Author Topic: The Walking Dead  (Read 668100 times)

Offline CloneF13Y35

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #390 on: March 19, 2012, 09:39 AM »
I agree with everyone's assesments, while the spoilers I read were dead on, it was still very exciting to see how it all played out. I really only got into the show during the season 1 and 2 marathan before this second half got started back in Jan/Feb so that helped keep everything in mind. Unlike Lost, after 5 or 6 years, you kinda forgot a lot of stuff that had happened before by the time it ended.
I could see the character development of many of them, from bad to better and bad to worse a la Shane. The major spoiler/reveal that everyone is already infected was widely suspected by us but helped answer to them the WHY some people became zombies without obvious bites, scratches which seemed to only speed up the process once injured.  And with Randall and Shane becoming zombies after being killed by conventional means proved that. But the other questions is HOW? Was it airborne, some kind of aresol chemical released into the air and why?
Anyway, so many interesting things happened with the group - Lori freaking out at Rick over what she prodded him to do to Shane; Glen/Maggie getting together - now if he'll man up a little and stop letting her boss him around lol; Hershal leaving his farm and for now, giving Rick his support; Daryl coming into his own, even still as an outsider (at least to himself). Maybe he and Carol will hook up or at least get her to quit her bitchen.
Glad to see Andrea make it and thanks to the character from the comics which I haven't read - Michonne coming to Andrea's rescue. How cool was it seeing her dragging her two zombies behind her on chains? I've read somewhere it says one is her brother and other one is her boyfriend and she keeps them around to disguise her from other walkers.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #391 on: March 19, 2012, 09:41 AM »
I didn't quite catch the helicopter thing in the beginning - even on the talking dead they didn't say that was from the pilot.  I dunno.  I thought the chopter lured all the walkers to the farm - why were they all hell bent on getting there to begin with - just the gunshot derailed them?

The armless walkers on chains lead by Michonne.  OMFG!!  I've no clue who she is, but a fan fave from the books I guess.  Can't wait to see more of that kinda stuff.  Trained walkers?  rad

Lori and Carl need to leave.  They both annoy me.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #392 on: March 19, 2012, 10:04 AM »
I didn't quite catch the helicopter thing in the beginning - even on the talking dead they didn't say that was from the pilot.  I dunno.  I thought the chopter lured all the walkers to the farm - why were they all hell bent on getting there to begin with - just the gunshot derailed them?

I didn't quite get the timeline of the helicopter either but if it was in the pilot then the course of events seems to be that it caught the attention of the walkers which started following it.  Once in motion, they just kept going.  They were joined by a second group (that we saw, probably by more) which really increased the ranks and they kept on mostly in a straight line out of Atlanta.  They happened to be near the farm and heard Carl's gunshot and that turned them in that direction.

It shows that they really are a herd, basically.  Mindlessly set in motion by something that, to them, signaled live humans for them to eat.  But once on the move, they didn't really deviate until something else stimulated them into thinking "food."

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Offline Qui-Gon Jim

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #393 on: March 19, 2012, 10:36 AM »
Sigh, so much awesomeness, and then there's effing Lori.  ::)

The only sour note in the whole episode, and I am getting tired of coming back to this, but damn, LORI. WHAT THE HELL?!?! YOU basically tell Rick to murder Shane, then screw with Shane's head causing him to try and murder Rick, and then when Rick actually does what you asked, because he is forced to due to your careless meddling, you have the unbelievable audacity to get all huffy WITH HIM?!?!?

She is just a rotten person, plain and simple. I wish she would just leave and take Carol with her already. Ugh, so over those two.

Nail. On. The. Head.  For a while there I was starting to like Carol and how she was coming into her own after getting away from her ******* husband.  I had hoped she and Darrell would hook up - they seemed good for each other and brought out the best in each other.  Now she just seems like a whiney harpy.
+2.  Couldn't agree more.  I would say that 75% of Rick's speech was directed right at that beyotch.
« Last Edit: March 19, 2012, 10:41 AM by Qui-Gon Jim »

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #394 on: March 20, 2012, 12:08 AM »
I thought you almost had to watch Talking Dead this time to make sure you got everything...

As has been noted, the show's honchoes mentioned that Lori's mad at herself, at least as much as Rick I guess, over what happened to Shane...  She maybe didn't expect murder to be the answer, but more for Rick to put him in his place and keep him there.  How do you get mad though, considering what Shane did to Rick to get him out alone like that?  She's probably equally mad/upset that now Carl's involved heavily, and that's going to be a scarring thing and all.

I liked Rick's flip-out though...  long overdue with this bunch of roaming appetizers.  They're a bunch of dickheads, and spineless.  People like T-Dawg, Carol, Lori, Glenn/Maggie...  They don't have my respect.  Not one of them.  The world is a world of "Rick's, Shane's, & Dale's".  The first two are independant, and capable.  The last is not.  The first two will come to disagreement...  The last will bitch, but couldn't survive on its own.

The Vato's are a group of Rick's...  or at least they seemed to have some level of solidarity behind what they were doing.  Trying to do a moral thing in a world of chaos.

On other points...  I totally agree with Greg about Carol's behavior...  Justified when you look at it from her POV, but her POV is admittedly warped.  She blames Rick, and loves Darryl, so she sees Darryl as pandering to Rick...  Likewise Maggie feels/felt the same about Glenn.  Stop being their slave, doign the dirty work, and be more of a Rick/Shane type!

Well, that's much easier said than done, isn't it?  It's the guy with the pistol permit, maybe even willing to draw it, but does he have the courage to use it?  Fight or flight is a hard thing to control, and Rick has the ability to do that when others do not.  Shane did too, for better or worse.  Andrea's getting there.  Michonne looks to have it and then some.

As far as the timeline goes, and the copter, IIRC the zombies eating the dog were there, no?  I recall that somewhere....  The herd thing is something Darryl touched on too.  Staying off broader highways is a good idea because big open space like that leads instinctively to migration.  That's kind of neat to see it hinted at a little bit...  The herds move in bulk, and prefer moving where it's easier to move...  I liked how they hit that fence and just stood there.  Good to think they're that dumb at least, and probably aren't able to climb ladders.

The prison was hard to make out what it was when I was watching.  I didn't find out till, again, Talking Dead that it was that...  I'd considered prisons as a place to maybe go and even said that, if you were on the West Coast, that you may try to get to Alcatraz...  But on the East Coast a lot of prisons are like fortresses equally good at keeping people out as they are keeping them in.  Problem is, who's left inside, if anyone, that's alive?

You think 30 guys from Philly and whoever they picked up on the way down are bad, then think about who's in the prison...  People who society basically exiled long ago, and who themselves largely abandoned society.  It's a fort, but be careful who you're playing cowboys and undeadindians with.

And I totally figured Patricia and Jimmy were done for...  I really thought T-Dawg's time is up.  A little shocked someone like him is stilling hangin' in there.

Great season finale, best show on TV, and outstanding all around.  I'm floored by it every week.

Oh, and one more thing...  Who cares if you turn into a zombie regardless?  Unless you turn into one spontaneously...  like you die because of the illness and just boom at osme point zombie-out, then who cares?  If it's just whenever you die from whatever kills you, be it a bite, a gun shot, a knife to the gut, a muscle-head breaking your neck, falling off a ladder, or a heartattack from old age, then who cares?  Isn't it just another part of life at that point?  You're just going to have to make sure when grandpa dies in the night from old age, that you pop him one in the head to make sure he doesn't wake up when you're doing the eulogy right?  I don't see the big deal there, assuming that it's not possible for the disease itself to kill you and reanimate you.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #395 on: March 20, 2012, 07:33 AM »
Oh, and one more thing...  Who cares if you turn into a zombie regardless?  Unless you turn into one spontaneously...  like you die because of the illness and just boom at osme point zombie-out, then who cares?  If it's just whenever you die from whatever kills you, be it a bite, a gun shot, a knife to the gut, a muscle-head breaking your neck, falling off a ladder, or a heartattack from old age, then who cares?  Isn't it just another part of life at that point?  You're just going to have to make sure when grandpa dies in the night from old age, that you pop him one in the head to make sure he doesn't wake up when you're doing the eulogy right?  I don't see the big deal there, assuming that it's not possible for the disease itself to kill you and reanimate you.

I think people instinctively want to be laid to rest when they die.  I get what you're saying - if you're dead, then you won't know the difference anyway, but it's the thought of what will happen to your body afterwards.  When you die, do you want to be buried somewhere or just dumped in the family garbage can?  It really shouldn't matter I guess, but it does to most people.  I also think people don't want to go down knowing that they're going to add to the zombie ranks.  If anything, I'd want to not come back just to cleanse the world of one more zombie.

Now that said, I wonder if anyone WANTS to become a zombie.  The flip side of the arguement is that you would "live" longer and who knows what sense of self you might still have as a zombie.  What if they somehow came up with a cure?  Obviously a rat's chance in Hell of that happening, but that kind of mindset might make some people prefer to come back just in case...
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Offline CloneF13Y35

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #396 on: March 20, 2012, 10:21 AM »
On another mesasage board, someone asked why didn't Dale become a zombie like Randall and Shane and I mentioned that Daryl shot Dale in the head to destroy his brain; Shane and Randall did not 'die' that way initially. Rick didn't know for certain (whether it'll ever be mentioned or maybe it was somewhere - I  know Rick ws told by Dr. Jenner but until seeing it with Shane, I don't think he totally believed it) that Shane would Zombie up like that and so quickly. But like they said on Talking Dead, Shane had so much agressive energy in him, he transformed really quickly. So going back to everyone is infected, if little Ms. 'I wanna die cause life sux' (Herschal's youngest daughter who did survive), HAD been sucessfully in killing herself then she would have zombied up too and Herschal or someone would have had to put her down. When Maggie was attacked the second time she and Glen went to the store, I think it flipped a switch in her mind that - yeah - they ain't 'sick people', they're freaking zombies.
i want to pick up some of the comics to get a better feel for the story. I'll need SOMETHING to watch/do until the Fall LOL.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #397 on: March 20, 2012, 01:19 PM »
On another mesasage board, someone asked why didn't Dale become a zombie like Randall and Shane and I mentioned that Daryl shot Dale in the head to destroy his brain;

Actually - Darryl shot Dale in the head as an act of mercy - to end his suffering.  He had no idea at that point the that living need headshots at the end also to prevent them from turning into Walkers. 
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Offline CloneF13Y35

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #398 on: March 20, 2012, 02:13 PM »
On another mesasage board, someone asked why didn't Dale become a zombie like Randall and Shane and I mentioned that Daryl shot Dale in the head to destroy his brain;

Actually - Darryl shot Dale in the head as an act of mercy - to end his suffering.  He had no idea at that point the that living need headshots at the end also to prevent them from turning into Walkers.

I remember watching the marathans for season 2, when Daryl returned from squirrel hunting after Rick showed up and a few walkers showed up, he shot them in the head and said something to the effect of: 'Ya gotta shoot 'em in th' head, donchall know nuthin?' I always took that to mean he knew you had to shoot them in the head. But also I agree he shot Dale that way to put him out of his misery too.
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #399 on: March 20, 2012, 02:27 PM »
On another mesasage board, someone asked why didn't Dale become a zombie like Randall and Shane and I mentioned that Daryl shot Dale in the head to destroy his brain;

Actually - Darryl shot Dale in the head as an act of mercy - to end his suffering.  He had no idea at that point the that living need headshots at the end also to prevent them from turning into Walkers.

I see your point Tracy, but I think Darryl was doing double duty there...  a quick ending for Dale's pain, but also Dale had been attacked by a zombie, and there was already some questioning as to whether scratches could infect you.  Plus nobody was entirely sure if Dale had been bitten...  I think Darryl was making sure Dale wasn't coming back too.

When you die, do you want to be buried somewhere or just dumped in the family garbage can?

I'd prefer yard-a-paulted.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #400 on: March 21, 2012, 11:19 AM »
But like they said on Talking Dead, Shane had so much agressive energy in him, he transformed really quickly.

Or perhaps he was already partially symptomatic?  Maybe he was less resistant to the infection than the rest of the carriers?

What troubles me about the idea that they are all carriers, that removes all hope unless a cure can be found.  Regular "don't get bitten" zombie apocalypse scenarios allow survivors to just outlast the zombies if a quarantine can be found...eventually they will all decompose.  But if everyone who dies, even in quarantine, is going to wake up hungry the zombie life cycle is never going to be interrupted.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #401 on: March 21, 2012, 01:49 PM »
Agreed.  Rick's group now knows that all dead/dying need a hole in the head - but how long will it take other's to figure this out?  I does seem hopeless unless there is an unforseen event/climate/etc. that helps to eliminate them.  [Please - if you know already - no hints or spoilers]
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #402 on: March 21, 2012, 03:41 PM »
Agreed.  Rick's group now knows that all dead/dying need a hole in the head - but how long will it take other's to figure this out?  I does seem hopeless unless there is an unforseen event/climate/etc. that helps to eliminate them.  [Please - if you know already - no hints or spoilers]

No spoilers on the comic front.  They never touch on any of the science in the book because there was no CDC sotryline.  None of the survivors have any real scientific expertise, so I don't recall this ever coming up.
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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #403 on: May 8, 2012, 02:59 PM »
I've started re-reading the graphic novels again from the start.  There's a lot that I had forgotten about and details that I missed the first time through.  They DO realize in the book that they're all infected - it just happens at the prison instead of at the farm.  There's a big piece on it that I didn't recall.

Anyone planning to get these?  Walking Dead Minimates
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Offline CloneF13Y35

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Re: The Walking Dead
« Reply #404 on: May 9, 2012, 10:24 AM »
yeah I still want to get some of the comic collections just to stay in the environment and to see what else happens.
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