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Messages - P-Siddy

Pages: 1 ... 250 251 252 253 254 [255] 256 257 258 259 260 ... 330
Feedback / Re: Jayson's feedback
« on: February 19, 2009, 10:12 AM »
Steve hooked me up with the Blue Mini Holo Queen Amidala piece I was looking for.

Did I?

Feedback / Re: knashdx's feedback
« on: February 18, 2009, 11:03 PM »
Thanks to Ryan for the hook up on some backfillers.

Feedback / Re: Jeff's (pka Nataku) feedback
« on: February 18, 2009, 10:59 PM »
Thanks for hooking me up with a skiff!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Defender Wishlists 2009: Discussion
« on: February 18, 2009, 12:19 AM »
Whoohoo! These are fun! Thanks for heading these up again, Scott!

Well, with the Queens we've got and getting, plus Rum Sleg and Obi-Wan, I'm almost satisfied with Phantom Menace.

Removing the following three:
3 Rum Sleg (Mos Espa Spacer)
4 Queen Padme Amidala (Return to Naboo)
6 Ultimate Obi-Wan

1 Queen Padme Amidala (Post-Senate)
2 Tey How (Neimodian Bridge Controller)
3 Anakin Skywalker (Podracer)
4 Nobot
5 Mawhonic (Podracer)
6 Aldar Beedo/Ark "Bumpy" Roose Podracer 2 pack
7 Ben Quadrinaros/Boles Roor Podracer 2 pack
8 Ebe Endicott/Elan Mak Podracer 2 pack
9 Neva Kee/Wan Sandage Podracer 2 pack
10 R5-A7

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 24
« on: February 17, 2009, 10:55 PM »
Pretty good episode last night especially the return of Morris and Agent Pierce :) Is there going to be a smackdown between Chloe and that bitch Janis?

Yeah, I was excited to see Morris and Aaron on the screen! Actually, Chloe and Janis could tagteam on that FBI mole guy!

The Legacy Collection / Re: TLC "Geonosis Assault" Battle Pack
« on: February 17, 2009, 07:12 PM »
Eesh! So now this BP is going to have 2 figures and only 1 turret? The turret can't be much larger than the Probe Droid that came with the Hoth BP and I can't see that it is worth 2 figures. But I really shouldn't complain as I don't own any of the Gunships and won't buy any.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica (Potential Spoilers)
« on: February 17, 2009, 08:23 AM »
I think I might have mentioned this before awhile back, but I'm interested in some answers from questions left from the miniseries...

Who was Six talking to (the other was offscreen) on Caprica just before the attacks? I can only assume it was John, as he was the mastermind behind the attack on the colonies. He obviously has a hatred for the Five, he managed to convince the others to go along with wiping out mankind, at least until the 6 and Boomer, Leoben models didn't see humans as a threat. Plus, John had to know when the Raider scanned Sam and revealed the Five were among the fleet, he potentially could lose influence over the other models to the Five.

Who left the note in Adama's cabin that said there are 12 Cylon models? Is this important to the whole scheme of the show; probably not, but I often wonder who knew and why s/he told him there are a certain number. And if it was a Cylon, why give a hint.

Just some thoughts.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Battlestar Galactica (Potential Spoilers)
« on: February 16, 2009, 12:07 PM »
Anyone catch that Daniel was an artist? That might relate in some way to Starbuck.

I thought that, too... somehow Kara was the result of a tainted Daniel model. Even Anders was saying that everyone around him was glowing (somewhat Temple of the Fiveish)

Joe Defender / G.I. Joe Toys Thread
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:14 PM »
Those are awesome sets....but Chuckles?  Chuckles   ???

Makes you want to laugh, doesn't it, Mikey?  :P

The sad thing is no Podracer 2-pack whether it's Ratts or Clegg. Those guys are so small they should be released two at a time (besides Mawhonic)... but I suppose it's like the Ugnaughts and I should deal with it.

I would've rather had a new Zam than that dumb Anakin, but it is good custom fodder so I'm okay with it.

I agree on that. He's doesn't look too much concept either as he looks like RotS Anakin to me (head/hair anyway). Plus, it's not as if they're doing a Concept line this year like they did with TAC, and if they did, it'd make more sense with the 10th Anni of Phantom Menace.

The Legacy Collection / Re: SDCC Exclusives
« on: February 14, 2009, 11:05 PM »
So you get smiling face xwing Luke for $20+. Oooo...goodie! :-\

But he has a ladder! And a ****-eating grin! What's not to like?

The $20 priece point... and the ****-eating grin.

Yeah, but the ****-eating grin will always remind you of the the $20+ you shelled out to get an over-priced exclusive... It's as if Luke is saying "Sucker!" instead of "Carrie!" as he descends from the X-Wing!

Ryan, since it's an EU figure, I could care less for the pack-in droid... keep me in mind when the wave comes and I'll let you have them.

The Legacy Collection / Re: 2008/2009 Evolutions Sets
« on: February 14, 2009, 10:59 PM »
The Rebel Pilots set is awesome.

Okay, but is there info on who they are?

From RS:

Good News:
Rebel Pilots #3 = John D. Brannon (Red 4, Battle of Yavin), Jake Farrell (as Green Squadron Commander, Battle of Endor), and Shira Brie (EU Pilot, ?).

Bad News:
Due to delays, this last wave of EVO packs won't be available everywhere (aka they will probably be exclusives).  :-\

I think it's cool to see Red 4/John D make the list.  If the Wedge rumors hold out for 2009 also, we'll have had new figures for Red Leader, Red 2, Red 3, Red 4, and Red 5 in the past 3 years.  Does that mean Porkin's will be next?  :D


Thanks for the recap, Ryan! John D! Whoohoo!

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