Author Topic: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro  (Read 29469 times)

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #105 on: October 5, 2005, 06:44 PM »
Why don't you pack the Tact. Ops Trooper in the upcoming case assortments higher, like say 3x to a case. You know the 501st Trooper will be hot, hot, hot so why don't you pack it higher? You ball-less DePreist Lackeys make no sense...

We are of the opinion that the Tactical Ops Trooper will not be as hot as people believe they will be.  Our extensive market research on preschool children in metal boxes shows that Clones are not very popular.  This is also why there are no Clones on the pegs in any great numbers.  As I have stated earlier, we ship figures according to demand.  There is a great demand for Neimoidian Warriors of all colors, as evidenced by the abundance of peg space given to them at Wal-Mart and Target.  You can't even see Clones on the pegs most of the time, so why ship more of something that retail doesn't want to devote space to? 

And I thought the Cruisemissile Trooper was a cool EU vehicle. Any chance of rerelease?

As stated earlier in this thread, the Cruisemissle Trooper will be rereleased in several different colors next summer as a Target exclusive.  Target said that their customers had been asking for an AT-TE Walker and that was what they wanted to carry, but we convinced them of the glory of the Cruisemissle Trooper through the glory of "You won't get anything if you don't get the Cruisemissle Trooper series."  Target saw things our way (which, by the way, is the only way to see things) and they will be carrying the Cruisemissle Trooper series as a result.

The AT-TE, however, will not be made due to the lack of retail interest in carrying such an item.  We told Target that they wanted the Cruisemissle Trooper instead and they saw the logic of this.  Thus, no AT-TE.

Did I really see Elvis last night boarding a space ship?  If so, is there any chance that you can get the rights from McFarlane so I can get a fat Elvis action figure with the spaceship as an exclusive next year? 8>)

While McToys has the license for Elvis breakapart statues for the foreseeable future, we would love to do something like this.  However, this would be an "Expanded Universe" Elvis, so if we did it, it would have to be an Elvis that transforms into a Rebel Medical Frigate (or a Death Star, since they're the same general shape and size), or an Elvis on a Chopper wearing a Princess Leia Slave outfit.

I also have serious doubts about your sighting Elvis in a UFO as the Enquirer has made it quite clear that he is living in Timbuktu with Jim Morrison and Jimmy Hoffa making beaded necklaces out of the ears of jackalopes.  Elvis' love for anal probes, however, is not without truth.  Roy is still telling stories about that one.

Can you explain the striking similarities between spotting new figues on the pegs from down the isle and buck fever? Both cause the same reaction, a momentary loss of reality and stupid fever.

We do not foresee this "buck fever" symptomotology being a problem in the next few months, as we do not plan to ship a whole lot of new figures to retail.  Therefore, your health will be just fine.  We really do care about you, you know.

Where did we come from, was it the big bang and evolution or were we created by intelligent design?

You all came from a factory in Southeast Asia.  You fell off the back of a truck, thus making you the legal property of whoever found you (your parents).  You are all the property of Hasbro Toys Inc.  Hasbro is your god now.  Hasbro is the Alpha; Hasbro is the Omega.  Prepare to be assimilated.  Resistance is futile.  We are the Walrus; koo-koo-ka-choo.

1975074962 END TRANSMISSION....

Offline Darth Slothus

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #106 on: October 5, 2005, 11:57 PM »
Since you've already responded with Target getting 80% of the overpriced exclusives as it is this year...What can we expect for Target exclusives next year?..And at what cost?

Any ideas? how about a " transforming Tum-Tum Pregnant/non-pregnant Padme" Exclusive deluxe figure? Look, in a play simulation you could pretend Padme gets "knocked up." How about a not-cool action feature of pressing a button in the package and air goes into the tummy simulating pregnancy? You could charge 27.63$ to ensure it won't pegwarm and everyone has to have one!

Note: I used "not- cool" as a descriptive adjective since your stance @ Hasbro has been to NEVER promo 8)te or create Good-Ideas from customers.

Offline Reid

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #107 on: October 6, 2005, 08:11 PM »
What Playsets can we expect from The Saga Collection 2006? And...

Where's the Cream Filling?
« Last Edit: October 6, 2005, 08:11 PM by HunterofThePegs »

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #108 on: October 6, 2005, 09:33 PM »
Since you've already responded with Target getting 80% of the overpriced exclusives as it is this year...What can we expect for Target exclusives next year?..And at what cost?

Given the fact that Wal-Mart, the nation's number one retailer, is becoming more and more interested in alternative forms of shopping that do not include Star Wars in a long-term retailing outlook, we expect that the entire Star Wars line will become a shared exclusive between Target and Toys R Us around June of 2006.  As to which store will get what and how much it will cost, I cannot say at this time.  What I can tell you is that next year's exclusive offerings will follow the trend of what you have seen this year, adjusted for the rise in production and shipping costs, of course.

As a result of this, Hasbro will be instituting a 2.00 fuel surcharge to every figure we sell, meaning that the retail cost will go up by approximately 12 dollars.  Therefore, a basic SW action figure will cost 18.00 by the summer of 2006, but Target has already expressed that they feel customers will pay an even 20, and we will not question their statistics which are not made up.

Since the cost of figures are going up, we have decided to do a "Let's Do It All" line in 2007.  This line will include nothing but Super Articulated versions of the main characters, background aliens people have been begging for for years, and the remainder of the vintage lineup that has yet to be made in the modern era.  These figures will, by this point, be a Target exclusive and due to rising production and shipping costs, the retail price for these awesome basic figures will be 49.99.  To offset this price increase, we plan to include a Pog of a random SW character in every package. 

Any ideas? how about a " transforming Tum-Tum Pregnant/non-pregnant Padme" Exclusive deluxe figure? Look, in a play simulation you could pretend Padme gets "knocked up." How about a not-cool action feature of pressing a button in the package and air goes into the tummy simulating pregnancy? You could charge 27.63$ to ensure it won't pegwarm and everyone has to have one!

The one you call "stormie" suggested something very similar to this earlier in this thread, and as such, I will include your recommendation along with his when I speak to our Board of Directors later this weekend.

Note: I used "not- cool" as a descriptive adjective since your stance @ Hasbro has been to NEVER promote or create Good-Ideas from customers.

We have enough good ideas on our own that we don't need the suggestions of collectors.  If it were up to collectors, you would never have the Force Battlers, the Attacktix, the Epic Force, the vastly subpar 12 inch line, the Jedi Force figures, the 2" Unleashed, the Star Wars Choppers, the Star Wars Transformers, and so on.  If it were up to you guys, all we would have would be basic figures and vehicles, decent 12 inch dolls, the 7 inch Unleashed line, and the Galactic Heroes figures and vehicles.  And really, who thinks that would work well as the only SW product on the shelves?

It is high time that the collecting community follows the lead of its Imperial Overlord and admits that Hasbro is infallible and that anything we make is worth a million dollars.  We don't care what collectors think!*

What Playsets can we expect from The Saga Collection 2006?

We plan on reissuing the awesome Death Star Detention Block Rescue playset from the POTF2 line as a Toys R Us exclusive in 2006.  We have no plans to reissue any other playsets at this time, nor will we do any more newly sculpted ones, because, well, that would require we actually work on something.

Where's the Cream Filling?

We are aware of the demand for cream filling, and we are looking at several different ways of reincorporating the cream filling into the line in the future.  For now, might we suggest a Twinkie?  They'll survive the nuclear winter you know.  Plus, they've got that Twinkie the Kid guy, and he's awesome.  We need to buy the Twinkie license so we can do Darth Twinkie or a Stormtwinkie or (dare I think it) a Neimoidian Twinkie!

*DP Reality Note: The last sentence of this paragraph is an actual quote uttered by a Hasbro/Kenner representative at a convention in 1997.

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #109 on: October 7, 2005, 01:17 AM »
Tell me what you don't like about yourself.

"This is the way."

Offline Jediknight760071

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #110 on: October 7, 2005, 02:12 AM »
This is far too funny.

Geeks. ;)

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #111 on: October 7, 2005, 12:10 PM »
Tell me what you don't like about yourself.

As stated earlier, Hasbro is the perfect embodiment of all that is awesome.  Hasbro stares at itself naked in the mirror every day for approximately 16 hours, admiring its perfect form.  Hasbro has never had a pimple, it never has a hair out of place, and it has no wrinkles.  Hasbro is synonomous with infallibility, thus you could say that Hasbro IS Hasbro, just like David Prowse IS Darth Vader. 

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #112 on: October 7, 2005, 12:29 PM »
You said last week that you don't have any balls.

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #113 on: October 7, 2005, 12:37 PM »
You said last week that you don't have any balls.

I will admit that I said this, however you are mistaken in suggesting that I, and concurrently Hasbro, made a mistake, as Hasbro does not make mistakes.  As we could never possess balls of our own, we are of the opinion that our castration makes us even more perfect.  It is your mistake to assume that we made a mistake in mistakenly mistaking my mistakenly mistaken mistake, you mistaken mistaker, as we do not mistakenly mistake any mistakes you may mistakenly make.

Despite the outcry of collectors, Hasbro has no plans to admit to any mistakes now or in the future.  By the way, the new Force Battlers are out at a retailer near you, and the awesome 2 inch Unleashed Battle Packs are coming really soon! 

Offline Reid

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #114 on: October 7, 2005, 04:22 PM »
What carahcters will be immortilized as the mini holo figures that are packaged with the Saga 2 basic figs?

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #115 on: October 8, 2005, 01:59 AM »
Tell me, truthfully... the marketing team who came up with the idea for Star Wars/Transformers hybrid toys, they were doing coke lines and 8-balls just before they came up with the idea. Right?
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Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #116 on: October 8, 2005, 10:56 AM »
What carahcters will be immortilized as the mini holo figures that are packaged with the Saga 2 basic figs?

At this point it is too early to reveal all of the mini-hologram characters that will be randomly packaged with the 2006 Saga Collection figures.  We can tell you that the line will feature a large variety of characters from all six films, some of whom have never appeared in hologram form before.

Since you asked so nicely, here is a list of the first few hologram figures to be inserted into the line:

-Darth Maul
-General Madine
-Dr. "Bones" McCoy
-Wilford Brimley
-Neimoidian Warrior
-Bea Arthur

Tell me, truthfully... the marketing team who came up with the idea for Star Wars/Transformers hybrid toys, they were doing coke lines and 8-balls just before they came up with the idea. Right?

The reason for SW Transformers is quite a logical one: it makes us more money.  Due to the nature of the SW licensing agreement, LucasFilm Ltd. gets a rather large chunk of the profits we make on SW toys since we do not directly own the license.  As the TF license is named by us, we get 100% of all the profits from TF toys.  When combined with the SW line, a SW Transformer nets us approximately 67% profits, while LFL takes the remaining 33%.  By using our own license to market SW, we reverse the usual profit structure (LFL gets 2/3 and we get 1/3) so we can finally make money on the SW line.  As you know, even if the line is successful beyond imagination (as it has been this year), we never make a dime on it because of LFL's draconian contract they forced us to sign at gunpoint.

Also, in the following year, all Star Wars figures will be made of soap to save money.  All vehicles (what we release, at least) will be whittled from a piece of wood by Jesco White at his cabin in West Virginia.

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #117 on: October 8, 2005, 09:37 PM »
What carahcters will be immortilized as the mini holo figures that are packaged with the Saga 2 basic figs?

-Wilford Brimley

At least this is technicly one of my most wanted figures to be made, a Wilford Brimley as Noa Ewok TV movies figure...

And also, who the hell designed those Star Wars "Choppers"? That has to be one of the stupidest ideas since PepsiBlue.

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #118 on: October 8, 2005, 10:54 PM »
Crack Smoking Monkey, who shot first, Han or Greedo?
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Offline DoctorPadawan

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Re: I will answer your question as a representative of Hasbro
« Reply #119 on: October 9, 2005, 08:31 PM »
At least this is technicly one of my most wanted figures to be made, a Wilford Brimley as Noa Ewok TV movies figure...

Wilford Brimley was in an "Ewok" movie?  They made an "Ewok" movie?  I doubt the veracity of your claims, sir.  Wilford Brimley was gracious enough to come to the offices here at Hasbro to help up check our blood sugar (I am diabetic, like Mr. Brimley) and we did a "Hasbro Scan" (kind of like a Real Scan, but we just trace a line around his frame against the wall in red marker; such unparallelled technological superiority led to the amazing likeness on the Jedi vs. Sith Battle Pack Anakin Skywalker) of him while he was here. 

Since we couldn't remember him ever being involved with Star Wars, we decided to do a mini-hologram as a thank you.  Its release in the actual action figure line was an afterthought, and it will be one of the "chase" holograms that will be packed one in every 1000000000000000000 cases (meaning the only person who will get one is whoever sees it "fall off the back of the truck" in China).  If this does make its way to America (HA!), all retail employees have been ordered to not allow anyone to purchase it unless they weigh more than the three most obese employees at that retailer combined.

Roy has just informed me that there were two Ewok TV movies and that Wilford Brimley was involved.  How this tidbit escaped my omnipotence is beyond me.  You will be pleased to know that we will be releasing a "Creepy Eyes" Wicket from the Ewok TV movies as a Moonlight Bunny Ranch Exclusive in 2006.

Crack Smoking Monkey, who shot first, Han or Greedo?

Since we are infallible, let the following be known from this point forward, and let there be no more debate:

-Greedo shot first
-"Lapti Nek" sucked
-Han wore a brown/blue coat
-The best episodes of "The Simpsons" are the clip shows
-Lincoln's secretary shot Kennedy's secretary
-Tom Cruise is not insane nor a closet homosexual
-"Garfield" is the funniest comic strip ever made and has not become a big commercial for stuffed animals

And also, who the hell designed those Star Wars "Choppers"? That has to be one of the stupidest ideas since PepsiBlue.

I almost forgot this one.  My apologies, sir.  The SW Choppers were designed by Felipe, a small child we employ as a designer in the Pawtucket warehouse.  He is only 8 years old, but as that kid in the "Jerry Maguire" movie showed us, all kids are smarter than your average person.  Felipe has designed some of our more popular toys, such as Arena Battle Padme, Cantina Han Solo, and Exploding General Grievous.  Felipe also has photographs of Roy with a sheep and a pint of bourbon whiskey, so I think you can figure out why Felipe gets to design what he wants.