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Messages - Phrubruh

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CloneCommander1 go ahead and post it over at scum and stir up some action there. I really don't like to go in that place.  ;)

I'll go talk about it over at FFURG and CC. Can someone take it over to GH?

Great flowchart Ryan. That's the beginning of the organization I would like to see. As for time period how about a new planet like Dantooine. We can have an industrial-city area and some wilderness. The time could be between  ep3 and ep4. That way we can get some cool looking imperial-clone hybrids and some beginnings of the rebel alliance characters.

I thought this was pretty cute.

Whatever you can help do is very much appreciated Smarty. There are also concept drawings that need to be done as well as scheduling. I could also use some help on web site design and documenting the work in progress shots we get thru out the year. Lots of ways to participate if you can't send something in for display.

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Next Group Project
« on: June 19, 2006, 11:25 AM »
If I know you, it will be perfect. 8)

Since I'm in the LA area, I was planning on overseeing the entire thing but have a number of people be over each aspect of the project. I know there are a few others in the area (Darth Delicious, Darth Anton) that could help with organization. Each group leader would over a specific aspect of the project. For example, I need someone to be over the design of the diorama. Another could be over concept and organization. Another could be over figure and ship customs etc. We need to come up with categories and jobs for whoever volunteers.  Here are a few group sections for this project.

Diorama building and design
Figure and ship building
Concept pictures and overall look
Logistics, mailing and transportation

I'm sure we can come up with more duties. Besides planet location,  we should come up with a time period. We could even do a planet that has never been seen before allowing us complete freedom on design.

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Next Group Project
« on: June 19, 2006, 10:48 AM »
That we are my man. 8)

Great idea Chewie!

This is an idea that I've been kicking around for quite some time. The idea is to organize the biggest and most ambitious group project we have ever done. An entire Star Wars WORLD. This project would go on for an entire year and hopefully be displayed at C4 next year (if we can get a sponser). I'll donate space on my new customizing web site for work in progress pictures of everything and display the final results.

The idea is to get multiple customizing forums together to create citizens for this world. All these characters would go into a large diorama complete with buildings, streets and ships of our design. We could do a planet that has been seen on screen before or something totally new.

This thread is designed to get ideas and volunteers and try to organize this huge undertaking. Everybody is welcome to submit suggestions, time  and their work. Let's talk about it here and we can talk about this June 24th at 9pm est in the chat room.

Here is our latest group project. The idea behind this one is to make your totally pimped out ultimate version of Jango Fett. Get creative with this one. Add whatever accessories you want to make the ultimate version of Jango. Give him flame throwers. Give him grappling hooks. Give him a bounty capture claw and missile rack (like hasbro would do). Just make sure he is easily recognizable as Jango.

As for all group projects, please make sure to post plenty of reference pictures and lots of work in progress shots. Please do not submit pictures of figures that you made before this project started unless they are examples of a certain technique or example of something you are trying to duplicate. This is NOT a casting call for old figures.

Final figures will be due on July 31st and will be included in the group project entry thread. Let's get cracking.

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Next Group Project
« on: June 19, 2006, 10:09 AM »
When exactly is that chat?

I'm in the process of setting up a new web site for my customs. I could set up a section for this project. We could get it advertised at most star wars toy web sites. I intend to have the purple pimp daddy area too. Lets talk about this in a new thread. I'll set up the Jango group project now.

Customs Community and Group Projects / Re: Next Group Project
« on: June 18, 2006, 04:30 PM »
Group projects are one character only so I like the idea of doing our best to make the ultimate Jango Fett. Some great ideas for this could be snap on armor. Magnets to attach the head. Rocket firing backpack. Flame throwing gauntlet. It could be glorious.   We could start working on it now if everyone is ok on it and have it due July 31st.


As for group projects, I'm thinking about suggesting a really BIG project. The project would involve everybody on this site and maybe even FFURG and others. Would I would like to see us do is an entire Star Wars WORLD.

For example, if we choose Tatooine, we would be free to make any characters that appeared on this world in the movies or other media. We would vote on a location for all these characters to live. (ie Mos Espa) Someone would come up with concept drawings and then everybody would be assigned pieces of the diorama to build along with a few figures. The whole thing would be shipped to someone for picture taking and then sent back.

The time frame for this project could be as long as entire year. We could even get a booth at C4 next year to display the entire project. It would be a huge undertaking and would need a number of volunteers to help coorindate the entire thing. In the end, it could be something really amazing. 

Oh yah, I've decided that this guy will be Republic Commando Boss because I like the paint job on him.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Microman Scorch wip 6/16/06
« on: June 17, 2006, 12:15 AM »
Here are the pictures with the arm armor attached. I redid the latex by cutting a piece of balloon in half and gluing it to the top and bottom of the arm. Then I wrapped the latex around the rest of it. The Microman arm only needs about 1/5" of latex to wrap it completely. I also didn't attach the latex to upper shoulder. I didn't think it was necessary because the shoulder armor hides the joint. This gives our man a lot bigger range of movement

Good idea on the paint smear. It does look very hasbro like. I also like the little tatoos on the legs.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Microman Scorch wip 6/14/06
« on: June 16, 2006, 09:52 AM »
Good idea Kit. I've pulled the armor off his arms and gave him a fresh body glove for his arms. I moved the gauntlets down and made sure I was still able to plug in different hands. I found that I now have room for the mid arm piece so I sculpted that. It still allows a free range of movement. I'll talk about how I redid the body glove arms with the pictures tonight.

One thing however about krazy glue is that it makes the latex balloon very crusty. Too much of it will make the latex crack and discolor. Use sparingly. In fact, I found the brush on krazy glue works best since it doesn't clogg.

Very authentic. The face paint job looks very simple and vintage like. Is that a real han solo coin or one of your casts?

Are you going to do a vintage sandtrooper like Bantha5's?

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