So here’s some of what I meant about how the revisionism negatively impacts the established canon:
1) Leia having this not at all forgettable adventure with Obi-Wan, and it never comes up in ANH? Are they going to wipe her memory or something? Because it makes her holo message seem weird now. You served my father in the Clone Wars is a far cry from remember when you saved me from those Inquisitors 8 years ago, or whatever.
2) Grand Inquisitor still dead. At least show him floating in a bacta tank or getting cloned or something!
3) this is the one that just kills me, that duel, IMHO, horribly undercuts and essentially renders meaningless one of my favorite Vader lines from ANH about how last time they met, Obi-Wan was the Master, but now he is. Now it’s more like, the last time we met, I totally wiped the floor with you and made you look like a sad broken old man.

That duel should also have been the penultimate climax of Episode 6, not a stopping point halfway through. And then Vader just gives up at the end of the episode when OBW is right in front of him practically defeated? Like he couldn’t have snuffed out those flames using the Force? I think that ending could have been scripted a little more effectively.
I did love the Quinlan Vos reference! And seeing the Fortress finally was cool.