Author Topic: Darth Maul: Would You Have Liked to See Him Survive to AOTC or Beyond?  (Read 17823 times)

Offline Brian

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Just thinking about the prequel trilogy overall here with the final chapter coming up in a few weeks, and I got to thinking about this.  Although TPM is somewhat universally disliked, or at least for the most part, it seems that the one thing people pick out of that movie is "the lightsaber battle is the best ever"...mainly relating to Darth Maul.  I agree with that, that battle was unbelievable, and to me...the best part of TPM.  I've watched just that portion of the DVD a number of times, while skipping through the rest.  While the other problems of TPM can take up a thread of their own, would anyone have liked to see Maul survive into AOTC or even into ROTS?  I've seen some people complain that he was offed too quickly, and he really isn't in the overall movie all that much.  Do you think that he could have assumed the "Dooku" role in AOTC, and maybe even ROTS?  Not saying I don't like Dooku, or that I would like to see more Maul necessarily, but just something I was thinking about.  I know seeing Anakin vs. Maul would have been kind of cool ;).

Offline jokabofe

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Darth Maul was the only "positive" thing (imo) about TPM. With Maul, that movie would have sucked. Well, I guess it sucked even with Maul there, but it would have been a lot worse without him. But I for one was totally shocked when they killed him off. I mean, look at some of the TPM merchandise you have around your house. It doesn't matter what, could be anything from that movie - his face is plastered all over it!! How can you just kill off not only one of the coolest characters, but an obvious fan favorite and your major merchandising machine after 10 minutes of screen time?

Offline Matt_Fury

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I was a little shocked that they killed him off, but seeing how the story has unfolded so far, it makes sense.

- If Obi-Wan didn't kill Maul, the council would not have promoted him to Jedi Knight without taking the trials and he probably wouldn't have taken Anakin as a Padawan.

- As cool as Darth Maul was as a Sith he could not have pulled of the deal with the Sepratists.  Dooku/Tyrannus was perfect for this since he was much more charismatic and Nute Gunray would not associate him with Darth Sidious, allowing Sidious to still work his plan behind the scenes.

I thought TPM was pretty good, I think the only failing the PT has had is in Lucas' directing ability, or lack thre of.  Just remember, you have to see all three movies as one story....kinda like how Lord of the Rings was made.
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Offline Brian

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That was the main reason I thought of too, that the story would essentially have to be rewritten if Maul survived.  I don't really see his character doing the types of things that Dooku did...with the Confederacy, capturing/attempting to lure Obi-Wan, etc.  Just totally different characters in that aspect...both Sith...but one is a charismatic, intelligent leader while the other is more of just an evil "tear it up" fighter.

Offline Angry Ewok

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I would have liked Maul to be given more screen time, definately - but I fear if too much was given, Lucas would make Maul a complete puss.

Offline Darth Delicious

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I would have been happy if GL had simply kept the scene where Maul forcejumps onto the landing gear of the Queen's ship and continues to battle Qui-Gon in the air, until Obi-Wan opens the door and force-shoves him off.

As cool as Maul was, he was pure rage and no finesse. Kind of like Grievous. Just a blunt instrument to get the job done.

Dooku is far more effective in his role...although, still just a pawn.

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Offline Darth_Anton

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Maul was almost perfect as is. I think given the oppretunity to flesh out his character with subsequent film apearances could have ruined the character.
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Offline Herbert_Ackermans

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Darth Maul.

Never found him even one bit interesting. As intelligent as a Tyranosaurus, just brawl and no brains.

Even Vader had more charisma than Maul.

I agree that keeping him around would've made the story, as we now know it, difficult.

BUT... with him around for 3 movies, you'd have gotten a different PT, and not neccesarily worse.

The whole issue of the CloneWars could've been dealt differently altogether.

And if Maul had truly been the Vader of the PT, he would've clashed with Anakin in the 3rd part, mirroring the ROTJ-fight, and then the turn of Anakin would've happened in there, not by hacking up Mace.

Or with Dooku.

Offline Famine

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Episode 2 could have opened with Darth Maul attacking a certain Senators ship, and two familiar Jedi showing up for the rescue. Some one is there, lurking. Suddenly, a slash of a lightsaber while our two hero's are on the ropes, and Maul drops in half off of the landing platform. Dooku reveals himself, on a goodwill mission, and couldn't let two Jedi die at the hands of sith. They leave, and he is seen eyeing the Senators ship, as Zam aproaches from her speeder.

And the rest could have been the same, except Padme would have lost a handmaiden a bit later. :)

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Offline Jagdohh_Fett

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Maul was almost perfect as is. I think given the oppretunity to flesh out his character with subsequent film apearances could have ruined the character.

Gotta agree. As awesome as the character was, had Lucas given more back story to Maul, it would have ended up like what he did with Boba. No mystery or intrigue if you knew so much about where the character came from.
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Offline Herbert_Ackermans

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Maul was almost perfect as is. I think given the oppretunity to flesh out his character with subsequent film apearances could have ruined the character.

Gotta agree. As awesome as the character was, had Lucas given more back story to Maul, it would have ended up like what he did with Boba. No mystery or intrigue if you knew so much about where the character came from.

What is so "awesome" about him?

That he does some fancy sabre-work? That's all?

Boba Fett technically does nothing fancy in TESB and ROTJ, but he had a presence.

JAngo Fett, despite all his fight and flight antics, I don't care a bit about him.

Dooku was for more interesting than MAul and Fett and Grievous and Zam and who else put together in the PT. Dooku HAD a backstory, Dooku had charisma as said before, and he could dominate a scene by his sheer presence. Off course, having him played by Chistopher Lee is no small feat either and adds a lot of weight to it, but still, it's an old geeser, yet he shoots younglings like Fett and Maul clear out of the water.

Offline Jedidz23

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I would have to agree with Herbert on this (how about that  :o  ;)  ).  Maul had enough screen time to fit his role.  He was not a dynamic character, just an exciting screen presence.  While I am not a fanatic about all of the side villains in the Star Wars films, I don't dislike them either.  They all serve their purpose to tell the story, and while Maul was exciting in his own one-dimensional way, he did not have the charisma or panache of Count Dooku.  I think Maul's screen time was appropriate for what it was.
« Last Edit: June 3, 2005, 02:49 PM by Jedidz23 »

Offline Darth Broem

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I liked Maul a lot for his look and fancy leaps and jumps etc.  Substance?  No, there was not much there.  Lucas could have gave him some more though if he had wanted to.  But you guys are right.  Dooku is far more interesting and has the charisma to get others on his side, etc.  Plus Dooku is tall and most leaders are taller. 

All Lucas had to do with Maul was make him more intelligent AND charismatic.  It could have been done.  In the end it is better to have shown Kenobi's ability to kill a Sith Lord as a Padawan to jump start his Jedi Knight career advancement.  That part of the story I like.

However, I liked Darth Maul.  I would take flowers to his grave if I could.   

Offline dafoo

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I was hoping to see the Emperor having cloned the bum a dozen times@
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Offline dafoo

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hEH, i SHOULD start reading the whole thread before posting.

Anywho, yep Dooku is much better than Maul at doing the leadership. 

I just wanted to see some more Maul being their pure rage machine selves and having it out with a mess of Jedi!

The Emperor had 12 years since lossing Maul to get some more.  Just Sith Warriors, not masters or with speaking parts just evildoing Jedi. heh
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