Why not?
I work in an industry deemed "essential," so my job was not affected (yet.)
Ohio was pretty early to adopt the "Stay at Home" protocols, and my sons' last day of school was March 13th. The struggle we found ourselves in was the complete withdrawal of all the supports and therapies for my younger son, who is diagnosed with severe autism. In addition to the 30 hours of school a week, he is supposed to receive 24 hours of home aide service, and a few hours of home therapy as well. All of that disappeared overnight and his mother and I were left with no support in caring for him. Even our normal coping mechanisms--A trip to the zoo! Hanging out at the mall! Go visit Grandma!--were unavailable. And, as he is nonverbal, he could not understand what was happening, just that his routine and all the things he likes to do were gone.
After the first ten days of home restriction he was a complete wreck and in severe danger of needing to be hospitalized. I talked to his doctor and my company and decided to take a leave of absence at work just to be home for his support. I should be able to do this for a month or so before being financially forced back to work. It seems we will have in-home aid back by then, and I have seen signs he is adjusting ever so slowly to this new reality. His older brother, on the other hand, is adjusting well to online schooling and video calls with his school friends to stay connected. And lots of Fortnite!
My big fear now is, should one or all of us fall victim to the virus itself, there is going to be no way possible to care for my youngest, and then hospitalization (and quarantine?) loom large for him again...and I haven't been able to get a straight answer anywhere as to what that reality might even look like. It's a scary prospect.
Stay safe everybody!