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Messages - bobafett14

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Collector's Tips / Re: Space
« on: May 13, 2005, 08:45 AM »
pics: enter bobafett14 for the album

Collector's Tips / Re: Moving a collection
« on: May 13, 2005, 08:44 AM »
When I moved, the only 2 items to not survive were my R2 Pepsi cooler (the dome cracked) and my Don Post Vader Mask(the helmet cracked).  This was in the same UHaul same trip, had some stuff stacked that shifted and fell on both these items.  It was the last trip and almost everything was in boxes, since these 2 don't easily box, I put them kind of on top of everything-well-it didn't work.

My advise-don't try to cram too much stuff into huge boxes.  Smaller easy to carry boxes work well.

More $$$ items, put those up front with you or in passenger seats, etc. Don't lump them in a pile with everything else.

Watch when stacking, lots of stuff can easily be crushed very quickly with too much weight

Remember if something could go might.

Collector's Tips / Re: Starcase
« on: May 13, 2005, 08:38 AM »
As for the UV coating, I too am not 100% sure, I haven't seen it actually written anywhere that they are in fact UV coated.  However, I too noticed there's a bit of a bluish/purplish tint as well, so it couldbe a UV coating or it could simply be the color of the clear plastic being used.

They should hvae it printed in the ad if it is in fact coated, it would be a great selling point.

I'm going to take my vintage POTF Anakin in it's protecto pack and sit it in the window all summer, I'll let you know come fall if it fades at all.  ;^)

Other Collectibles / Re: Magazines
« on: May 13, 2005, 08:25 AM »
The BLAST magazine is issue #1.
I haven't seen it before either, and yeah, it was lumped in with all the other movie mags.

What stores is it available in Bob?  Still don't think I've seen it before.  Is it at newstands, or in Borders, or what?

Barnes & Noble

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: ROTS news article thread
« on: May 13, 2005, 08:23 AM »
He's just starving for some attention.  Either that or Lucas never gave him an interview and now he's pissed.

What a Schmuck.

The Prequel Trilogy / ROTS Screening
« on: May 12, 2005, 04:54 PM »
Well, I lucked out and it looks like I'm going to be seeing ROTS not only on Wed. around midnight, but Mon. or Tues. around midnight as well.

I was able to score some freebie seats for a private screening here in Pittsburgh, so I called a few buds, and as for the last available seat I'm raffling it off to one of the PSWCS fellas.

This will be pretty cool, I know some press and some insiders already saw it, but to still  be able to see it in front of about 95% of the free world is pretty cool.

Other Collectibles / Re: Magazines
« on: May 12, 2005, 04:06 PM »
The BLAST magazine is issue #1.
I haven't seen it before either, and yeah, it was lumped in with all the other movie mags.

Other Collectibles / Re: ROTS Fast Food Promos - Burger King
« on: May 12, 2005, 11:52 AM »
Holy crap, Ebay, the vader seems to be going around $20, highest I saw was about $30ish.


I think I'd actually hate to be a Burger King employee for this promotion.

Other Collectibles / ROTS Fast Food/Product Promotions
« on: May 12, 2005, 10:14 AM »
There are four different cup types for the 7-11 Slurpie set.  First, there are two different types of Toppers -- Darth Vader Head, and a Yoda Head Topper.

As for the cups, there are four different styles:
1. Anakin's Ship is on one side and Darth Vader is on the other
2. Yoda is on one side and Darth Vader is on the other
3. Anakin is on one side, Vader's mask in the middle, and Obi on other side.
4. Anakin and Obi-One dueling on the cup, with Anakin evil yellow eye look on the other side.

You're saying there's a head topper too? Cause I found a Yoda sippie cup, but only the Vader topper.

So far, I've only found the Vader toppers.

The cups are pretty cool, very heavy plastic with a sort of hologram-like appearance to the images.  The price is a little steep at $2.59 CDN a piece, but I'd be buying slurpees anyway...   ;)

Looking at one side of each cup:

And then rotating each cup:

Interesting, I only paid $1.99 ea. for the cups/toppers

As for the BK promotion I'm hearing all kinds of prices, even in my own local market prices are going from $1.06 +a meal for 2 figs, to $2.26 + a meal for 2 figs. Some are letting you buy the figs outright, some are insisting you buy the meal.
I'm sure taxes and everythign figures in also, but you'd think the prices/promo would still be about the same.

Interesting. Very interesting.

Other Collectibles / Re: Magazine
« on: May 11, 2005, 11:21 PM »
New one:

BLAST at the Movies presents:
Summer Movie Spectacular Star Wars III
Revenge of the Sith.

This bad boy is about 99% SW with a little Batman and Fantastic four thrown in.

Conventions / Re: Pgh toy show
« on: May 11, 2005, 10:34 PM »

There's an "early bird" admission, which a lot of people do for an extra $5 ($10 total)

The reason for the early bird (aside from yet another way to make a buck) is that there's usually a TON of people lined up for the start of the show, by adding a few $ to the admin. it suts down the initial crowd rush  a tad.

This is the first time they've tried a show in July, it's always been a bi-annual event April/Dec.  so we'll see.

Either way, there's a lways a ton of the SW guys there.  A bunch from PSWCS and even some from the OSWCC.  It's fun just to meet and hang out, the brews always seem to taste pretty good afterwards also. ;D

Other Collectibles / ROTS Fast Food/Product Promotions
« on: May 11, 2005, 02:10 PM »
There are four different cup types for the 7-11 Slurpie set.  First, there are two different types of Toppers -- Darth Vader Head, and a Yoda Head Topper.

As for the cups, there are four different styles:
1. Anakin's Ship is on one side and Darth Vader is on the other
2. Yoda is on one side and Darth Vader is on the other
3. Anakin is on one side, Vader's mask in the middle, and Obi on other side.
4. Anakin and Obi-One dueling on the cup, with Anakin evil yellow eye look on the other side.

You're saying there's a head topper too? Cause I found a Yoda sippie cup, but only the Vader topper.

Other Collectibles / Re: ROTS Fast Food Promos - Burger King
« on: May 11, 2005, 12:11 PM »
Well, here's my BK story, I'll call it BK-I'll have it MY way...thank you.

Called about 10:40, there's one 10 min. from me.
Asked if they had the Vader, The girl stated "there's only one per case and he's gone as of this morning.  Bingo, all I needed to hear. Went down immediately, and asked the Manager the same thing, same response by the girl who I talked to on the phone a few min. before, so, I pulled out the sheet showing that there were 5 per case not one- so I said "According to your story that means there's 4 more Vaders in there right?"  long pause, they look at each other, then the manger says "Well, that means we'd have to dig through the entire case and we just can't do that for every customer"  I said, funny that kid in front of me just had that lady over there dig through the case for a Luke Skywalker figure" aniother long uncomfortable pause, knew I had them....

WEll, long story short I finally got the Vader, just should n;t have to be this difficult.

Then I hear a few things, the manager and the employees are all grumbling "I knew everyone would want this Vader, this is going to be a problem".  We can't go digging through the case everytime someone wants a figure, just give them any and they'll have to take it.  Then 3 or 4 of them were trying to figure out what the actual promotion was, wether or not it was 1 per meal, 2 per meal, $1.26 per figure or per every 2 figures.

What a mess.  How hard it is to find ANY help let alone good help these days.

TV-9D9 / Re: ROTS on TV
« on: May 11, 2005, 08:04 AM »
Heads up:
Access Hollywood today (WEd.) will feature Lucas on the Marketing of SW. According to the AH website, Bai Ling is suopposed to be interviewed as well.

Conventions / Re: Pgh toy show
« on: May 10, 2005, 11:01 PM »
Next Pittsburgh Toy show will be held on July 30-31 Sat/Sun at the Monroeville Expomart.

Having a Star Wars theme to it with the release of the movie and all.  There are 1,000 free figures that will be handed out to the first "paying" customers. First come first served until supplies are exhausted.

See you there. 

This show should be very interesting with all the exlusives and all the new stuff hitting now.  I'm sure they'll be lots of wheelin' and dealin' going on for this one.

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