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Messages - JediJman

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LEGO / Re: Lego 2021
« on: January 14, 2022, 10:05 AM »
Whelp, after 3 out of stock near misses I was finally able to order an AT-AT today.  Woo hoo.

How did you get one?  I heard they sold out right away.  Just got the LEgo catalog in the mail this week and that thing looks amazing.

Rob, thanks for keeping the league alive this season (diminished as it was).  Nice to prove the AI wrong after it projected me to go 2-12 this season as well.  Hopefully we can get some new blood in the mix next year.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Xbox Series X/S
« on: January 7, 2022, 06:08 PM »
I finally saw my first ever Series X in the wild last night at the new Mini-Target near my house. I stopped in on a whim just looking for SW figures, and as I was turning around to walk out, I noticed one lonely Series X sitting in the case. I picked it up, it's crazy that it took more than a year to get one of these. I was pretty stoked to finally get my hands one on.

NGL there was a very small part of me that considered putting it on eBay and trying to find another one later, people are still getting $700+ on them it looks like. But then I felt shame, and I wanted to keep it anyways.

Congrats, and thanks for doing the right thing by not flipping it. 

Did any of these end up showing up anywhere???  Are we going to get Christmas repaints for Valentines Day?

I was wondering the same thing.  Haven't seen any sign of people finding them at retail or even preorders.  I thought maybe I misunderstood and they were planned for next Christmas...

TV-9D9 / Re: The Book of Boba Fett
« on: January 7, 2022, 09:51 AM »
I really enjoyed this one.  I'm actually liking the Tusken backstory more than the current timeline with Fett.  Nice to explore their culture more the train battle was awesome.  Also really enjoyed seeing the pykes in live action!  My only complaint on the show thus far is the way its edited.  The "flashbacks" aren't really back and forth - its more like watching two separate stories that have little to do with each other.  Instead of the whole "the dreams are back" setup, I'd rather they just started with Fett escaping the pit, joining the Tuskens, etc. and then build that up to the current timeline.  We still get the same story - I just feel like I'm watching two different shows the way they're doing this.

Toy Reviews / Re: Dave's Belated Toy Reviews
« on: January 5, 2022, 07:06 PM »
Hmmn...some good thoughts there.  This is how my Villains shelf ended up, but I need to expand or change it.

Toy Reviews / Re: Dave's Belated Toy Reviews
« on: January 5, 2022, 11:53 AM »
What are your thoughts on how you group the figures?  I am in the midst of setting up a few shelves of Black Series.  I opted to do one shelf of "Bad guys," one shelf of "good guys," and a shelf of bounty hunters and aliens.  I do like the look of all the Imperials grouped together and tried to create little subgroups like Palpatine and his guards or Krenic and his Death Troopers.  But I'm wondering if grouping by movie/location/scene would look better.  Like Snowtroopers and AT-AT Drivers with Hoth Leia/Luke/Han, etc.  I ran out of space for the bad guys, so will have to redo the villains shelf anyway.  Just too many army builders to fit them all into one.

Toy Reviews / Re: Dave's Belated Toy Reviews
« on: January 5, 2022, 10:45 AM »
Sounds like you just need to get into vintage stuff Dave.  Ewok Village, Yoda's Hut Playset, and the Death Star or Star Destroyer playsets fill up almost everything on your wish list. 

Pass.  Cool figure for those that don't have it, but after opening a few hundred BS figures over the holidays, I'd prefer less variations.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Airing of Grievances
« on: January 5, 2022, 10:40 AM »
I'm just tired of having to be "on call" at any minute for things that drop online and sell out in minutes.  Its exhausting.  I can't keep track of what's coming, what I have pre-ordered, or nowadays even what I have.  I hate constantly ordering online and getting each individual figure in a separate box.  Those of us with spouses who think we already have too much know how awesome it is to get 8 different boxes for 8 TVC figures.  Then I see all the boxes piled up and feel bad about my contribution to the environment.  I'm starting to go back and inventory things and redo some displays and having way more fun with that than purchasing new stuff.  I would frankly be fine with a giant hiatus on new product for a while just to have some time to enjoy what I already own.

I also don't do a lot of store runs these days, but when I'm at a store I still get that glimmer of hope at finding something new on the pegs, only to be let down time and time again.  I somewhat regularly visit the Target and Walmart near my work (1-2 times per week).  The Walmart has 2 black series Lando and about 10 TVC Landos and somehow the planogram has them standing up on the bottom shelf.  I'll go through them every few weeks just to see if there's something new tucked away behind them, but there never is.  Target just has a blank peg for TVC and black series.  Heck, I've bought more figures at Gamestop this last year than either of the two big box retailers.  I just don't get it.  Isn't someone at Hasbro mad that they have empty pegs all over the country?  Didn't someone consider that 3 Landos per case would be too many?  Isn't someone at Target or Walmart concerned that they never sell one of the hottest toy properties out there?  Pretty sure the DC and Fortnite stuff is outselling Star Wars in store these days.  I honestly think that I'm most bothered by the fact that no one at retail or Hasbro seems to care about selling Star Wars these days.

TV-9D9 / Re: The Book of Boba Fett
« on: December 30, 2021, 05:30 PM »

I liked it.  I didn't love it, but I liked it.  I don't mind the flashbacks to the Tuskens, though I'd personally rather see it as a whole or in a few chunks versus constant back and forth.  I liked seeing how he escaped (though curious why there was a Stormtrooper rotting in there).  I liked seeing Fett in the palace, some of the older SW imagery, comparisons to Jabba, etc.  I am on the fence about two things though:

#1 - in the OT Fett is known as one of the best bounty hunters, but so far he seems a bit inept.  He can't fight off a few Tuskens (I know he was weak from the pit) and he needs a few Gammy's to save him from assassins with shields? He has a flamethrower and a jetpack and is supposedly a badass fighter.  I would have liked to see him kick more ass.

#2 - not sure how I feel about him as a good guy.  He was kind of a dick as a kid and doesn't Vader have to reign him in a bit with his "no disintegrations" line?  He even seemed more badass in Mandalorian, but this Fett seems pretty weak, unskilled, and a bit too generous with all his pleasantries and saving the Gamorreans. 

Pretty early in the series yet, so we'll see where it goes, but I'd like to see him a bit more ruthless/tough in future episodes.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Airing of Grievances
« on: December 26, 2021, 07:26 PM »
Running into that peg hole issue with other lines like Marvel Universe and Minimates right now Dave, so I feel your pain.  I can't figure out why the pegs and holes aren't 100% standard but it is annoying as all get out when they don't fit.

The Vintage Collection / Re: 2021 TVC Wave 6 (New TVC Wave 21)
« on: December 22, 2021, 04:58 PM »
A lot of us have wondered this and I do hope it comes up on a Q&A Hasbro holds with fan sites every now and then. It just seems so wasteful.

After seeing an episode of -- I believe -- UnderCover Boss, where one of the sites was of a warehouse fulfillment center, I do think it comes down to efficiency. Product can be housed at different areas of a warehouse and different buildings. The cost of the time to consolidate items and ship them in one package likely exceeds their discounted shipping rates.  Automation requires a lot of expensive machinery and software. Even with a corp as sophisticated as Amazon, I've received split orders days apart from the same location.

I get that its more "efficient" for a company to mail out these things individually, but is it more responsible?  If I order ten times a year with an average of 5 items per order, I expect to be getting a package about every month. Ten cardboard boxes and some packing material, ten trips for the post office.  Instead, I'm getting 50 different packages, about one per week.  That's 50 boxes of cardboard laying around instead of 10 and 50 visits from the delivery guy instead of 10.  How is that good for the post office or the seller or me or anyone?  What a waste. 

Its funny, I used to want companies to divide things up so I didn't have to wait so long for preorders or backordered stuff.  Now, I feel happy about grouping shipments together.  I just placed an order from BBTS using their pile of loot, so they'll hold onto my 2 instock items and send them with the 2 preorder items when they arrive in a few months. 

I was going to wait on this, but ended up ordering it with their Republic Commando.  Preorders over $35 get free shipping.

...or do they?  My order had another $6 in shipping costs for these two.  Not a ton of money, but when the figures are already $26 that kind of stinks.  I chatted with CS about it and they were surprised that pre-orders get free shipping.  I sent them the link where it is advertised right below the big red PREORDER button.  Guy apologized and gave me 6000 reward points, which kind of makes up for it.

Collections / Re: Photos of the collection... February 2020 Update
« on: December 22, 2021, 04:41 PM »
Cool setup!  I love that you have a TV and a desk in there to make the room usable. 

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