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Messages - Nicklab

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The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Q&A Sessions
« on: December 10, 2009, 07:44 PM »
I think we'll see something similar to this past spring.  We're probably likely to see some more Clone Wars, plus battle packs and comic packs.  But it does look like it's going to be a quiet spring.

didn't they mention something (it might have been at Han's Hideout as well) about the "Hoth Hangar bay" version of Han with the open coat/etc.?

At some point recently, can't remember where, Hasbro mentioned a Han they were working on which is a Hoth/Bespin Hybrid

Brian was right, it was at HH:

3. Here's another Han Solo for your "parking lot" - what about combining the parts of Hoth Han and Bespin Han to give us an Echo Base Hangar Han Solo figure? One where he's wearing his brown pants (with yellow stripes) and the notorious Blue/Brown winter parka (hood down). Part Hoth Han, Part Bespin Han, but all good.

** Good spotting. That is one that we have our eyes on for a future version as well. Expect to see him within the next couple of years, most likely in the basic figure lineup.

As the author of that question and fan of all things Han Solo, I'd love an Echo Base Hangar Han...  but I think I'd rather have a new SA Bespin Han first.  Seems like the bigger need to me if they are looking for an ESB Han.

Based on the responses this week, I think you were onto something with this question, Jeff.  I think the TESB wave Han Solo that Hasbro confirmed for next fall may very well be that Echo Base Hangar version.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A thread about concerts.
« on: December 7, 2009, 06:41 AM »
DAMN!  A brief tour of a few cities has been announced where Eric Clapton and Jeff Beck will be co-headlining.  Clapton seems to have been having a bit of a resurgence with his live gigs since doing the Cream reunion.  And his tour with Steve Winwood was pretty good.  And Jeff Beck's been on a bit of a roll since he played the 2007 Crossroads Guitar Festival, and more recently playing at the 25th Anniversary Concert for the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame.

When you add in the Yardbirds connection?  These shows might be really, really cool.  Especially if they can persuade the third Yardbirds guitarist of note, Jimmy Page, to make an appearance.  I'm going to try to score tickets for the shows at Madison Square Garden.  They'll also be playing Toronto, Montreal and London.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Clone Wars - Season Two Discussion Thread
« on: December 7, 2009, 06:36 AM »
Anakin's dark side moment was definitely a good use of foreshadowing about his eventual fate.  Although a more interesting turn would have been for him to hesitate a bit more before force choking Poggle.  It's good to see this kind of character development happening in the Clone Wars.

Thanks.  I think I might have some more wall space to work with, but I've also got my Gentle Giant & Sideshow collections to get in there (somehow).  Thankfully I've got a friend who's an architect who seems to relish the idea of helping me with this project.  But I also want to keep the whole room to a reasonable budget when it comes to shelving.  I'm hoping to finally have some displays going within a couple of months.

That's a tremendous display!  Great work.  I'm just curious, how big is the room itself?  I'm in the midst of trying to plan my own collecting room, and I have at least a comparable loose collection to what you've got on display.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: 2010 Swamp Speeder (Rumor)?
« on: December 6, 2009, 09:50 PM »
This vehicle is (briefly) visible on both Felucia and Kashyyyk.  But I think it got more play because it was shown on The Official Site's "Behind The Helmet" daily feature.

I'd like to chime in from a reporting standpoint.  I've reported for 2 collecting sites over the past 8+ years so I've got some background where I feel comfortable chiming in here.  The major point of consideration in this instance appears to be SOURCING.  A reporter's work is only as good as the sources they're able to tap.  And in this case it seems that there is the possibility that both Jesse and Bear78 (?) may have had a similar source, if not the exact same source.  That source may have been able to provide images of different sizes to both outlets.  All parties involved should keep that in mind.  Was there any agreement of exclusivity with this source and any news outlet?

However, given the sensitive nature of these sources it may not be possible to publicly source these images.  This is a compromise that has to be made by a reporter when it comes to weighing the value of the content (images in this case) against the risk of compromising a source.  This is also where integrity comes into play, because the agreement to respect that source's need for anonymity may be to protect the source for any of a number of reasons.  Including the need to protect someone's job.

In my opinion, the only questions that should probably be asked about this JD article compared with the Coreplanets should be from the person who reported this for CP and their source.  Or this could have been dealt with in a polite fashion by an email exchange between the Coreplanets person and Jesse.  

The Legacy Collection / Re: A New A-Wing in 2010 (Very RUMOR)?
« on: December 6, 2009, 02:51 AM »
It's very reminiscent of the original McQuarrie design, even at this stage.  And the concept figures we've gotten in terms of Anakin, Ki-Adi Mundi and IG-88 seem to confirm that Hasbro believes in the concept art figure.  That Anakin is one of the hotter figures of the past couple of years.  And with this A-Wing?  They already had the tooling from the 2008 release.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: Cloud Car 2010 (RUMOR)
« on: December 4, 2009, 06:18 PM »
Hasbro actually addressed the Cloud Car recently in the Q&A sessions.  Almost to the point of shooting down a modern version with this response to Raving Toy Maniacs.  It almost seems like they might have been trying to throw collectors off the scent.

I actually like the hidden weapons features.  I think it makes the Cloud Car a more interesting vehicle.  And the seperating pods seem like a cool play feature for the kiddies.  Provided they buy the thing!

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: New Snow Speeder (Confirmed Rumor)
« on: December 4, 2009, 06:14 PM »
When was the last time this was considered a rumor?  Hasbro stated plain as day that they were working on a Snowspeeder as early as September of '08.

Now that that's out of the way?  It's very good to finally see it!  But the one detail that I'm curious to see isn't shown at all.  I want to see the cockpit.  Because that was easily the worst part of the vintage snowspeeder.  The pilot was barely kept in his seat because there was way too much room for the figure to flop around.  The gunner position was fine.  I'm really hoping that this version will address that glaring problem that the vintage snowspeeder had.

I'll definitely be going.  It's offseason for Florida so the hotels should be pretty reasonable.  And it should make for a decent road trip with some friends, unless the consensus is to fly.  Either way, transportation down to Florida isn't really that expensive.  It's definitely cheaper than flying cross country for Celebration 4 in LA.  And it should be cheaper than LA was.

Just came home with about half of the figures in this wave.  But Zuckuss, the AT-AT Driver and the Concept Snowtrooper eluded me.  For today, at least.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Recent Clone Wars Finds/Purchases
« on: December 3, 2009, 12:23 PM »
Scored Matchstick, Padme, Ziro's Assassin droid and the AT-TE Gunner this morning.  Also got the Rishi Moon outpost battle pack and Obi-Wan with the Freeco bike.

Found the repacks from this wave this morning, but none of the Empire figures.  I also heard about this wave being found in the DC area.  It looks like they've hit in a big way all over the east coast.

Celebration V: Orlando / Re: The Celebration V Speculation Thread
« on: December 3, 2009, 05:44 AM »
If it is indeed Orlando, I am not surprised.  Lucasfilm has been building on their relationship with Disney via Star Wars weekends, and there's an update on the way for Star Tours.  If I go, I'll most likely spend the entire week in Orlando and hit at least 2 of the theme parks.

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