Author Topic: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!  (Read 4737 times)

Offline Diddly

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The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« on: June 6, 2005, 07:53 PM »
Here is the opening scrawl of my upcoming photonovel "The Sith Revelations." This is going to be a movie style photonovel, and part 1 of a trilogy. The script is still in development, with only a few scenes completed, but I'm working to complete it soon. The trilogy takes place shortly after the Battle of Endor and shows how the Rebel Alliance becomes the New Republic, and also tells how the Imperial Remnant struggles to find a new Sith Leader.

All the loveable characters from the OT are in it. Fan Fic characters so far include Robilus Dralco, who is like the Bill Gates of the galaxy. His son, Sivart, becomes a major character in the fight against the Remnant. One of the main villians is named Baron Samedi, who was accidentally injured by a Jedi when he was younger.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that I will be using Legos to make the photonovel. Hopefully they work out as well as I want them to. :)

But enough with the chatter, here's a preview - the opening scrawl.

Thanks to Vator for helping with the scrawl. :)

« Last Edit: June 19, 2005, 02:04 AM by Diddly »
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Offline Vator

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Re: The Sith Revelations - WIP
« Reply #1 on: June 6, 2005, 08:25 PM »
I still think my *original* scrawl is better, but then again I am dealing with someone who has no artistic drive and vision...  ::)

Seriously though, I've been looking foward to this since the 02 scripts!
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

Offline Diddly

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Part 1 almost done!
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2005, 07:15 PM »
Ok, so I've been sorking on part one over the past few days. I still have a few shots to take and effects to add, but hopefully it will be up this weekend!

Here's a preview shot...
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Part 1 This Weekend!
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2005, 08:24 PM »
Hee Hee!!  A Lego photonovel!  This is gonna be so cool!


Offline Diddly

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Part 1 This Weekend!
« Reply #4 on: June 19, 2005, 02:03 AM »
And here we are, Part One - Assault on Briff. Enjoy!


A lone Imperial Shuttle flies toward the planet Briff, where the Imperial Remnant has just established a small base.

As the Shuttle lands, the small number of Stormtroopers and Officers walk up to greet the Passenger, General Frung, a veteran of the Clone Wars. Two thugs, who helped the Remnant find a remote location for the base, approach the Shuttle as well. One carries a briefcase of money, prepared to buy heavy assault weapons from Frung.

THUG 1 (left, whispering): Don’t say anything about his face. General Frung is sensitive about his looks. Everyone says there’s a bantha under that hood.

FRUNG (In Huttese): Do you have the money?
THUG 1  (In Huttese): It’s right here. But you know our deal, General. No weapons, no money. Where are the weapons?
FRUNG (In Huttese): Relax, they’re in the shuttle. You two follow me… alone.

The Thugs follow Frung into the Shuttle's interior, where Frung reveals a crate.
THUG 2 (In Huttese): Wonderful, our squadron will enjoy these upgraded blasters!
FRUNG: I'm afraid that they won't even have time to view them.
THUG 1 & 2: Wha...?

General Frung opens the crate, and the ugly head of General Frung falls out.

In the blink of an eye, "General Frung" throws off his cloak, revealing Princess Leia Organa, leading member of the New Republic! She quickly draws out her lightsaber and cuts off the arm of the first thug. The second thug, however, is able to run away.

THUG 2: It's a sham! The jig is up! The New Republic sent a Jedi! Kill it!

The Remnant Troops surround the Shuttle, waiting for the Jedi to appear.

Once again, Princess Leia uses her Jedi speed to outsmart the troops! She beheads the nearest Stormtrooper.

The rest of the troops open fire. But the Force is strong with Leia, and she deflects their fire back at them.

Having dealt with all of the Remnant soldiers, Leia sets her sights on the thug.

THUG 2: Blast you, Jedi! I'll have to kill you myself!

The thug picks up a large staff and lunges at Leia...

The thug gains the upper hand, pushing Leia back...

The thug steps back, about to finish Leia off. But with one use of a Force Push...

Leia completely turns the tide of the battle, pushing the thug to the edge of a nearby cliff. The thug drops his staff hundreds of thousands of feet to the bottom.

THUG 2: No, please, Master Jedi! Please, leave me be! I’m just an honest bounty hunter! We thought there was a bounty on you!
LEIA: No, you were working for the Remnant. It looks like you were beginning to build a base for Remnant troops. Under the laws of the New Republic, that’s a felony. But there is a way you can avoid punishment.
THUG 2: Please, please, I’ll do anything!

LEIA: You’ll come back to Coruscant with me. Luke Skywalker will ask you some questions. Answer correctly, and you could be rewarded.
THUG 2: No! No questioning! You’ll reward me by sending me to prison!

The thug steps back and falls off of the cliff. Leia shakes her head as she watches him disappear from eyesight. Leia walks back into the Shuttle, where her pilot, Han Solo, awaits her return.

HAN: What happened out there? Are you okay? Where’s the second thug?
LEIA: I'm fine. And he killed himself.

Leia presses a button on the control panel, and Luke Skywalker, along with Admiral Dorovan Elick and Senator Tridia Forgs, appear on the viewscreen.
LUKE: Leia, Han, it’s good to hear from you both. Was your mission on Briff a success?
LEIA: Well, a Remnant base was being established, with two bounty hunters overseeing the operations. One of them decided that death was better than questioning, but the other one is in the shuttle with me. You may want to prepare him a robotic arm.

LUKE: Well I’m sure we can still get some information out of him. I’ll send a squad of troops to the base and mop up any Imperials that may show up later. For now, we need you here on Coruscant. The inauguration of Mon Mothma is in a few hours. Han, how fast can you get back here?
HAN: We’ll get back safe and sound, Luke. We won’t miss Mon’s moment under the sun.
LUKE: *chuckling* Well, be safe. May the Force be with you.
LEIA: May the Force be with you too.

The Shuttle takes off, and heads back to Coruscant...

« Last Edit: August 27, 2005, 12:16 AM by Diddly »
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Offline Vator

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2005, 02:16 AM »
That came out very, very nicely! I can't wait for part two...which I must wonder the premise of...
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

Offline Quazar

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #6 on: June 19, 2005, 01:25 PM »
This is TERRIFIC!  The legos look fantastic!  It's extremely fun.

A few comments:

I think it's a bit gruesome that Leia has the head of the general in the box....would she really do that?  Seems out of character....

Also, give the thugs makes them seem more real, more defined as characters.

The smaller scale of the lego toys gives you the chance to make more convincing, more imaginative backgrounds.

So don't have any TV's or other recognizable appliances and such in your story.  Making dioramas/backgrounds on this scale is obviously going to be easier than making them for 3 3/4th inch. action figures.  So get to work!

Posterboard and construction paper go a long way.  A few neutral colored backgrounds, even if they aren't sophisticated or complex, are much better than seeing a giant TV in your scene.

But keep it coming!  I really like this!!!
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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #7 on: June 19, 2005, 02:01 PM »
Wow, I have to admit this was one of my favorite photonovels I've ever seen anyone do!  I love the story, the use of the LEGOs, the custom figures, etc.  This is damn near perfect! 

The only thing, like Lance said, would be to work on the sets a bit.  But even with how it was, it was still a convincing background w/ the computer as a main wall.

This is outstanding - congratulations on a job well done - I can't wait to see more!

« Last Edit: June 19, 2005, 02:01 PM by CHEWIE »

Offline Diddly

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #8 on: June 19, 2005, 03:27 PM »
Thanks for the comments! I'm glad you're all enjoying it.

Vator - I can't give much away right now, but we'll see the inauguration of Mon Mothma. She has been elected as the head of the new Senate. She doesn't have any more power than regular senators, she's more like the Head Speaker. More on this later though.

Quazar - I never really thought about the head, to tell you the truth. I just kind of put it there to catch the thugs by surprise. But now that I think about it, I suppose that I could have left it out altogether.

I was going to give the thugs names, but decided not to at the last minute, since they both play very tiny roles. But I agree that names would make them seem more defined. There are tons of characters in the movies that have names that aren't revealed. But not to worry, almost every other character in the future parts has a name. :)

CHEWIE/Quazar - I'll work on the backgrounds more for the next parts. My ideal vision for this small base was really what I had here, a small landing pad and a small building. I'm improving with background effects (I think I did the space shots well for MS Paint :p), so we'll certainly seeing more planetary environments as backgrounds in future chapters.

But I'm glad you guys liked it!

BTW, CHEWIE, I really have a new respect for you and your photonovels (and everyone else who has ever made one as well). I was getting really stressed towards the end with certain shots not coming out right and currently having to replace camera batteries. You must have a ton of patience to have 10 novels under your belt. :P
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Offline Quazar

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #9 on: June 19, 2005, 06:59 PM »
Diddly - I forgot to mention the space backgrounds.  I think they look great.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but the somewhat "low tech" appearance of them compliments the look of the legos perfectly from a stylistic point of view!  So keep those coming!

Anyway, I can't wait for the next scene, this is already better than the "Thrawn" trilogy in my opinion!!!
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Offline Diddly

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #10 on: June 20, 2005, 08:35 PM »
I'm glad you like them, Lance. I was afraid the people who use Photoshop would kindly rip me apart for the backgrounds. If you look closely, you can notice my hackjobs, especially on the last shot. And each space shot should look like that as I only have MS Paint on my computer, so I'm glad you're a fan of them. :)

And only now, after he informed me, do I realize that Vator was being sarcastic.  :-[
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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2005, 12:07 PM »
I don't have Photoshop either Diddly, but you are doing a great job with this.  Very enjoyable, and a hell of a fun action packed story (much more entertaining than mine I think).  Pretty original story too.

They are frustrating, time consuming, and eat batteries up like you said!


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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2005, 07:41 PM »
Very cool so far Diddly.  Two things I like are that the story takes place after the movies (most photonovels lately seem to be prequel era so this is a nice change of pace), and the use of legos...that's just awesome!
This is the way.

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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2005, 12:39 AM »
CHEWIE - Wow, I thought you did have Photoshop! You really do learn something new every day!

Matt_Fury - Thanks! The story has gone through SO many changes. I originally envisioned a Prequel era story with Hasbro figures. Then I decided to use Legos since my Lego army outnumbers my Hasbro army. Then I wrote a story with these characters that was my version of Shadows of the Empire. I started to hate that, and wrote what we have now.

Update on Part 2: I need to get my lazy bum up and start shooting. :p However, I finished building a  diorama of a Star Destroyer bridge for future scenes, so it all works out good. :)
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Re: The Sith Revelations - Assault on Briff now up!
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2005, 02:09 AM »
I actually have a program called 'Picture It' - it's not too bad to work with, but very frustrating as it's pretty darn limited.

Can't wait to see more of this LEGO saga you have started up!
