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Messages - Morgbug

Pages: 1 ... 944 945 946 947 948 [949] 950
Watto's Junk Yard / Re:Word Association.
« on: March 15, 2003, 05:55 PM »

Watto's Junk Yard / Re:Word Association.
« on: March 15, 2003, 04:50 PM »

Power of the Jedi / Re:Masters of the Darkside
« on: March 14, 2003, 02:48 PM »
I have one.  It remains carded.  I paid $40 US for it.  That included shipping and a star case.  I felt it was a good deal for yet another item never released in Canada.  No, I will not open it.  It belongs right beside TFV, JS, TL and DV.

Power of the Jedi / Re:Darth Dagobah Canadian Issue.
« on: March 14, 2003, 02:45 PM »
Dude, I only have one left.  I traded my other for a Jorg Sacul, straight up.  If I had more, I'd happily share but I doubt I'll see that again.

I've noticed the price has dropped on ebay, rather substantially.  In the summer it would fetch over $100 US, now seems to be in the $40-50 range.  

I think they were released in Mexico as well.

JD Sports Forum! / Re:Lakers suck
« on: March 13, 2003, 01:07 AM »

JD Sports Forum! / Re:Lakers suck
« on: March 13, 2003, 01:07 AM »

Hey, am I in time for this one or are Scott and Matt going to crap on me again (can I say crap)? ::) :P

1. Melas - can't get enough of them cantina aliens
2. Red Leader - more pilots = more xwings (generic)?
3. General Tagge clever officer
4. CZ-3 cool eyes for a droid
5. a two pack of astromech droids (look at the pics on the page at - very cool)
6. Tonnika sisters - bandwagon, yippee
7. Gold five - see above
8. regular release scanning tech? just to make me cranky about buying one on ebay
9. Han Solo taking a dump?  well, he's done just about everything else
10. Braniac???? Isn't he one of Superman's enemies?
11. JediMac's wife (scott made me do it)

gotta run... ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re:Top 5 Hotties
« on: March 7, 2003, 10:42 PM »
I guess I better check first.  Is it too late to post in this thread?  I don't follow instructions so goodly.  Must be all that insipid press that Kobe gets clouding my brain.

Geez, I was being potty mouthed?  For that I AM sorry.  Oops.

Now, about this stuff....

My solitary excuse is I did it while at work as I was trying to avoid all the additional crap that the admin who thinks she runs the world was creating for me.  Edit a document 5 times, she screws it up.  It has to be edited on paper, you don't have the program we're using...  blah, blah blah.  

Feh, it's a weak excuse, simply forward my picks to the AOTC section, most will apply.  But for the love of VAder, no Amidala's for that movie.  Puhlease.  BTW JM, just what is this fetish you seem to have for her and does Patty know about it?  Or perhaps when you don't have her draped in gaudy yellow and purple (blech, who chose those colors?) she walks around wearing bizarre clothing, makeup and hairdos?

oops, look at the time, gotta go...

1. R2B1 (Re-release)
2. Handmaiden
3. Holo Maul – not the light up version
4. Yareal Poof
5.  ONE Padme (to shut JediMac up)
6. Weazel
7. Bok Askol

You can fill the rest in for me.  More of the good folks from Watto's Box would make me happy.  Droids or the Rx designation are always good too.  

Saga '02-'04 / Re: New Saga 4-packs: Love 'em or hate 'em?
« on: March 7, 2003, 01:52 PM »
I like em, I'm just not sure I believe them.  I expect something is coming, but maybe not these exactly?

Imperial set:  Love the droid, a black R4ish type is superb.  The new Vader I can deal with, more Vaders is always fine by me.  AT-ST driver?  I dunno, not too keen.  It's good and all, but how may AT-ST drivers do I need?  Yes, I need more AT-ST's but that's a different topic.  More stormies are always welcome too, but here's where I start wondering about these mockups.  I've got an AT-ST driver and a Stormie but NO blasters and instead a big a$$ cannon?  I don't get it.  I would have expected at least two blasters of regular size in there and no cannon.  

Bounty Hunters:  Aurra again?  On the bright side, these sets won't make it to Canada, so at least that isn't a worry, but we hardly need another Aurra.  I still have three, I think.  Another Bossk?  What were they thinking.  Bossk is easy and cheap to get, why why WHY didn't they put in a Zuckuss (yeah, sure, I have a loose and a carded one, but lots of people don't)?  They have the mold, he was hard for most to find and would be a huge hit.  I don't honestly believe Hasbro to be that stupid that they would take Bossk over Zuckuss.  Too strange.  IG-88 is cool, but again a bit surprising.  Very recent release, I would say that even Bossk makes more sense than this one.  The Boba, if it is indeed just like the 300th is great.  I would happily welcome it into my collection, though I'm surprised given the price point when they sold so well at $10 US each.  The bike is kinda cool, but too EU-y for me.  Not really Star Wars-esque, but I can certainly understand the attraction it may hold.  

I just have a funny feeling that these are not what the final packages will be.  Color me surprised if it is the case.  Regardless, I'll buy at least one of each anyway, probably two of the Imperials.  Maybe two of the BH pack so I can have a loose 300th Fett.

EDIT by JediMAC:  Looks like our language filters missed that one there Mr. Potty Mouth.   :P   Changed it just a tad for ya' B...  ;)  Contemplating changing your "Lakers Suck" post while I'm at it, but I'll try to show some self control!   :-X

JD Sports Forum! / Re:Alright SPORTS fans, name your teams!
« on: March 4, 2003, 07:10 PM »
Hmm, how could I have missed this for so long ::)

NBA: When Irish eyes are smilin... (note, every time I post that, they lose).

NFL: Vikes

MLB: Twinkies

College BB - Louisville Cardinals, bring back Denny Crum!

CFL: Bombers, home boy.

NHL:  The Jets.  Oh, what?  Oh yeah, they moved.  Well, when they put in a salary cap, fold some of those silly southern US teams (hello, 4000 fans per game!?) and the Canadian dollar is no longer referred to as a Peso, we might, just might, maybe, possibly, get a team back.  What?  No, I'm not bitter, why do you ask?  Until then, I guess I'll adopt Ottawa Senators.  Can't cheer for the buds, the habs are the wife's team; canuck fans are too happy when the team is hot, invisible when it's not; no way flames, still haven't forgiven them for Macoun's crosscheck of Hawerchuk and never will I cheer for the Oil.  Those dyansty years were a bitch.  

Oh and one last thing.  Lakers suck.  BTW JediMac, you still owe me your wife in a trade.

gotta run...quickly ;D

Feedback / Re:JediMAC's trading feedback
« on: March 3, 2003, 10:36 PM »
Sure, if you don't mind the grief associated with trading with Laker fans, he's all right.  Oh, the packing is first rate, the shipping fast.  Blah, blah, blah.  Booooooooring.  

Helpful, funny.  But boring. :P

JD Sports Forum! / Re:Lakers suck
« on: February 7, 2003, 12:34 AM »
You sir may stop that right now.  Thank you for the welcome.  One more McFarlane series and then I can save some money for a new puter.

JediMac, I would respectfully ask that you not pollute my trading threads with your west coast rhetoric.  Jeez, whaddid they do, reach 500 or something?  I can hear the chants all the way from the coast.

We're out of the lottery!  We're out of the lottery! ;D :P

Modern Classifieds / LOTR FOTR for sale
« on: February 1, 2003, 02:21 AM »
packaging is mostly ok, ask if you are concerned

loose Gimli - $5
Aragorn - $6
Strider - $6
Bilbo - $6

all four for $20, shipping not included

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