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Messages - P-Siddy

Pages: 1 ... 171 172 173 174 175 [176] 177 178 179 180 181 ... 330
I decided to order, too. NYC doesn't get anything.  That said, I'll have 3 CW, EU soldier I don't need.

JD Sports Forum! / Re: 2012 Summer Olympics
« on: July 29, 2012, 11:00 AM »
I thought Sir Paul was off for most of "Hey Jude."  As they showed the crowd (usually the Americans), they didn't seem too enthralled to hear a legend.  I'm sure their parents would have been more ecstatic than they.  Plus, they didn't even seem to know the words.  I guess they needed the Spice Girls in order for it to be classic for them.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: TSC Recent Acquisitions
« on: July 29, 2012, 10:50 AM »
The DS gunner in the TSC line was one of my favs in both presentation and design. Throwing it, or the Imperial Engineer from the Legacy line, on a Vintage card would have been the cat's ass.


The Vintage Collection / Re: Defender Wishlists 2012 Discussion
« on: July 25, 2012, 05:34 PM »
Sim Aloo!  Sim Aloo!  Sim Aloo!!  Come on, Justin.  A vintage left-over that looks like a living corpse!!

It's not army builder heavy save for the Republic Trooper...  Which kinda blows as I'd like a little squad of him at least, but if they're online only it hardly would make this wave any different than anything else.

If it is indeed an online thing, it might be easier for me to buy a case and get rid of the CW realistic ones and I'll remember you for the Republic Trooper.

1. Concept Rebel Pilot

2. Concept Lando
3. Concept 4-LOM

4. Concept Emperor
5. Concept Royal Guard
6. Concept Imperial Dignitary
7. Concept Imperial Scout

Kenner Vintage
8. Greedo
9. Walrusman
10. Hammerhead

I had a similar experience with a Kube chase - can't remember which one.  I recall watching the bids pass my minimum, then was shocked to see the email confirming that I won.  I ended up buying it though because it was still a good price.

Yes, but just think:  you could have gotten it for an even better price.  Of course, it only matters to the buyer whether the price is right or not..

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Batman - The Dark Knight Rises
« on: July 23, 2012, 12:07 PM »
If there's a bomb counting down from 60 seconds, don't show me 5 minutes of material on how they stop it.  Just make the bomb count down from 5 minutes! 

I always thought about this with the Death Star closing down on Yavin.  Why didn't George ever fix that?  (To suspend the disbelief:  the SW universe has a different concept of time.)

The Vintage Collection / Re: Figures making the Cut
« on: July 21, 2012, 10:11 AM »
Sim Aloo for me.

Quite frankly, I want all of the 3 remaining dignitaries made.


And I hope they don't make them too much better to make the other guys outdated.

But I don't think I could choose a 1 and done figure.  I do want Naboo Meadow Picnic Padme and I think I would be happy never to pick up another prequel figure after that.  There are too many OT ones though.

Oh ok, I had that figure back in the day. Did they release a sdcc exclusive of her on HTS?

Yeah, there were two versions... one in her red uniform and another in white training gear and unmasked.

Joe Defender / Re: G.I. Joe Convention 2012
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:54 AM »
Did anyone get any of the IDW GI Joe: A Real American Hero #180 variant covers (there were two)?

Joe Defender / Re: 2012 SDCC Shockwave HISS and Jinx
« on: July 19, 2012, 11:53 AM »
Already out of stock...

Droid Factory 2013 / Re: Droid Factory returns for 2013!
« on: July 18, 2012, 08:56 AM »
The one thing I wish Hasbro would do for the BADs is organize it.  Have 4-6 figures from one movie/cartoon/book with the BAD being from that respective source.

The Snowspeeder was the last time I was this excited about a new vehicle I think.  Whoever all designed and sculpted this, they deserve a pat on the back from collectors.

I agree.  They get enough flak from us for distribution and other woes, so it's good that Hasbro gets some positive feedback.  I'm actually loving the Battle of Endor love they are giving us this year.

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