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Messages - JediJman

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JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Football 2009
« on: October 25, 2009, 11:59 PM »
The sad thing about kicking Justin's ass this week is that I didn't kick it enough to take over first place outright.

When you "kick someone's ass" and still wind up in second place, maybe it's still you who's getting your ass kicked.   ;)  Nice game Scott - that Steelers defense was tough to beat this week.  Gotta be a bittersweet win though, since those 2 TD's drove your Vikes to their first loss.   :'(

As for the Raminators, I won't complain about 3rd highest score so far this week.  Two losses on the year, one with 2nd high score and one with 3rd high score.  I wonder if I've cracked DR's top 6 teams yet...  8)

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 9 - Return of the Jedi
« on: October 25, 2009, 03:39 PM »
This whole wave is shockingly good - there's not a figure in here that I'm disappointed in.  I know Hasbro said they would do more for collectors next year, but if they just keep up this level of quality with their new releases, I'll be ecstatic.

The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: October 25, 2009, 07:08 AM »
I'm not a big X-men fan, but since when does Peter carry around a bigger hammer?  Isn't that Thor's gig?

The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: October 24, 2009, 07:04 PM »
Does anyone have a right leg for the Red Hulk BAF?  Or for that matter does anyone remember what figure it comes from?  I have the entire figure, two extra heads and an extra right arm but no right leg. :-\

Looks like that comes with the Silver Savage.  I never see these anymore, but if I come across one I'll try to snag it.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Latest vintage acquisition
« on: October 24, 2009, 04:28 PM »
Thanks dude, that's exactly what I had suspected...Lili Ledy all the way.

I would have preferred to restrict my collection to domestic variants but this is a pretty noteworthy one so probably deserving of its place in my stash.

Nice grab on this!  While it is foreign, it's a pretty cool variation and definitely stands out next to the regular one.  It's easily one of my favorites from the vintage line.  I liked it enough to snag one loose and one carded.   ;)

Kubricks / Re: Deluxe Series 1 - Jabba's Palace
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:18 PM »
It's all speculation at this point, but I have to agree that looks like (at least) 7 pieces.  Three Jabba pieces, three base pieces, and maybe the pipe/railing as a 7th.  I'd likely go for the common chase anyway, so I'm okay with this, but if it's collect all 9 with two super rares I will not be pleased.   >:(

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2010 "Vintage" Collection Wave 3 - ROTJ
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:14 PM »
Wow, that looks amazing.  Thanks for sharing Scott!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Ralph McQuarrie Concept Figure Box Sets
« on: October 24, 2009, 12:07 PM »
Is Hasbro located in California? I swear you guys get EVERYTHING first. Lucky bastages!

I'd say the boats from China dock on the West Coast.  ;)

Hahaha!  ;D  Well done Steve.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: JD Book Club: What Are You Reading Now?
« on: October 24, 2009, 11:57 AM »
I'm waiting for the latest SW series to hit on paperback, so I decided to go back and read older SW books that I picked up ages ago, but never got around to reading.  First up is Heir to the Empire!

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:59 PM »
So what about stores that are below the required number?  My local Wal-Mart has below their required number to replenish and nothing's being shipped to them.  The other thing I wonder is do we even know if DC's have more to ship out once the store hits the magic number?

This is where I think it comes back to distribution issues again.  If stores are falling below 2-3 packs and either get a case from 2007 or don't get anything at all, how can you blame the lack of sales on anything other than distribution?  

Even though there is room for another case (or maybe even two), you're never going to get more until the count drops below 4.

Also just a correction on Jeff's earlier post - the reorder "pull" system may not kick in to get a new case until the count falls below 4, but there are also "push" systems in place to ship new cases from the distribution centers or clear out the D/Cs periodically.  I've seen stores with counts well above the minimum get additional product shipped in, though I'd agree that the chances of seeing new stuff is much greater when you get below the min count.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:54 PM »
I still don't get the arguement that EU figures are hurting/not helping sales.  These are "comic packs" so by definition I would expect to find more EU based characters than OT or PT figures.  We've had this debate before, but I think Cade Wkywalker is a more desired figure than the 47th version of Vader or C3PO.  It's also a way to integrate current toy buyers and comis/EU - maybe getting some of the toy buyers to pick up a comic book or novel here or there to find out more about certain figures or storylines.  

As comic packs, these are always going to sell less than the basic figure series.  I totally understand that some people aren't into EU, but I would argue that some people aren't into multiple versions of the same character either and would easily pass on a Vader/Stormtrooper set.  From a kid perspective, I'd also think kids might be more into an exciting EU storyline from Dark Horse vs. obscure cantina aliens that were only on screen for half a second.  

One additional point here - I think many of today's SW collectors are facing the dilema of money and space constraints.  If you need to cut back on something for either reason (or both), the comic packs are an easy target given their size and added price point.  This could certainly be driving slower CP sales, but I don't think that's solved by issuing OT/PT figures versus EU figures.  

Modern Classifieds / Re: FS: Kubricks
« on: October 22, 2009, 06:36 PM »
Those are some nice extras!  Just a tip - I think your $15 figs are priced a little high.  You might want to try looking these up versus Ebay completed item sales.  You have some rarer ones, but the basic series usually doesn't push you past $10 before shipping. 

As for Han and Luke Trooper, I've seen those go from as low as $60 (Thanks Stealthtank!) to $100.  I'm not sure how much you might discount the Han with glue issue, but that's a pretty fair range from what I've seen.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Wave 9 - Return of the Jedi
« on: October 22, 2009, 06:32 PM »
Guess I'm in the minority here - Panno is great idea for a figure, and from the neck down he's awesome.  But I think that Hasbro did a shoddy job on the head sculpt, it doesn't seem as detailed or refined as most of their other work these days. 

I think Panno is hella cool - I don't mind the head sculpt. Just, tool him up a removable eye patch, rifle and tan cloak and we'd have a great Prune Face.

Agreed.  I love just about every figure in this wave - the added detail and articulation on each of them is super.  Most are characters I'm not all that excited about, but the quality and detail on these quickly changed my mind now that I've seen them in person.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Comic Packs
« on: October 22, 2009, 06:30 PM »
Hasn't the Vader/rebel set only been repacked once thus far? IIRC after the original TAC release, that set only had deco changes that came in later TAC case revisions.

I think there have been at least two.  The first version came with mostly black vader.  Then there was a TAC repack in a later wave with bluish aps on the Vader.  And now we have a second repack in the Legacy packaging.

Personally, I don't think that pack is the problem.  Just like the Han Trooper/Chewie and Luke/R2 packs, these seem to sell thru eventually, at least around me.  There's always some residual demand for these core characters, so I don't mind a repack of these guys every 3-4 waves. 

I also don'tsubscribe to the theory that EU figures are not in demand.  They have sold well in previous waves and the price of the comic packs is still pretty fair at $13 in most places.  There's a lot of interest in the upcoming basic figure EU wave, so there's obviously some demand out there.  I don't even mind the goofy comic paint jobs (blue shading on stormtroopers with red eyes?), but maybe that has hurt demand among some collectors.

Personally, I blame the poor sales on the timing/distribution of the cases and the sheer number of repacks out there.  The latest wave has just three new sets of figures versus 5 repacks.  The repacks are not core characters, so I can see where these might be pilingup fast in some areas.  That mix of figures makes no sense to me - there are still people in MN that are having trouble finding the latest 3 figs. 

The other issue is timing.  I have two Wal-Marts near me that have only recently re-stocked with old cases of the Tobbi/Leia/Fenn/Dengar wave.  One store got two cases of them within the last couple months - how are they ever going to push through 16 old packs that have been available for a year already?   I'm not sure if this a Wal-Mart DC issue or Hasbro shipping this stuff late, but seems like an average individual store shouldn't be getting more than 2-4 cases of the same stuff. 

Be it demand or distribution, having the same old stuff on the pegs for a year or so is going to hurt the line.  I really like all of the new CPs shown thus far and will still be picking up 2x of each...assuming I ever see them. 

JD Sports Forum! / Re: JD Fantasy Football 2009
« on: October 22, 2009, 12:44 AM »
Good game.  Just a fyi, if we meet again my Indy offense won't be on a bye.   ;)

That's good to know - that means I can play my two Indy starts next time as well.   ;)

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