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Messages - Nicklab

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I'll pay too for all new characters and a good mix of resculpts like both of these are...I agree that the inclusion of Jek's droid is a little dissapointing as it is more or less R5-D4.  Hopefully they will paint the back panels red :P

Agreed.  But in the case of the three pilots they chose for the 3-pack you can only really see Porkins' droid in any of the screencaps.  And I can't see ANY of the Y-Wing astromechs in those shots from inside the cockpit.  So all things considered it seems reasonable that Hasbro would pick Porkins' droid since it's the only one with any kind of visual reference.  And when I did look for shots of the Y-Wings in the trench, guess what? THERE ARE NO ASTROMECHS IN THE DROID SOCKETS!

***Edit - removed link

The Vintage Collection / Re: Defender Wishlists 2012 Discussion
« on: March 21, 2012, 04:35 PM »

Weazel needs some more love.

I wish I'd cast a vote for Weazel.  Especially considering Warwick Davis's new show on HBO!

In the past if some of my selections didn't make the cut, I would just repeat that list for the next years poll.  But with an AOTC in 3D line potentially in the works, I'm going to revamp my list:

1 - Jocasta Nu

2 - JK Burtola (Bear Clan member with dialogue on left)

3 - Rogwa Wodrata

4 - Senator Amidala - Palpatine's office (Loyalist Dress)

5 - Anakin Skywalker - Geonosis Arena Battle (non-pleather, green lightsaber)

6 - Senator Toonbuck Toora

7 - Kalyn Farnmir - Outlander nightclub patron

8 - COO-2180 cook droid

9 - Cliegg Lars

10 - Sar Labooda

That is the first time in recent memory that Hasbro has sent out C&Ds for SW though...I've heard there has been a regime change on the SW brand and this is probably a good sign of things to come :-\

Really?  I know there was the news about the layoffs in Pawtucket.  And I also know that the brand manager had been promoted to the VP level within the past year or two.  But this is news to me.

4 for 10 from my list.  Not too shabby.

I'm a little surprised about the 4 resculpt requests.  I would've thought that some of the Jedi resculpt requests might have ranked higher.

I don't think anyone was really complaining about lower Walmart prices, were they?   ???  I think the discussion has been more around surprise that WM is clearancing things already and just overall errors in pricing with their systems (like the $4 Vintage).  You have to admit, for the nation's largest retailer it is a little surprising to be finding some of these crazy mistakes.

I don't see it here so much as at some other sites that seem to think that individual store reports are indicative of what's going on at retail on the national scale.  And then they go on to post those things on their main page AS NEWS.  It's hysterical, anecdotal and doesn't establish any kind of real patterns or trends that are going on with the major retailers.

WalMart's status as the largest retailer in the country absolutely makes them a big deal.  But the lack of standards and consistency across the chain has always made shopping at WalMart a far more aggravating experience than patronizing either Target or Toys R Us.  And that's why I've always preferred Target & TRU over the years.  And the WalMart stores have always been a mess, too. 

The Vintage Collection / Re: Keeping Cardbacks
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:17 PM »
Another motivating factor for getting rid of the old cardbacks?  The show HOARDERS scares the living hell out of me.  I want those old cardbacks out of my house!

The Vintage Collection / Re: Keeping Cardbacks
« on: March 19, 2012, 09:17 PM »
I used to keep all of my cardbacks, and a lot of that was because of the now defunct Jedi Master Points.  And some part of me was enamored of the old character bios that had been on some of them. 

But then I had a couple of major things happen in my life.  First, a flood in an old apartment of mine.  It made me realize just how much stuff I had, and how a good deal of it served no useful purpose.  Among that was a lot of old cardbacks.  When had I even looked at some of these in the past 10 years?  And then I moved into a bigger house about a year later.  Again, I was left wondering "Why am I moving this box full of old cardbacks that I packed up who knows how many years ago and haven't looked at them since?"  So a lot of them went in the trash.

Fast forward to last month:  I was getting ready to send in my redemption forms for the Prototype Boba Fett mailaway.  I knew about the mailaway so I was stocking up on some TVC cardbacks as well as the CW blister inserts.  The CW & SL blister inserts have the UPC's on them, and if I opened up a CW or SL figure I would save the insert with the UPC and toss the cardbacks & blisters.  Then if I clipped the UPC from either a TVC card or a CW/SL blister insert the remaining cardboard would go in the trash.  There's no good reason that I can think of to hang onto the leftover cards or blister inserts.

At the time that POTJ Teebo WAS an amazing figure.  It was a major step forward in how Hasbro was approaching Ewoks.  IIRC it was the first Ewok that gave us articulated wrists.

The $4 figures at Walmart seem to be at an end in my neck of the woods.  At one store I visit on a regular basis they've actually put the pegtag stickers (complete with barcode & price) on the basic figure card, and IIRC that was $8.96 per figure.

What I think is hilarious is the way some people across the community are freaking out over the inconsistencies in how Walmart is handling Star Wars.  I mean, we are talking about WalMart here.  There's not a great level of standardization in how their stores operate.  We're not talking about Target, which runs a pretty tight ship nationally and manages their inventory ruthlessly.  We've only seen minimal Star Wars price glitches with Target in the past year or two.  WalMart is a mess in comparison, and has been for some time.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2012 "Vintage" Collection Wave 15
« on: March 19, 2012, 05:14 PM »
The one ROTS Clone resculpt that I would give a pass is the Galactic Marine.  Re-do that one with a softgoods kama and I'm sold.  It was definitely one of the coolest ROTS Clones, but the plastic kama was a downer.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Bar's open! What'll you have...?
« on: March 19, 2012, 04:38 PM »
I must confess, I do like me some Scotch Whisky:

No Glenmorangie?

Or Johnnie Walker Blue for that matter?

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Four Discussion Thread
« on: March 19, 2012, 02:46 PM »


If they'd sent a task force, they could've blown them up in space. Whatever...the will of the butt. They ran away.

This is exactly what I was thinking.  Why wouldn't the Republic have a cruiser just outside of detection range supporting Kenobi?    The entire council should have been there to back up Obi-Wan.  Catching Maul would be the key to unlocking the entire mystery of the Sith.  While I think there has been a lot of good stuff on this show, I feel completely 'meh' at this whole storyline.

I think they wanted Obi-Wan to go alone for the very reason you're getting at:  Maul could eventually lead the Jedi Council to Darth Sidious.  Sending one Jedi alone would be far more likely to go unnoticed by anyone outside of the Jedi Council.  Send the fleet and that could draw the attention of the Sith.

Certainly, there was the history between Obi-Wan and Darth Maul.  Maul has his desire for vengeance, and that's probably not limited to Kenobi alone, but for Darth Sidious as well.  You have to remember that Maul had the presence of mind to talk about how he had once been in league with "one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy", and the next target of his vengeance may be Sidious.

It seems likely that somehow the Maul storyline is going to get wrapped up in some way, shape or form.  His disappearance (or that of Savage Oppress) may eventually be linked to the re-emergence of the Sith in the EU realm of the NJO or beyond.  And then for next season it seems that there may be a running plotline of the Jedi searching for Darth Sidious.

I'm thinking they're TRU exclusives.  It fits the theme of the Battle of Endor figures they did last year.

As for the droid?  Check out this pic:

It looks pretty similar to R5-D4 from the get-go.

That's definitely a nice little crop of Ewoks.  It gets Kneesa out, which we know had been on the way.  And it offers a nice revision on Teebo, the last version of whom looks oversized.  The rest of the set is gravy!

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