Author Topic: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - Not an update, but worth a look!  (Read 116461 times)

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #195 on: November 3, 2005, 09:58 PM »
nice update Lance.

- i really liked the scene where the elevator stopped and went dark. it was very misleading, made me think someone had our position already!

- as was already said, the sewer scene was awsome. graffiti, bums, alien vagrants and garbage,nice job, very well done.

- i also liked the fact that the bum had more of a role and the "not knocking him out" decision paid off.

so here's what i'd do:

we decided to not hit the guy for a reason, because it wasn't right and everyone thought he may be of some use later! well here is that later, it would be foolish of us not to take advantage of his advice. the little aliens know your here, if you duck into the airduct, atleast who ever they went to tell won't be able to find exactly where you are, and that may prove to be the safest and fastest way to the meeting. my vote, take the airduct.........

great job again Lance!
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Offline Quazar

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #196 on: November 3, 2005, 11:10 PM »
  Maybe ask him how to get to the hangar through the tunnels.


Very intriguing idea, Chewie!  You do realize, though, that your ship is on level 40.  You're now on 78.  I assume you mean ask him if it's possible to manuever to other levels in the tunnels?

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #197 on: November 4, 2005, 02:07 AM »
Ooh, cool new scene, Lance!  I just love all the debris (pizza box!), critters (lizard!), graffiti, etc.  You've done a great job creating an atmosphere here.

Now, as for which way to take: I am leaning toward the tunnel.  I genuinely think Crate wants to help us, and so far there haven't been any indications to the contrary.  Also, like Ryan, I'm not so wild about risking a run-in with the Jawa and his cronies. 


I can't help but wonder: Lance, when you said "right around the corner" in your post,  are you trying to give us a hint?  If indeed you are, then we may not have to take the tunnel after all. 

In either case, I agree that if it really is just the mask that the Jawa and friends don't like, we can just take it off.  It's not as though there are any Boys in White in the vicinity to recognize us (knock on wood). As long as we actually get to the rendezvous in the next scene, I'll be happy! ;)

Now to address CHEWIE's point: Do you mean to say we should ask him how to use the tunnels to get to our rendezvous point with Blondie?  (Without mentioning her, of course?)  That's the hangar we want to get to at present, not the one with Uncle Lance's ship on Level 40, right?  Or is it not a hangar at all?  I can't remember anymore...

Awaiting further bulletins with much eagerness!  Thanks again, Lance!  :)

... the Findswoman
« Last Edit: November 4, 2005, 02:18 AM by findswoman »

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #198 on: November 4, 2005, 02:15 AM »
Oops!  Double post!  Sorry...

... the Findswoman
« Last Edit: November 4, 2005, 02:17 AM by findswoman »

Offline Quazar

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #199 on: November 4, 2005, 02:47 AM »
I can't help but wonder: Lance, when you said "right around the corner" in your post,  are you trying to give us a hint?  If indeed you are, then we may not have to take the tunnel after all. 

That was an unfortunate choice of words on my part.  It wouldn't be sporting to put "meta" clues like that.  The only clues you need to look for are in the game itself.  :)

Now to address CHEWIE's point: Do you mean to say we should ask him how to use the tunnels to get to our rendezvous point with Blondie?  (Without mentioning her, of course?)  That's the hangar we want to get to at present, not the one with Uncle Lance's ship on Level 40, right?  Or is it not a hangar at all?  I can't remember anymore...

Oh, is that what you meant, Chewie?  Asking for directions to the current rendezvous?  My mistake, if so.

But you don't know that the rendezvous site is actually a hangar.

You know it's Level 78, Section 23 G.  You could certainly ask about that.

But is that area a hangar?  Or something else?  Time will tell... 8)
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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #200 on: November 4, 2005, 10:17 AM »
I can't help but wonder: Lance, when you said "right around the corner" in your post,  are you trying to give us a hint?  If indeed you are, then we may not have to take the tunnel after all. 

That was an unfortunate choice of words on my part.  It wouldn't be sporting to put "meta" clues like that.  The only clues you need to look for are in the game itself.  :)

Well, that sounds fair enough.  In that case, then, I opt for the tunnels.  But as Chewie suggests, let's do quickly ask him about finding the section we need to go to.  We don't have to mention 23G specifically; it can be something like "are the section numbers marked inside the tunnel?"

A couple bits of analysis, observations, and guesses:

1) I am guessing that Tolar is a Hutt.  Am I right?  If so, then we may be safer from the Imperials than we thought.  They do tend to steer clear of Hutts.  And Crate specifically points out that we are "pretty safe down here."  Which means taking off the mask could be okay.

2) Do I see a flashlight on the floor?  In the second sewer scene, when our hero and Crate are actually off of  the elevator... the sort of metallic-looking implement next to the Ugnaught's foot?  If it is, why not take it with us so we can actually see where the Sam Hill we're going in those tunnels?

3) For what it's worth, the graffiti says "Farspace Sucks."  :)

Can't wait for more! 8)

... the Findswoman

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #201 on: November 4, 2005, 03:11 PM »
Why did I just KNOW that if anyone was going to decipher the graffiti, it would be Findswoman!  Congratulations, you win the super cool extra-credit double gold star for the day!

Now, just doing a quick reply round-up from all the various sites, here's where we currently stand.

EIGHT votes for going through the tunnels.

Only two dissenting, InRem, who worries about getting jumped by thugs and Clone Commander Gree who warns of possible dionagas.

Even in Florida that's a pretty decisive majority.

For some reason, the majority seems to think the tunnels will be LESS full of thugs than the hallways.  Go figure...  8)

Additionally, Chewie, Ashared Hett and Findswoman have all expressed curiosity about the various junk items on the ground.

Look for a "mini post" to deal with those concerns within the next day or two.

And, of course, there are various comments about clothing, helmet wearing, and various and sundry other concerns which will all be sorted out with before the next chapter.

But, as always, additional input, analysis and discussion is welcome and encouraged right up until the new scene is posted!

Great, GREAT job, gang!!
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #202 on: November 4, 2005, 03:29 PM »
Ok, sorry for not being more specific... I just didn't realize that we weren't on the same level as where the ship was, I thought we had gone to this level to get on the same one as the ship.  So the sewer is on level 78?  I thought it was at the bottom of the facility... so I was a bit confused.

Anyways, I'd still stick with the tunnels, and see if you can ask if there is a way to get to level 40 from the tunnels.  And definitely search around the ground, maybe that was a flashlight.


Offline Quazar

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #203 on: November 4, 2005, 03:47 PM »
Ok, sorry for not being more specific... I just didn't realize that we weren't on the same level as where the ship was, I thought we had gone to this level to get on the same one as the ship.  So the sewer is on level 78?  I thought it was at the bottom of the facility... so I was a bit confused.


You DO realize we're going to see "Blondie", not the ship, right?

Anyways, I'd still stick with the tunnels, and see if you can ask if there is a way to get to level 40 from the tunnels. 

You can definitely ask him that if you still want to.  Even though it's nearly 40 levels above you.   ;)
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #204 on: November 4, 2005, 03:54 PM »
Ok, I was confused... for some reason I thought Blondie and the ship were in the same area, didn't realize we were on the right level now.  Let's just try and get to Blondie, as we are on the right level now.   :)

Thanks for the reminder of the map of the station, that helps a lot.  Maybe we should see that again in a future chapter for reference.

« Last Edit: November 4, 2005, 04:01 PM by CHEWIE »

Offline Quazar

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - NEW SCENE 11/3!!!
« Reply #205 on: November 6, 2005, 02:44 AM »
Okay, gang, here's a very mini-update to follow up on the questions posed after the last one, specifically about searching through the debris looking for useful items (as suggested by Chewie, Findswoman, Ashared Hett and Blight) and asking Crate about directions/signage in the tunnels to find your way to your rendezvous, as suggested by Chewie and Findswoman

At present, we are leaning very heavily in the direction of going into the tunnels, but more input, suggestions, votes, analysis and questions are always welcome up until the next chapter is posted!

So here goes...

« Last Edit: November 6, 2005, 03:55 AM by Quazar »
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - UPDATE 11/5
« Reply #206 on: November 6, 2005, 03:39 AM »
Ok, it's time to do this... Tell Crate that you would like to meet with him again, and buy him a drink at the bar where our hot bartender works at.  Maybe in 2 hours you can meet him there.  He's been a big help to you, and now maybe you can learn more about him and see what kind of a friend he can be.  And maybe he knows more about this station than he's letting on.

I say tell him you will meet him there are the bar table in 2 hours, and then get moving down the tunnel.  2 hours should me more than enough time.


Offline findswoman

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - UPDATE 11/5
« Reply #207 on: November 6, 2005, 10:15 AM »
I see what you're saying, Chewie, but:

Firstly, haven't we already given Crate some credits to go get something to eat?  I think we've given him sufficient recompense for his help already.  I'm all for staying on his good side, but I  question the prudence of making yet another appointment at this point.  We have no idea what this meeting with Blondie will entail, so there is really no way of knowing whether we WILL be done in two hours.  Especially given all the many things that can possibly go wrong on this station when one's trying to get somewhere on time -- we've already seen quite a few in the one hour that it took to get down here. 

Secondly, Crate seems like such a good-natured guy that I don't think an appointment is even necessary to guarantee his good will to us in the future.  If we see him again, we see him again, and there's no reason to think he won't still be as good to us then as he is now.

Thirdly, I don't know if it would be such a good idea to tell him specifically to go to the Gateway Saloon.  Here's why: If he goes back to Gateway, it's entirely likely that he could unwittingly blab on us to Callie: "I met this guy in a helmet who was trying to get down to the Sewers..." or some such  After all, he has no way of knowing that we have met her, and he certainly doesn't know the whole story about the hidden transmitter.  If he ends up back at that particular saloon anyway, then I suppose it's just one of the risks we take in sending him away, but there's no use making matters harder on ourselves by sending him there directly.  Better, methinks, to stick with the generic, "Here's some credits to go get something to eat."  Who knows, he may prefer a different pub -- there's got to be more than one on a station this size (though I understand if Lance doesn't build ALL of them).  :)

So for now, I'd recommend paying your respects, taking your leave, and hurrying on your way through that tunnel!  Looking forward to the next wonderful update, as always.

... the Findswoman
« Last Edit: November 6, 2005, 10:19 AM by findswoman »

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - UPDATE 11/5
« Reply #208 on: November 6, 2005, 12:35 PM »
I see what you are saying Findswoman.  Although I agree that we are on a time schedule, I don't think it's realistic to assume we might just "bump into" this guy again.  It's a big station, and another chance encounter with him might be very slim.

And all you'd have to do is say, "Let's meet for a drink later," not "I'll buy you a beer later."

I think there is more than meets the eye to this guy, and he can only be a positive character for us.  He's been helpful and friendly so far.  It's too bad that we don't seem to have any other way of contacting him, other than setting up a meeting time.

This suggestion also seems to force us back to the bar, which I think is essential.  I woudn't recommend turning our backs on people who have been helping us.  And our hot bartender  could be against us as the whole commlink think is mysterious... and I think by having someone on our side when we eventually return there would only be a good thing. 

Maybe a simple conversation with Crate beforehand to explain a little of your predicament might keep him from blabbing too much.  He didn't question your hiding of the items behind the panel, and even said "Don't let it ever be said that 'ol Crate doesn't mind his own business."

Granted, we need to get to the meeting with Blondie.  If somehow the meeting goes longer than we thought, or another mishap or two pushes us back on time, I am sure Crate will understand if we fill him in on just a bit of information.

One other thing we could do rather than set up a meeting time with him, would be to ask how you can contact him again.

Essentially, I think it is safe to create a "group" of allies, some that may even begin to travel with us.  You can't take on the Empire on your own in my opinion.


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Re: INTERACTIVE Photonovel - UPDATE 11/5
« Reply #209 on: November 6, 2005, 02:18 PM »
I am by no means "assuming" that we will run into Crate again.  We may, we may not.  it's a big station, and we have many adventures ahead; time has yet to tell whether or not he will be a major player in them.  All I meant to say was that, if we do, we have no reason to think he won't still be friendly to us.

However, I still don't think that setting up an exact appointment -- "meet me at the bar in two hours" -- would be wise at this juncture.  We simply do not know what's going to happen to us next.  There is a world of difference between "let's have a drink sometime" and "meet me at the bar in two hours," and if we are going to say one of those, I prefer the former.

Now asking him how to contact him is perfectly fine with me.  I'm all for having allies, and we may need his help later. Let's just make sure to get his contact info in such a way that we DON'T hand him our comlink...

And with that, we really need to high-tail it to 23G.  Too much more chitchat at this point would only slow us down.

Anyone else?

... the Findswoman