Trades and Sales > Vintage Trading and Classifieds
--- Quote from: vardcore on June 25, 2006, 05:06 PM ---Is this list still current?
--- End quote ---
You bet, I'm always looking for figures to fill holes in my vinty collection. I've also begun a Darth Vader focus collection, so those are at the top of my priority list for carded figures (so far I've just got a Canadian 77-back). :)
I recently acquired a number of weapons to complete a bunch of childhood figures, so I'm interested in finding more! These are the weapons I'm looking for:
Endor blaster - 3x blue or blue/grey
Palace blaster - 1x grey
Pilot blaster - 1x black
Princess blaster - 1x black
Princess blaster - 1x blue
Jawa blaster - 2x
Leia Boushh rifle - 1x
Rebel Commando rifle - 1x
Blue telescoping lightsaber
Yellow telescoping lightsaber
Blue or green hand-held lightsaber
Yoda cane
Cloud Car Pilot commlink
Ugnaught toolbag
Leia Boushh helmet
Rancor Keeper headpiece
Obi-Wan cape
Leia white cape
Tusken Raider cape
Snowtrooper skirt - 4x
Jawa cloak
Ugnaught apron
--- Quote from: JesseVader08 on July 15, 2008, 04:13 AM ---I recently acquired a number of weapons to complete a bunch of childhood figures, so I'm interested in finding more! These are the weapons I'm looking for:
Endor blaster - 3x blue or blue/grey
Palace blaster - 1x grey
Pilot blaster - 1x black
Princess blaster - 1x black
Princess blaster - 1x blue
Jawa blaster - 2x
Leia Boushh rifle - 1x
Rebel Commando rifle - 1x
Blue telescoping lightsaber
Yellow telescoping lightsaber
Blue or green hand-held lightsaber
Yoda cane
Cloud Car Pilot commlink
Ugnaught toolbag
Leia Boushh helmet
Rancor Keeper headpiece
Obi-Wan cape
Leia white cape
Tusken Raider cape
Snowtrooper skirt - 4x
Jawa cloak
Ugnaught apron
--- End quote ---
I think I have some you need. I'll go through my stash this week and PM you.
Here's the updated list since I started hunting again:
Vintage Weapons Needed:
Endor blaster - 3x blue or blue/grey
Princess blaster - 1x blue
Blue telescoping lightsaber
Yellow telescoping lightsaber
Blue or green hand-held lightsaber
Cloud Car Pilot commlink
Obi-Wan cape
Leia white cape
Snowtrooper cape - 3x
Ugnaught apron
--- Quote from: JesseVader08 on August 4, 2008, 11:26 PM ---Here's the updated list since I started hunting again:
Vintage Weapons Needed:
Endor blaster - 3x blue or blue/grey
Princess blaster - 1x blue
Blue telescoping lightsaber
Yellow telescoping lightsaber
Blue or green hand-held lightsaber
Cloud Car Pilot commlink
Obi-Wan cape
Leia white cape
Snowtrooper cape - 3x
Ugnaught apron
--- End quote ---
Let me know if you still need an Ugnaught Apron and if you want the blue or purple version. I completely overlooked your last post. See you in a few weeks in Pittsburgh!
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