who wouldn't love to have one or more little scenes like this from each major film?  I'd be quite happy to see a snowy Hoth cave, or the gantry from Cloud City, or Jango's landing pad on Kamino, or, yes, even Palpatine's office.  I can't imagine a year with this much great stuff, but if it all works, odds are we're going to get just as many big ticket items in 2009 or 2010.  I don't think it's even fair to look at past attempts of Hasbro or even Kenner as a comparison, I don't think this much variety has ever been on-shelf at any given time in the past.  (For figures, OK, yes-- but scenes and vehicles?  Not unless you count the micro stuff.)

I can't wait to see what Santa brings us in the future if the market can accept all of these goodies.  Looking at my own collection, I can say it's going to be a tight fit.

But is it worth $50 to more than just the hardcore crowd?   I personally have real doubts that fans (young or old) are going to support an environment with figures in this configuration.  Maybe if it had Luke, it might sell better to kids... or if it had Camie/Fixer/etc., there might be collectors buying it just for the figures.  But as it stands, it's going to be the building or the womp rat that makes the sale, and I gotta say I don't think it's going to be easy to seal the deal.

With items like this, the Falcon, and the AT-TE, it's going to be very interesting to see where collector dollars go in such a crowded 5 months.   It certainly doesn't provide a lot of bang for the buck, but man, is it neat.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: July 29, 2008, 01:22 PM »
Not to sound like a moron, but he's confirming the Death Star, Slave I, and AT-AT?

That someone inside Hasbro is considering it for release in some stage of preproduction?  Sure.  That sort of thing happens all the time.  Doesn't mean it'll see the light of day.

I guess it's a good thing for business that it went to TRU and not Target, otherwise it'd be 75% off in under 45 days.   It's just so... so... geez.  I like the Womp Rat, and I like the house, but in this configuration it seems like Toys "R" Us could choke on it unless it's part of an elaborate holiday promotion.  I'll be buying one, of course. 

I really hope it does well so other fun bits of scenery could see production in the future.  I really liked the turret.  The pit of carkoon looks like it'll make a nice little display on my shelf.  It's just amusing after years of hearing the phrase "kid appeal" with higher dollar products that something like this comes up, which probably would be one of the most boring gift sets one could find under a tree on Christmas morning.   Unless, you know, you're a collector.  In which case it's pretty awesome.

I have to say that the colors are far less wacky in person than the original pics made the ship out to be. 

I picked one up and don't regret it.  Yeah, it was $35, but I did get a free holo grievous, so ir wasn't too bad to pay $35 for it.  :)

They refused to give me the free Grievous. No joke.  They said the $35 B-Wing "didn't qualify."

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Target Commander Fox
« on: July 27, 2008, 08:09 PM »
Scored a couple of these yesterday. Nice figure, interesting design. I guess this figure is almost like a pre-release of Cody in some form or another.

It'd be nice if it was, it's just the Rex body with the alternate Obi-Wan head.  (Cody has newly tooled arms and, it seems, a new helmet.)  Good use of existing tools, save for the neck being a little too long.  It'd be a great basic figure, but for $13... geez.  At least throw in a cool new accessory, or extra guns or something.

The Legacy Collection / Re: TLC Millenium Falcon
« on: July 27, 2008, 02:29 PM »
The thing about both the BMF and the AT-TE is, they reflect a pretty major investment by Hasbro, so they're not going anywhere for awhile, [...]

Yeah, about that-- I hit up some places on the way back from San Diego and basically saw Falcons everywhere, but not a whole bunch of AT-TEs.  Has anyone not been able to find more than enough Falcons to stuff your vehicle of choice?  Has anyone noticed them selling out?

The Legacy Collection / Re: Entertainment Earth 6-Pack
« on: July 27, 2008, 02:09 PM »


Will they come with helmets?

Yes, that was my first question when I saw the pictures.  They will have helmets.  I don't think they showed Harkas' helmet in the comics, but it looks like it'll just be a plain normal helmet.

I uploaded shots of these from the EE booth-- and a few hundred other things-- to my Flickr page.  You can see just the Joker Squad here:

I'm glad you guys like it.  I think it turned out pretty well, and I hope it was worth the wait.  It was certainly fun to watch the Dagger Squadron rumors flying. :)

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Voice Changer Helmet
« on: July 22, 2008, 07:28 PM »
I've been playing with one for a week and change, and it kinda sucks.  Maybe I don't know how to talk into a microphone correctly, but I'm not all that thrilled by how it seems to work.  The Vader one seemed to at least *look* nicer.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars AT-TE
« on: July 22, 2008, 02:11 AM »
I'm seeing the same issues with the one I've played with-- the legs pop off if you look at it funny.  And it is assembeled as the labels indicate.  Perhaps it has to do with the infamous "drop test" requiring certain pieces to snap off given certain levels of stress?

It seems very much designed with movie toys in mind-- or at least the movie blasters seem to fit in the compartments much more easily than the toon ones.  I like all the little storage bays and whatnot, but I will say that the feature set seems a little... lacking.  Since I've never really seen it in action with characters goofing around inside, I dunno what it is that's "missing" but it would be nice to have <i>slightly</i> bettter clone storage "racks" as it seems difficult to get the toony ones to stand and hold on to the rails easily.

...oh, and the wheels were a nice surprise.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 3 - Repaints/Repacks
« on: July 19, 2008, 02:14 PM »
The only people who are going to put a real stop to this are the retailers.  But sometimes when you're dealing with an employee who barely makes more than minimum wage, they're not going to care that much.

Not only that, but there's also some real issues of the toy not matching the packaging, or no real illustration of the toy appearing on the box.  For example, there are a number of Transformers Energon repaints that had a photo of the *original* toy, so Ultra Magnus (a white and blue vehicle) had a picture of Overload (a red vehicle), and to make things more interesting, it also showed a bunch of car Mini-Cons when in fact space  Mini-Cons were included.  An employee seeing that would probably cry foul if they weren't a collector.

At the same time, G.I. Joe presents a potential problem because the 25th Anniversary toys all have illustrations of the figures, but not any photos of the toy.  So it'd be really easy for someone to take another Shipwreck, or Cobra Commander, and stuff it into the packaging and return it.

Thankfully, swapping seems to have become less of an issue in recent years.  But I just have a bad feeling that swapping and swiping are going to pop up again soon.

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