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Messages - TheBlackDog65

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: Anyone know the Target DCPI #s?
« on: September 2, 2005, 01:25 AM »
Question on this, and it relates to the final 12. I sent a PM to the poster over at Scum, but a guy posted that Target has changed the DCPI numbers for the final 12, and they are now priced at $6.99! OUCH if its true! Sorry about this, I am a a very tired teacher who has been at the school for 12-14 hours the last two days for open house and parent-teacher conferences, and I cannot write, spell or look normal at a monitor. Anyway, I have not searched the thread to see if the final 12's DCPI are posted here, and if they are, has anyone looked to see what they ring up as to confirm the price increase?
I've been waiting or a price increase to $6.99 for a month now, and at Wally to $6.88 since we are moving into the Holiday season in a month or two, so I just wanted to cofirm it (that and combined with the price of gas!).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Michael Sheard Dies
« on: September 1, 2005, 01:00 AM »
Here's hoping that his loved ones are comforted to the memories of his life! Rest in peace Admiral!

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Toy Runs affected by Gas Prices?
« on: September 1, 2005, 12:52 AM »
I have to agree now. I know it is Labor Day weekend and the speculation of the impact of Katrina, but gas is now at $2.80 and rising. The news ran a local report tonight that here in Utah we should see gas at $3.00 before long. I have to say now that I am not hunting until the final 12 come out, and then it will be only smart hunting. I will hunt on Friday night when I usually find new stuff at a local Walmart. In addition, I will only hunt 2 Walmarts and have to wait until I find them at one of the two stores. If I miss some, oh well, I've missed figures before. 
I continue to wonder how much longer we can go before retailers raise the price of the figures at Wally, Target etc to compensate for the higher costs to get the product to market. I really think that is coming and will impact collecting for some also. Imagine going back to an average retail price of $6.99 a figure. Would you still buy it combined with the price of gas?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Have you ever passed
« on: August 30, 2005, 06:32 PM »
No offense taken at all! Actually, I really doubt if anything would have happen Friday night, and it was a light moment between my wife and I.  I normally would never pass up an opportunity to be with my wife,  and my wife and I have an outstanding relationship in everyway, and we would rather spend time with each other then anything. I do have to say though that all though I love being with my wife more than I did when we got married, time will allow you to give some space to each other.

As far as the vasectomy goes, that was done about 6 years ago, so I really don't have to worry about kids. The purpose of the post was to try and see if anyone else has passed on something be it noogles in the bed, or a sports game, etc to make a run, and then lived to regret it.

I have said this in many places, my philosophy overall is really changing on collecting to the point that after the last 12, I will become very picky over what I buy, I'll probably buy most online so as not to miss opportunities to be with my family, and collecting overall is moving to the  back  burner because I think in my case (and several cases I know) it becomes a very selfish and self centered hobby. That's just my opinion, and I am not saying that anyone else is that way, I am just saying that I have observed that in myself and in other collectors I know. I'll still collect, just more selective and more like several other collectors (and how I was prior to ROTS) to looking for stuff when I am at the store normally. I guess movie years have blinded me alittle, and as we move out of a movie year, I see reality with a more corrective lense then before.
That and I have found I really like customizing alot so I'll probably move in that direction to some degree.

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS DVD Nov 1st
« on: August 29, 2005, 11:35 PM »
I can't say that it doesn't surprise me that ROTS will be only on DVD.  I really don't think that it will hurt their sales that much.
I also have to say that of everything coming out the DVD is the one thing I am the most excited about getting! That will be an awesome day!

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Anyone Else Bored?
« on: August 29, 2005, 10:56 PM »
I'm not bored, nor am I frustrated (luckily, we seem to have an abundance here in Utah of all figures) but I am getting very picky again. I know I'll be getting Gree, Bly and Tactical Ops Clone (hopefully x3), an R4 and one or two Wookies, but that is it. Outside of Cody, I think I will be done with ROTS unless they release a figure that wows me.
For the upcoming wave, I need a WOW to buy there also. I need to see a figure that knocks me off my feet in order to buy. I just don't see too many WOW's next year so I know I'll be saving money.
In the end, it is the WOW I'm looking for, and at 40, it will take A LOT to WOW this old man to the point of  being excited to making hunts next year.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: How old were you...
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:38 PM »
When you got your first Star Wars figure? 
- 1977, I was 12 and I got a Luke.

...When you first remember seeing a Star Wars movie in a theatre? 
- Star Wars (now ANH) 1977 in San Francisco I was 12.

...Went to your first professional sports game? 
- Giants (baseball) in the Stick in 1972, I was 7.

...When you drank your first beer? 
- I was 16, working as a stock boy in a liqurer store, the clerk would buy for us.

...Found the love of your life (if you have yet)?
- I was 23... still together 17 years later with 2 kids (were done).

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Have you ever passed
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:35 PM »
To clarify, I missed out on Friday night, but Saturday was a different story! I have an awesome wife who not only tolerates my collecting, but gives me the freedom to pursue it as long as it does not impact our investments, or our family budget.  I get $100 a month to spend and when it is gone, it is gone. Actually, makes it nice.  Then if we are out and I find something she'll usually agree to pay for it out of our discretionary budget.
Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone ever felt like they got too much into collecting?

BTW, a friend of mine made a good point; at age 40 with two kids, going to find the Sith is ALOT cheaper then the possibility of another kid . . . .

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Covert Ops Clone Trooper
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:31 PM »
Too much money, and not enough interest. I am now waiting for the final 12 to come out and to hopefully find Gree, Bly, and the 501st Tactical Troopers (want 5 for a squad). Only thing then I want is the R4 and the white Grevious guard. Might, MIGHT take a Wookie or two, but that is it. Then I'm done until Cody (at least I think I am!).
Anyway, again, for the price, I have to pass.

Hey Hasbro! / Re: Enough With The Exclusives Already...
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:28 PM »
Count me in as being sick of this crap. I have not boughten an exclusive and refuse to do so because of increase cost for an average figure.  Usually the standard line will provide me a figure equal in value to an exclusive or a speciality line like Evolutions has. Enough is enough.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Toy Runs affected by Gas Prices?
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:17 PM »
Yep, Jeff, I have to agree with you. I quit actively hunting LOTR about 2 years ago and found I saved more time and gas by not hunting and having them ship either from EE or BBTS.
I am thinking about doing the same with SW now. Buy the case online and then sell any extra's I may not want for a later customizing.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Exclusives Overload?
« on: August 29, 2005, 06:07 PM »
Ahhh, the freedom of buying what you want and passing on what you don't want. I've passed on most of the exclusives and am glad. I don't miss em. I may even pass on the Jedi Temple Assult at Kmart since it is way overpriced.

Watto's Junk Yard / Have you ever passed
« on: August 29, 2005, 02:08 AM »
On Friday night I went hunting from 9:00pm until 1:00am. As I was l leaving the wife said, "Oh, you are going out tonight. I was thinking we could go with the kids and get a soda or something sweet, then come back and have dessert." Well, I know what dessert she met and that was really hard to pass up. IF I hadn't been going hunting with a friend, I would have pass.
Well, I found nothing that night and instead of having a romantic evening with my wife, I sat next to or talked to my friend who is definetly not as good looking as my wife. Well out trying to find the Sith Evolutions, the motto hit me; Sith or Sex? Well, that night I did not pick up the Sith and when I got home and she was asleep I hit the double wammy of not getting anything that night! The moral. The Sith will always let you down, take the wife! 
So the question is, have you ever passed on a romantic evening for something to do with collecting, and then lived to regret it? What motto would you use to describe the night?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season 2005
« on: August 29, 2005, 02:02 AM »
Best of luck to anyone who lives in the path of Katrina. My prayers are with you.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Toy Runs affected by Gas Prices?
« on: August 28, 2005, 11:16 PM »
Two items. First, I know my stores patterns so I hit 2 local Walmarts at night or early a.m. and that seems to help conserve my runs. Also, we have a very good network here in Utah so people can put things on layaway at Wally, or hide at Target or TRU. That is how I scored my Sith Evolutions over the weekend. If gas goes to $3 a gallon, then I won't be hunting as much, just Friday, Saturday's and days when I know TRU gets a shipment.

On a side note, as gas prices go up, eventually figure prices will increase as well as cost for shipping and development increase. Man, I wish we would develop another fuel source!

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