Multimedia > The Wookiee Arcade
Star Wars Commander - App
Looks like a Stars Take on Clash of Clans launched today. Has anyone downloaded the Star Wars Commander game App yet? I downloaded it but haven't tried it yet since I'm at work. :o
Sounds fun. I enjoyed Great Big War Game, Clash of Clans as well as Boom Beach but everything tastes better with a nice dash of good ol' fashioned SW seasoning :)
Since I use Android I'll have to wait a bit longer though.
Just created a Jedidefender group...I guess I am a Rebel base though
Jesse James:
You ***** Rebels.
The Rebs actually have a slick wheeled tank. I'm gonna play the game just for captures of the new hardware for the Alliance and Empire. I could see cranking out a custom of one of those rapid-fire At-ST's.
I deleted this app. Just took too long to do anything and the AI on the troops sucks. "Oh! I'm bring fired upon by a cannon next to me. I guess I'll attack something else instead." I guess it's the same with Clash of Clans. I really wish you could direct troops instead of them wandering around and dying all the time.
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