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Messages - The Professor

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I really like what you've done so far.  I've always been intrigued by the politics in Star Wars (as in real life) although I'm sure most Star Wars fans find it boring.  Even I admit it can slow the movies down a little.  But a photonovel is very different.  I'm really looking forward to this, and I like what you've done with the Emperor figure using the Adi Gallia.  Also, I always saw thought the Imperial dignitaries would show up in the Senate soon.

I don't know if you're a member of the Official Fan Club, but they sent out pretty big backdrops from Hasbro in their membersihp packets a year ago.  Jabba's Palace was on one side and an expansive view of the Geonosis battleground on the other.  It might work well for the display.  Anyway, keep up the good work.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Your First custom...
« on: August 24, 2005, 12:19 AM »
1983 - I remember before ROTJ came out, using red and blue toothpicks for the telescoping lightsabers for Vader and Luke.  I just didn't think that the plastic ones were nearly as long as they should have been.

Hey, I did that about, too, CHEWIE...a few years later.  I was born into the so-called "dead era" of Star Wars, so I used what I could when I was little and also put toothpicks into the slots.  They worked well and came in various colors. 

As for my first customs, I used to make small "sets" when I was really young.  They were basically pieces of packaging styrofoam with perhaps a little crayon.  Nothing fancy at all.  However, I loved and cherished styrofoam even at the age of three. :) 

It looks nice.  You might want to consider cutting out the clone armor section on the cloak (not the belt, however) so that the AT-TE's chest armor shows up under Obi-Wan's brown cloak.  It might look better, not that it's bad to begin with.  Simple swaps can work quite well.

Very nice Professor!!! How did you make the tiled floors? And how long did it take you to make this work of art?

Thanks, Sith Lord Chaos.  I hand painted the floors the two shades of gray and then used my sharpie and ruler to create the detail to appear like tiles.  I then went back and weathered it using deluded black acrylic paint and a paper towel.  I also used some silver and gold scorch marks.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: The Professor's Dioramas
« on: August 23, 2005, 04:38 PM »
I've uploaded some new pictures of the Mustafar diorama that should cover pretty much everything that happens on the planet in the movie! 

I've also put some pictures of Palpatine's Office back on the site as well as two sneak previews.   ;)

My Village Photos Gallery 

Finally, look forward to some new pictures from Utapau and the Invisible Hand some time after Labor Day!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Ewok catapult (with real twigs!)
« on: August 23, 2005, 04:08 PM »
Daigo-Bah, I remember seeing this a while back, and I must say that it looks great.  Your work with rea wood is amazing and to perfect scale.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: The Professor's Dioramas
« on: August 23, 2005, 03:24 AM »
Sith Lord Chaos, you capture Frito's (my sister's dog) myset perfectly.  I went back to college the day after the incident.  Maybe he was upset I was leaving. ;)

Anyway, the damage wasn't that bad because it was #1 if you get my drift.  There was a little flood of sorts in the conference room which is a rare occurrence on a volcanic world.  The holo displays got a little damaged because the are partly made with poster board.  However, I think I was able to salvage them in okay shape.  That was really the worst damage.  I was mostly worried about any lingering stench, but everything turned out all right (I hope!) because I found it early.  My sister and I washed off everything carefully and then covered the floor with salt to absorb the smell.  I'm pretty sure it worked. 

Luckily, I took pictures before the incident.  I just haven't posted them yet, but look for them by Friday. 

Finally, CHEWIE, I 'm glad I'm not the only who noticed the direction RS has taken lately.  It's sad.

darth_ripley, jedijaybird, those are some very clean and sharp customs.  I'm always amazed by how people can be so precise with their painting.  It's something I'm always challenged by in my dioramas.  Keep it up.  I'm really liking what's coming out of this month's challenge.

I really like that Baktoid mining droid, CHEWIE.  It captures the Star Wars look perfectly.  It looks straight from the movie.  The wires are a nice touch and the paint job is great as usual.

WOW!  Your work is very impressive, Darth Delicious.  Your figures look like real toys and very professional.  The blue clone commander looks particularly sharp.  I think the Mandalorian symbol on the Mandalorian figure is very well-painted for such small detail. 

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Dressel Rebel's customs thread
« on: August 22, 2005, 03:55 PM »
Very good work and very fitting to your name!  I can't believe you've customized so many Dresselians.  They look good and reflect a lot of creativity on your part.  I think the new cloak on the POTF version in the first picture looks especially sharp.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Other Retailers... Check them out!
« on: August 21, 2005, 02:41 AM »
My biggest problem with K-Mart is pricing.  Things are always overpriced there.

Star Wars Dioramas and Displays / Re: The Professor's Dioramas
« on: August 21, 2005, 02:39 AM »
Thanks everyone.  I'm glad your were able to view some of my newest dioramas.  I'll have a few more pictures of Mustafar up later this week.  Fortunately, I took pictures on Wednesday because my sister's dog decided Mustafar was really a bathroom.  Needless to say, it was a bit messy, but there's no major harm done.  It was quite a bit aggravating, though.

On an unrelated note, I don't plan on leaving that other site's forums, but I really wanted to share my dioramas with a more serious crowd.  Because of the popularity of the films right now, people are joining the Rebel Scum forums by the dozen.  Most can't type but have digital cameras and aren't afraid to post pictures and expect replies after putting little to no work into their dioramas.  I was terribly bewildered by the popularity of a thread about freezing a Bail Organa figure in a block of ice.  Not to say that it wasn't funny; I'm just not sure why it became so very popular.

Anyway, that's just a small rant, but I'm glad to be hear.  The tone is much more serious.  Thanks for the heads-up, CHEWIE.

Excellent work!  I'm really surprised by the amount of detail people can go into when sculpting their own figures.  It's truly excellent.  The paint job is also top notch, and I think that the t-shirt's texture really works well as soft goods.  That new sculpt looks great, too.  Just one more thing:  Pardon my ignorance, but where did you get the design for Faie.  Was he in the movie?

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