Author Topic: Custom Titanium Ships  (Read 7691 times)

Offline JediSpyke

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Custom Titanium Ships
« on: February 12, 2008, 11:38 AM »

I recently finished up some resin ships to add to my fleet and thought I’d share them with y’all. This fleet is my reimagined Eastern Alliance fleet as inspired from the Battlestar Prometheus fan fic  Battlestar Prometheus .

You'll notice the guns on the Alliance ships are bigger and maybe there aren't as many as on a Colonial ship. I heard and liked the theory that this is due to the lower tech of the Alliance and that they make up for it with bigger guns. Their carrier also supports more fighters than a typical battlestar since their fighters are also of lower quality. Once again, it's the "quantity vs. quality" argument.

Here's a couple group shots:

And here's one with this group facing off against a Colonial group:

Here's a few shots of the other ships. The rest of the pictures can be seen here:


Heavy Dreadnaught

Cruisers (Missle and standard) Note: The 4 guns on top of the standard cruiser are Ravenstar guns I added. The ship had rounded domes there before. The missle pods are some of Novastar's, but wern't originally on there)

Fast attack ship (middle) and escort destroyers:

So what do you think?

« Last Edit: June 9, 2008, 02:25 PM by Jeff »

Offline JediSpyke

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Black Fleet Rising (Titanium and similar scale ships)
« Reply #1 on: June 9, 2008, 02:11 PM »
The Fourth Fleet, also known as the Black Fleet. It is a First Tier Defensive fleet and a Second Tier Offensive fleet. The second tier designation isn't a slight on the ships or those serving aboard them, but rather to the nature of the TO&E of the fleet.

The 4th is mostly made up of tried and true ship classes, but also has a fair number of new upgrades and extrapolations to those classes. Additionally, the 4th is where many (but not all) new ship class first spend time. This gives the new ships a true test without placing them or their crews at extreame risk.

Each ship bares the black banner of the fleet, along with a unique color haroldry for the ship class. This allows for eaiser identification of ships when fighters are returning.

Here are a few shots of the fleet:

Valhalla Class Command Battlestar (Ravenstar): Odin

Nova Class Battlestar (Repainted Hasbro Titanium)

Gunslinger Class Destroyer (Novastar/Mr. Woodchuck):

Hunter Class Lightstar (Ravenstar):

Onyx Class Missle Frigate (Burgstrom <modified>):

Nemisis Strikestar (Ravenstar):

See the remainder of the pictures here:
http:Black Fleet

Comments and thoughts are most welcome.

« Last Edit: June 9, 2008, 02:25 PM by Jeff »

Offline Darth_Anton

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Re: Custom Titanium Ships
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2008, 09:41 AM »
Some awesome stuff. Nice actually seeing colonial battle groups seeing how we've never seen more than two battlestars on screen at one time.
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Offline JediSpyke

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Re: Custom Titanium Ships
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2008, 10:49 AM »
Some awesome stuff. Nice actually seeing colonial battle groups seeing how we've never seen more than two battlestars on screen at one time.

Thanks Darth Anton. The whole battlegroup question is something that comes up over at Starship Combat News a good bit. There MUST have been various ships and larger groups, but we never get to see them. If you want to see some other great ship customs, go over there and check them out.
