Trade heavily for my few wants 
....Make an offer
WANTS Commtech stormtroopers or fan club 4 packs
Sandtrooper 4 pack
EU Darktrooper
EU Leia
EU Sentinal
HAVESCarded Figures
Anikin Skywalker POTF2 Flashback Photo
Admiral Ackbar
Lando Skiff Guard
Mon Mothma FF
Dexster Jettster
Endor Rebel Trooper /Bearded
Captain Typho **PENDING**
Loose Figures
Vader Buff POTF2
Chewbacca Buff POTF2
Chewbacca Boushh Bounty (No Chain) POTF2
Chewbacca Mechanic POTJ
Luke Skywalker Dagabah
Luke Buff
Luke Jedi
Medical Droid
Anikin Skywalker x 4 (various) Ep1
Admiral Ackbar (no Wrist Blaster)
Boss Nass Ep1
Jar Jar Binks x 2 one is from cinema scene and the other is from beast pack
Darth Maul Tattoine
Dart Maul Final Battle POTJ (no saber)
4 Leia’s from the Leia 2 packs
Mon Montha
Loose Customs
Some of these are completely finished. Some are in various stages and others I have rescued as they here in pretty bad shape when I got them.
Ugnaughts x 2 **PENDING**
Bespin Security with a generic head **PENDING**
Winter-Camo Dengar seen on my web site
Jungle Trooper seen on my web site (the one with the Snowtrooper parts)
Slave Leia (soft-goods skirt)
Kale re-paint from Titan A.E.
Jedi Luke in Blue pilot uniform seen on my website
Jedi Luke in Black seen on my website
I will be updating soon, I am still on a collection clean up.