Author Topic: stormtrippers 2003 haves and wants  (Read 2662 times)

Offline stormtripper

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stormtrippers 2003 haves and wants
« on: January 28, 2003, 04:19 PM »
Will Trade heavily for my few wants ;D....Make an offer


Commtech stormtroopers or fan club 4 packs
Sandtrooper 4 pack
EU Darktrooper
EU Leia
EU Sentinal


Carded Figures
Anikin Skywalker POTF2 Flashback Photo
Admiral Ackbar
Lando Skiff Guard
Mon Mothma FF
Dexster Jettster
Endor Rebel Trooper /Bearded
Captain Typho **PENDING**

Loose Figures
Vader Buff POTF2
Chewbacca Buff POTF2
Chewbacca Boushh Bounty (No Chain) POTF2
Chewbacca Mechanic POTJ
Luke Skywalker Dagabah
Luke Buff
Luke Jedi
Medical Droid
Anikin Skywalker x 4 (various) Ep1
Admiral Ackbar (no Wrist Blaster)
Boss Nass Ep1
Jar Jar Binks x 2 one is from cinema scene and the other is from beast pack
Darth Maul Tattoine
Dart Maul Final Battle POTJ (no saber)
4 Leia’s from the Leia 2 packs
Mon Montha

Loose Customs
Some of these are completely finished. Some are in various stages and others I have rescued as they here in pretty bad shape when I got them.
Ugnaughts x 2 **PENDING**
Bespin Security with a generic head **PENDING**
Winter-Camo Dengar seen on my web site
Jungle Trooper seen on my web site (the one with the Snowtrooper parts)
Slave Leia (soft-goods skirt)
Kale re-paint from Titan A.E.
Jedi Luke in Blue pilot uniform seen on my website
Jedi Luke in Black seen on my website

I will be updating soon, I am still on a collection clean up.


« Last Edit: January 28, 2003, 04:24 PM by stormtripper »

Offline Thomas Grey

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Re:stormtrippers 2003 haves and wants
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2003, 12:35 AM »
Hey, I have:

might be interested in all 3 of your 'loose' Chewies and Dexter. Tell me about the Dexter. Background insert or not? I assume the 'pipe' text on the side is covered up, but if not, I'll go straight up with him for Darktrooper. Let me know...
"There's no mystical energy field that controls my destiny."

Offline stormtripper

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Re:stormtrippers 2003 haves and wants
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2003, 03:05 AM »
sent you imperial mail, twice by mistake ;D