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Messages - Nicklab

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I have mixed feelings about this batch of reveals.  But then I have cut back on my Black Series purchases dramatically.

-Prince Xizor - I never had a lot of attachment to Shadows of the Empire.  But it's probably because I got back into Star Wars around 1998, which was after the window of time for SOTE.  Still, Jayson found a blurb in the Xizor press release that make it appear as though Dash Rendar, Luke and Leia from SOTE might also be on the way.  But that's still not a factor for me.
-Commander Bacara - This is a MAYBE for me.  Because I'm thinking about also getting Ki-Adi Mundi, and the two figures seem to complement one another.
-Commando Droid - Impressive!  And I might be getting this one.

-Dagan Gera - Interesting design - especially the lost arm.  But a pass
-Luke and Leia - AGAIN?  I don't know.  Maybe I'll sell my old versions and get these.  But it's not inspiring to get repeats on main characters when the way TBS launched was with the promise of getting these main characters right the first time.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2025 TVC Streets of Mos Eisley Playset
« on: September 13, 2024, 06:21 PM »
I really, really like this!  And as they were talking about it in the presentation I was thinking about setting up 2 of these, and the assorted configurations that they could be made into. 

I have only two criticisms:
1 - The pack-in Jawa needs some leg articulation
2 - I wish they would have included a moisture vaporator

The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Pulse Con 2024
« on: September 13, 2024, 04:40 PM »
The tracks in the sand next to Luke are definitely intriguing.  And since they're single file?  I think they might be getting ready to release a bantha!

And then there are the tracks in front of the Jawa.  To me, those look more like something a dewback would leave.

Then, there's a blurry spot on the sand behind the wall of the new playset.  Could it be a hint of the "force field" that's seen beneath the landspeeder?

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Blurrg & The Mandalorian
« on: September 12, 2024, 04:58 PM »
Great pics, Rob!  The gloss and detail of the eyes immediately caught my attention.

Disney Parks Droid Factory / Re: 2024 Disney Star Tours Starspeeder 3000
« on: September 10, 2024, 09:26 PM »
Jake from 4Lom To Zuckuss is saying that what's landing at Tatooine Traders will be the last of the 3000 units.  If this is in fact the case?  Then I suspect that this could be a supply that was on hand in the event that people received their Starspeeder damaged, there were shipping issues, etc.

However, I still find it to be completely absurd that Disney would invest so much capital into this new Starspeeder vehicle / playset to limit the production run to 3000 pieces globally.  I think it's entirely possible that a pared down version that has fewer features might be offered for sale at the Disney Parks.  That could mean possibly without the base, or with just one RX pilot droid, etc.

Received mine yesterday.  Looking forward to opening these up.  The images I've seen of Sabine show a radically different look from her appearance in AHSOKA.  And I'm happy that Hasbro went the extra mile there.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: September 5, 2024, 03:39 PM »
I think your skepticism probably serves you well, Rob!


IG-12 w/Grogu - Likely built with some IG-11 parts.  Hopefully they fix the elbow joints
Moff Gideon (Dark Trooper Armor) - Likely to be new.  But I think some parts will re-appear elsewhere
Jod Na Nawood (Skeleton Crew) - This is Jude Law's character.  I imagine there will be some parts re-use like boots or legs.
Cobb Vanth (BOBF) - I could see this coming from a mile away when the TM series 2 armored Cobb Vanth was announced.  Glad this isn't going to linger un-made.

1x from Jedi Survivor - I don't know the game.  But predictions?  Cal as an Inquisitor.  It's being done in TBS, and the Grand Inquisitor might be the basis for this.
2x from The Mandalorian - I'm going villains here - Imperial Praetorian Guard and Imperial Armored Commando
3x from Star Wars Rebels - Hera Syndulla (Season 1), Ezra Bridger (Season 1) and Agent Kallus
1x from Obi-Wan Kenobi - Tala Durith (Imperial Officer) - I think the Dedra Meero sculpt is going to be put to immediate use here.  Fifth Brother Inquisitor is a wishlist item
1x from Andor - Cassian from season 2 in the same look as The Black Series
3x from A New Hope - The cynic in me says Commander Praji as a quasi O96 Imperial Commander, General Dodonna built from the Captain Antilles model, and perhaps 1 cantina alien

1x Deluxe – $24.99 - Saw Gerrera
1x Playset – $59.99 - Seatos henge with Morgan Elsbeth's troopers (wishlist item)

The Vintage Collection / Re: Vintage Collection Rumors
« on: September 5, 2024, 02:26 PM »
WOW!  How did I miss this???  Lots of grist for the rumor mill.

The figures included with the Ghost are all Rebels season 3 and 4.  This Sabine and Chopper are from season 3, IIRC.

So far, only the TVC mainline Kanan and deluxe Zeb represent any of the Spectres from season 1 of Rebels.  The current versions of Ezra, Hera, Sabine and Chopper are all sourced from AHSOKA.  I'm hopeful for season 1 versions of Hera and Ezra, plus Kallus.  And down the line I think Hasbro will likely touch on the rest of the crew from other seasons, plus Rex and Ahsoka.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Blurrg & The Mandalorian
« on: September 5, 2024, 02:19 PM »
Hasbro has been padding the schedule for a while now.  And it seems like they had that safety buffer set around 2 months beyond the date that figures were actually delivered.  I get the concept - set expectations low, and when you overperform you look good.  A 2 month safety net?  Sure.  But 4 months?!?!?!

I wish I could say that this was the result of Steve Evans' management of the design team.  But this comes down to manufacturing schedules and transit from Asia to US ports.  Could we actually be seeing some benefits from the decline of the toy industry getting figures to us faster???

For me the issue is just about wanting to have a greater degree of clarity about when deliveries will arrive.  For some people it's more complicated because they order using debit cards.  They need to have cash on hand to pay for those orders.  That's not an issue for me as I use credit cards in order to get rewards for my orders.

Paid and ready to ship.  This is one that I'm really looking forward to, as Hasbro gets really serious about releasing the crew of the Ghost.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2024 TVC Blurrg & The Mandalorian
« on: September 5, 2024, 11:38 AM »
I'm not unhappy with the news that my Mando & Blurrg order is due to arrive next week.  NOT AT ALL.

I'm concerned with the continued schedule padding by Hasbro.  I just double checked my order spreadsheet.  The original delivery date for this piece was JANUARY 21, 2025.  That's not the usual 6 - 8 weeks of padding - that's OVER FOUR MONTHS OF PADDING!  It raises serious questions about the process when the current sales model has evolved into "Pipeline Announcement - Product Reveal - Preorder - Wait a few months".

Oh, and in the meantime?  There has been next to no updates about the most big ticket item - the Ghost!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything eBay! Scams, questions, etc...
« on: September 4, 2024, 04:06 PM »
I do this, too.  It’s a good firewall between my eBay business and my household finances. 

I just opened my set of Rebel pilots.  It's definitely a good set.  I like the alien likenesses - the Mirialan looks great, and the Duros is even better.  The only criticism I have with the Duros is that the only blaster I was able to fit in his hand was the DH-17, and I had to manipulate the index finger in order to fit it in the trigger guard.  I couldn't get the DL-44 to work for him.  But I think it was a good choice to offer only blaster pistols in this set - even if we did see New Republic X-Wing pilots using rifles when they rescued Mando from the ice spiders on Maldo Kreis.

The pilot buck seems to work with all of these pilots regardless of gender.  And it seems like the helmets are interchangeable across all of the pilots.  So if you want the human pilots to have Rebellion sigils on their helmets instead of NR?  It's totally doable.

Looking forward?  I cannot help but think that the Duros head indicates that Hasbro is looking to make other Duros figures in the future - likely for the Cantina.  Will Hasbro use this same pilot buck for some named pilots from the OT?  I would like to see Hasbro revisit Biggs Darklighter and Garven Dreis.  Wedge is already in TVC, but dates back to 2011, IIRC.  And Theron Nett would be cool, too, but I don't know if he merits a carded release when slots in the mainline are so precious.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Acolyte (Disney+)
« on: August 30, 2024, 01:59 PM »
Thanks everyone, sincerely. It was days after my 50th birthday, such a wake up call for what the rest of my life means to me.

I did not intend to derail the thread


I think it's a sign of the quality of a community when we can set aside our hobby and have a conversation about what's important - THE PEOPLE IN OUR COMMUNITY!  I know that you and I discussed this in another setting, but I'm still very glad that you can see that people care, and are glad that you got treatment and are doing better.  I know that I am.  And it's a reminder to us all that we're not the little kids who saw the OT in the theaters anymore.  We have fuller lives, families, responsibilities, etc, and that we have to be more conscious of taking care of ourselves.

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