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Messages - John J. Alvarez

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Vintage Kenner / Re: Darth Vader Carry Case
« on: September 16, 2005, 01:11 PM »
Is the new one the same size as the vintage? It's possible it's just a mold test for the OTC case. When the X-Wing, Falcon, Snowspeeder, and Speeder Bike came out test shots started showing up still bearing the vintage copyright dates. Most of them, sans the Speeder Bike, showed up in white plastic. His provenance is sketchy at best. I'd say he's trying to play off a modern prototype for a vintage one.


Vintage Kenner / Archive updates like mad!!
« on: August 27, 2005, 06:36 PM »
Over the past 4 days we've added almost 100 new pages. Head on over to our "What's New" page and take a gander. We've added some foreign figures, multi-packs, hardcopies, artwork, proof sheets, store displays, production and prototype Micro Collection and even some neat unlicensed belt buckles. There's something for everybody.


Vintage Kenner / Re: can a non DT figure have an "A" type cardback
« on: August 17, 2005, 01:35 PM »
Are you sure it's a DT? Last I heard you weren't sure yet. Did it arrive?


Vintage Kenner / Re: Archive Update: 8/3/05
« on: August 11, 2005, 09:48 AM »
Another great update at the Archive. Seeing that the Palitoy Speeder Bike model survived in such relatively good condition considering the kind of travelling it did was neat.

That was a deal of mine gone bad. LOL Chris was working with me early on and after the seller and I couldn't come to an agreement Chris made a play. It took over a year between he and I trying for a deal to finally be cut. I still haven't given up. Now I just need to convince Chris to sell it. LOL It's a beautiful piece and I've got a space on my Speeder Bike shelf for it. ;)

That was a killer update of Mike's.


Vintage Kenner / Re: Vintage ebaY auction wins!
« on: August 9, 2005, 08:15 AM »
Nobody outted any auctions, Uncle Gundy posted about them AFTER they had ended, since he recognized a few of the winners’ names from the RS “vinty community” and wanted to congratulate them.

Actually, as I said, Derek posted them first. He later edited his thread to congratulate people who won them. So yes, he did out them. But I guess since it was only 3 minutes most missed it unless they saw the post first pop up as I did.

Then some dick- master-collector (or dealer, we’re not quite sure of that one, all we know is that he is a high standing, well-respected member of the vintage community) emailed the seller and bought her out, leaving the rightful winners (myself included) with a nice big- bitter-ass- pie to munch on…

I *just* got it out of somebody recently who it actually was. It was some guy who came and went. He really only posted  for a bit. He was just some guy using RS to buy and flip stuff to fund his collection. Respected collector indeed. 

However, apparently, there were "several" possible buyers according to the seller and she never said who any where so those will always be a mystery.

that nincompoop Bryan Simmons jumped on me saying I was disgracing his online-home, what a knothead- didn’t even realize I was the same person when I called him a simpleton for dissing Kubrick, Shane was like, “hey man, chill it’s only a movie”- LOL, neuro surgeons, the lot of em’ I tells ya.

So, you're that Baltan_Seijin/OrionSlaveLotion guy, eh? I thought your name was Vic? :) FWIW a lot of people got heated in that thread and a lot of people went at it with yiou and others. There's no reason to still hate them 2 years later.

If I recall, you were nice enough to make mockery of the ordeal… always being the cute one, eh, Alvarez?


Perhaps you need to reread the thread. I posted all of twice in it. I even said we don't know for sure it's some super collector as others were assuming, and you still do. Since I found out earlier this year who it was, I was right. 

My first post in that thread was to TTSin who later turned out to be my best friend Soicobiologist. I told him to calm down because he was being irrational and it didn't even concern him. You replied to me saying I was trying to insult your intelligence. My reply was very cordial and that was the whole extent of my involvement in an 8 page flame war. If that's your idea of being cute then yeah, I was being cute. If you have a problem with me then say it otherwise know what you are talking about before making smartass remarks about me.


Vintage Kenner / Re: Vintage ebaY auction wins!
« on: August 5, 2005, 12:56 PM »
A lady posted about a number of 12 backs in the middle of the night with insanely low buy-it-now, it was a shark feeding frenzy but I was able to snag a couple, I upgraded my Luke and finally bought a D.S. Commander… only two more to go to complete the first twelve.

Is this recently?  I'm flashing back to the same sort of fiasco about a year ago?

I remember that. Derk Ho (Uncle Gundy on RS) posted about them and everybody jumped on them. Some of the sore losers offered out more on the lots and one loser even emailed the winner instead of the seller. That pretty much turned into a HUGE ordeal and is one of the main reasons so many hate "auction outting". It's a shame so many fellow forum members turn out to be cutthroats.



Most of mine. :) I'm missing Han Hoth, Luke Hoth, Leia Hoth, Hoth Trooper (seeing a pattern?) and Leia. I'm thinking this may have been a particularly snowy winter and they may have fallen to the snow banks. ;) The Yoda also isn't mine. I traded mine for some GI Joes and then later acquired my friend's dog chewed naked Yoda for myself.

If anybody hasn't seen this it's a neat section of the Archive: which features a lot of the editor's collections as well as some well-known collector's like Brennan Swain, winner of The Amazing Race season 1.


14 in varying sizes, colors, and countries of origin.  :o

If you mean licensed then it's 3, 2 from childhood and 1 from my mint set of original 12.

Vintage Kenner / Archive Update: 8/3/05
« on: August 4, 2005, 10:14 AM »
I added a number of Top Toys Prototype molds last night to the Archive. I should be adding one more piece from the "cookie mold findl" later tonight so check back for that.



Vintage Kenner / Re: New Archive Special Feature
« on: August 4, 2005, 10:12 AM »
Thanx for the support and kind words guys.

I find it funny that PPL tried to make what appears a new toy line out of parts from other toy lines. I wonder if the reason they did this was only because they had just the 3 SW heads and Vader/Stormtrooper parts available to them to make new molds and just so happened to have the FP astronaut body.

Not sure yet. I'm still digging. I do find it odd that Luke (Bespin), Han (original), and Bossk were used though since Top Toys, the distributor in Argentina, didn't even make those figures. Then again that could also be the appeal. Perhaps they made them since they weren't released. Vader and Stormtrooper were released by Top Toys so I can understand them. They might have been cheaper alternatives to the licensed Top Toys figures.

Any idea where the lunar rover and/or the guns that come with them are originally from? The gun on top of the yellow rover looks vaguely like an M-16.

Not sure about the M-16 but the Lunar Rover I just found out is also Adventure People. Somebody sent me a link after they read this. I'm looking for a better pic so I can update the article. :)


Vintage Kenner / New Archive Special Feature
« on: August 3, 2005, 01:46 PM »

For those of you checking out this thread you'll probably enjoy my latest feature. I'm sure many of you have not heard of these yet but some of you may have seen a few over the past year either in collections or on eBay. We discovered the first one last November so the information on these is only 9 months old so hopefully in time more will be known.


Vintage Kenner / Archive Update (all bootleg)
« on: July 14, 2005, 09:58 AM »
I thought I posted this here. Sorry guys.  :'(

I've added some new things today and had added some new stuff over the past month. Gus and Duncan have been adding a lot of cool food stuffs though so some of the other entries tend to get buried fast. I have updated the Index page with all of the new entries so just search for the stuff with the "NEW" logo before it:
There's some really killer pieces there so have a look. I've got some more stuff of Joe's to add and am also working on a new Special Feature so stay tuned for more.


Vintage Kenner / Re: luke skywalker's hoovercraft
« on: May 23, 2005, 09:42 PM »
With time a vintage Landspeeder can be had for not much more than the modern one linked to. Here's an example of a closed auction:
That one even has a box. No inserts but what do ya want for less than $20? ;)


Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow
« on: May 21, 2005, 03:49 PM »
This may sound like a silly question but what is the attraction to bootlegs?.  Granted this figure looks cool but I never really understude the draw to them.

I personally like the fact that bootlegs epitomize the globalization of SW. It became a part of pop culture in many countries, even 3rd world or countires under communist rule. Some countries like Mexico were very poor and bootlegs were all that children could afford.

In other countries like Poland they were under communist rule and none of the toys or books were allowed to be sold.

In countries like  Brazil there was an embargo act so one crafty individual stared making figures out of lead.

These are horrible and yet children in many of these countries were forced to play with them if they wanted to have SW toys. Sure they might be ugly but I love what they represent and that's how global SW really was, and is.

You can read more here:


Vintage Kenner / Re: Wow
« on: May 21, 2005, 03:37 PM »
That's a pretty cherry looking Blue Stars. I'll be watching to see if anybody takes the BIN which I consider to be fair for one this nice.

No joke at all, I would love to one day get him and Head Man, but i suppose that will never be :-[ I still need to get Vlix first.

I hope you mean a loose Headman. ;)


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