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The KOTOR II information thread

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I thought I would actually make a separate thread for this topic because it really doesn't fit with the announcement thread.  I've been playing this game again since I got a version for my X-box 360 and have been focusing on completing all aspects of the game.  I know this will take several tries since there are different possibilities wether your character is male of female or if you choose to be a light or dark Jedi.  A bit of a spoiler warning for those of you who have not played the game....but since it's been out for about 3 years now I think most everyone who has the game has played it.  Feel free to contribute with anything you have found out about the game, especially on how to change your party members into Jedi.  So far I've only been able to make two of them Jedi and I'll post exactly how I did it here.

Characters that cannot be made into Jedi:

-G0T0, HK-47, T3M4, Hanharr and Mandalore

Although I'm not surprised by the droids or Mandalore, I was a bit surprised by Hanharr since if you are a light-sider, Mira apparently can, although I have not been able to make her one as of yet.

Also, you obviously cannot make Visas Marr or Kreia Jedi because they already are.

Characters you can train as Jedi:

Atton Rand - To get him to be a Jedi, I had to obviously gain influence with him, but also talk to him after Kreia teaches you to hear the thoughts of everyone on the Ebon Hawk.  If you get him to talk about his past (after you talk to the Twileks in the refugee section on Nar Shaddaa this seems to be unlocked) and he talks about the Jedi that sacrificed herself to protect the knowledge that he is force sensitive, you unlock his Jedi ability.  This is handy to have done before you meet with Visquis on Nar Shaddaa he has to fight the Twin Suns alone and some force powers can come in handy in that fight.

Handmaiden/Brianna - This was actually the first of the party I was able to make into a Jedi.  The trick is to get her to train you in all of her fighting moves, There are three sparring matches you can have on the Ebon Hawk with her.  After that, you need to get her to talk about her Mother.  I was able to do that after I talked to Kreia when I had finished the sparring matches with Handmaiden and she brought up who her mother was.

Mira - Although I have not been able to train her as a Jedi as of yet, I think I have gotten close by gaining influence with her and getting her to talk about being among the Mandalorians and losing her family at Malachor V.  If anyone has been able to make her a Jedi, I would appreciate some pointers.

Bao-Dur - Another character I have not yet been able to train as a Jedi, and I'm not so sure how to, since I cannot get him to talk much after I get back to the Ebon Hawk after leaving Telos.  I also have not brought him on many missions after Telos since I've been concentrating on other characters for now.

Disciple - I have never played the game as a female, so I have never had him in my party.

I hope to add to this as time goes by.  I would also appreciate help from others who may have taken different paths than I have in this game.

Something else that you may find of interest.  there are a group of game modders who are trying to add most (if not all) of the unfinished content back into the game!  They've even managed to add video of some of the stuff they've restored like the HK-50 droid factory as well as your NPC exploits on Malachor V!  Check out their progress here.


--- Quote from: Matt_Fury on December 12, 2007, 05:34 PM ---Something else that you may find of interest.  there are a group of game modders who are trying to add most (if not all) of the unfinished content back into the game!  They've even managed to add video of some of the stuff they've restored like the HK-50 droid factory as well as your NPC exploits on Malachor V!  Check out their progress here.

--- End quote ---

Wow that's pretty cool Matt. Honestly I gave up on KOTOR II along time ago becasue it is such a glitchy/incomplete game. I played it through once light and once dark but I never really got any satisfaction out of it. KOTOR I was so much better than II. I'm going to have to follow that site. After the Mass Effect trilogy (or during eve) I'd love to see BioWare make another KOTOR, or even redo II.

I do remember training Atton, Bao-Dur, and the Handmaiden as Jedi, but I couldn't tell you how I did it... :-\


Did you play KOTOR II on the PC or X-Box.  I have both versions and I think the PC version has less bugs to it, but it may just be that I'm playing the X-box version on my 360.

It was a bit of a letdown to know that they rushed the game into production and didn't finish it, I would've gladly waited 6-months to a year for them to get it right.   :-\

I've got the regular XBOX version. I may have to try and find the PC version on the cheap to get that mod. Playing II on the 360 (as compared to the regular XBOX) doesn't make any difference unfortunately, it is equally as buggy either way.

--- Quote from: Matt_Fury on December 16, 2007, 12:38 AM ---It was a bit of a letdown to know that they rushed the game into production and didn't finish it, I would've gladly waited 6-months to a year for them to get it right.   :-\

--- End quote ---

Exactly. I really don't get why people get pissed when games are delayed, i.e. GTA IV and TFU. If a delay means the game will be less buggy and better for it, I'm all for the companies taking all the time they need to get them right.


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