Author Topic: Scorch Saga 21  (Read 1901 times)

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Scorch Saga 21
« on: October 22, 2006, 04:11 PM »
Okay, first let me tell you heavenly the selection was at my Target. Two Sandtroopers, Two Scorches, Three Utapau Clones, the new vehicles and BPs, DS Gunner or two, AT-AT Driver and three Utapauan . I got two Scorches, one for a friend.

The Package: I'll be truthful with you guys, whenever I see that bright bubble blister hanging row upon row in the Star Wars aisle, my heart skips a beat, because you never know what is behind that exciting pack. I was lucky and found Scorch who has one of the coolest backgrounds for cards. That profile, however, is starting to annoy me. Ah, well, I'll live.

First Impressions: Openening the package was easy except for the jetpack, which is a chore to remove from the package. I got what I expected, truthfully, as I'd held a loose Scorch before.

Sculpt: A work of buty down to every notch and tube. Even the accesories are carved into exact likenesses of the their game counterparts. The torso joint is well hidden and the whole sculpt flows nicely with the figure's form, adding a great touch. Possibly, this could be one of the best sculpts this year.

Paint: While I'll always look to the Utapau Clone for perfect scuff marks, Scorch is up there with his neat scuff damage and paint job. The paint doesn't spread into the places it doesn't belong and is everywhere it DOES belong. Jetpack, Gun, boots, everywhere!

Accesories:Everything a Commando needs and that extra base. His rifle is a great sculpt and paint job as mentioned above. The jetpack is my favorite part, it has great paint and a cool sculpting job. The removable extra ammo pack is a good edition to this figure.

Articulation: Less then what other Clones have, but I think we've been harsh. I mean save your rants for Cody the pin head, this guy was EU, we're lucky to have gotten him! HE WAS ONLY IN A VIDEO GAME guys. Please cut Scorch some slack. The joints he has work wonderfully and can put him into magnificent poses.

Value: $39? No. $30? No. $25? No. $15? NO! $10? DANG IT NOOOOO NOOO NO! Pay $6.64 for this guy, that's what he's worth. Never pay scalper prices. By doing that you waste money and support scalpers. He's worth what I bought him for.  That's all, no more, no less.

Overall: We all owe Scorch an apology. We were harsh on him, and no I am not biased, but I do think an 8/10 is much appropriette for this figure. Buy him if you see him, it may be your only chance.

Overall Rating: 8/10
« Last Edit: October 22, 2006, 04:13 PM by Clones »