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Messages - jpprime

Pages: [1]
1. Jaina Solo
2. Jacen Solo
3. Anakin Solo
4. Booster Terrik
5. Concept Obi-Wan (Prequels)
6. Concept Qui Gon (Prequels)
7. Cal Omar
8. Vergere
9. Nom Anor
10. Pregnant Leia from Heir To the Empire

Conventions / Re: Upcoming Boston events
« on: September 26, 2005, 09:26 PM »
While its not Star Wars related, there is a sci-fi convention in Massachusetts I go to that I want to get the word out on. United Fan Con 15 is a fan run convention that is held in Springfield Massachusetts. This year its from November 11-13 at the Springfield Marriot. The Guests are:

Patrick Stewart (Star Trek) - Saturday Only
Rachel Luttrell (Stargate Atlantis) - Sunday Only
Mark Strickson (Doctor Who)
Matthew Lewis (Harry Potter films)
Richard Hatch (original and New Battlestar Galactica)
Richard Herd (V, ST: Voyager, SeaQuest)
Mira Furlan (Babylon 5, Lost)
Carol Cleveland (Monty Python)

More info is at  Its a con i support and I encourage others to do so.

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