Vader didn't finish her because to do so would have been a mercy, and mercy isn't the way of the sith. Reva has spent her whole life plotting revenge against him, and she just took her only shot, only to discover Vader knew the entire time who she was and what she was planning. He then proceeded to utterly humiliate her, showing her with no shadow of a doubt that she never stood a chance and never will, not even considering her enough of a threat to bother drawing his own lightsaber against her. Now he's left her gravely, but not fatally wounded, utterly beaten, and denied the only thing she truly wants. Just like him. Now she has to live knowing not only did she fail, but she will never succeed, she will never have what she wants most, because she never was, and never will be powerful enough to take him on. She has to live with that now. Just like him. She has nothing left now, her thirst for vengeance will never be satiated. All she has now is her hate, and by letting her live, it will consume her. Killing her would have been putting her out of her misery, and that isn't a very Sith thing to do. Letting her live and abandoning her there is the cruelest thing he could have done to her.