Author Topic: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?  (Read 33873 times)

Offline DarthStiffler

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #60 on: August 18, 2003, 06:41 PM »
EP3: Insider #70 Tidbits
Mon, Aug 18,
INSIDER: Chewbacca delivers the Skywalker twins to Obi-Wan Kenobi.
McCALLUM: “Can’t comment.”
INSIDER: By the end of the film, Yoda ends up on Dagobah.
McCALLUM: “These rumors are pretty good. We’ll see.”
INSIDER: Anakin loses more body parts.
McCALLUM: “Absolutely.”
INSIDER: We’ll see Darth Sidious wield a lightsaber.
McCALLUM: “Maybe. If you’re good. Maybe.”
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #61 on: August 18, 2003, 06:42 PM »
Aug 18
Rick McCallum also revealed  on his latest web chat  that the episode 3 script  is much longer then when they started almost  30 pages longer jumping from 102 pages to 129 & that they are ahead of schedule with about 80 pages covered
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #62 on: August 18, 2003, 08:51 PM »
"Expect someone serious as the new villain." - Rick McCallum

• "We will some new, even bigger monsters/creatures." - Rick McCallum

• "A character from the Clone Wars cartoon will appear in Episode III." - Rick McCallum

• "The Clone Troopers will again be CG, yet different than seen before." - John Knol

• "We will see lots of great changes like the transformation of clones into stormtroopers, uniforms, etc." - Rick McCallum

• "We will see Battle Droids (including Supers) and Destroyer Droids in Episode 3 - as well as some cool new ones." - Rick McCallum

• The battle droids in Ep3 will be a mix of what we've seen before, but the clone troopers will have some new markings to match their new designs. - Star

• "The clonetroopers will be all CGI and there will be new variations of them that look really cool." - Rick McCallum

• "All the characters are moving to the way we first saw them in the Original Trilogy as far as look." - Rick McCallum

• "The scenes for the EU character will not be shot until 2004 and no one has been cast for the part." - Rick McCallum

• "Wat Tambor is back, and "badder" than ever." - John Knoll

• Rune Haako only has one line. - Star

• "Artoo will still have his jet rockets." - John Knoll

• Plo Koon will have a brief appearance in Episode III, but the script requires very specific actions for him. - Star

• Plo does have scripted dialogue in Episode III, but there is no guarantee that it'll remain in the finished film. - Star
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #63 on: August 18, 2003, 08:58 PM »
Ep III definitively has the most lightsaber action of any Star Wars film." - Rick McCallum

• "The battles will be on an even larger scale." - Rick McCallum

• "We will see some glorious death scenes." - Rick McCallum

• "No rematch between Yoda and Dooku though both will have their own fights." - SW Insider

• "The new fights are going to be amazing." - Rick McCallum

• "Some of the fights are incredibly huge." - Rick mcCallum

• "There will be many intense fights." - Nick Gillard

• "Yoda will be seen in action sequences again." - Rick mcallumC

• "There are going to be new styles of lightsaber fighting. Deconstructing the current Jedi style." - Nick Gillard

• "There's no question that we'll see Saber duels in Episode III that will definitely top the Obi-Wan / Maul duel." - Nick Gillard

• "We will see at least one character we've never seen fight before with a lightsaber, do so in Episode III. Also expect a new style from this or these characters too." - Nick Gillard

• "Anakin will cover just about every fighting style in Episode III." - Nick Gillard

• "Many limbs will be lost in Episode III." - Nick Gillard

• "The Epic duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan will be the longest lightsaber duel ever." - Nick Gillard

• "Female Jedi will fight in Episode III." - Nick Gillard

• "Anakin is vulnerable on a slope." - Nick Gillard

• "There will be some spectacular battles." - John Knoll
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #64 on: August 18, 2003, 09:02 PM »
We will be seeing more of Coruscant." - John Knoll

 "Tatooine will tie everything together in Ep3." - Rick McCallum

"There are a few scenes you will go nuts over." - Gavin Bocquet

 The last 3 pages of the script gave Rob Coleman goosebumps.

 There is a sequence in Ep3 that makes Rob Coleman think "this is what I always wanted to see in the prequels".

Page 7, word twelve of the script is "trench". - John Knoll
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #65 on: August 18, 2003, 09:14 PM »
Ewan McGregor had a lifecast done of his head and hands to allow makeup work for an effect needed early in Ep3. -

The major focus is the breakdown in friendship between Obi-Wan and Anakin. - SW Insider

Obi-Wan Kenobi, a fugitive, will find safe haven on an alien planet and in the company of an alien leader. -Bruce Spence

"The children are born." - Natalie Portman

Anakin will fail his challenge but it will cost him his soul." - George Lucas

Pieces of Darth Vader's armor will be seen on several different characters. It will all come together to make the final Vader armor. - Celebration 2

In this film, you realize, it’s more about Anakin making the wrong choices. He’s given a glorious moment by George -- I’m so happy with part of the script -- where he truly has to make a choice. In the end, I think that’s a smarter way to go than a slow transformation. It’s more tragic this way."  - Iain McCaig

 "We will see Anakin doing more evil things a la slaughtering the Tuskens." - Rick McCallum

"We will see the emperor and/or Anakin make use of the dark side of the force with lightning, chokes and more." - Rick McCallum

Hayden will look quite rugged and weathered after having fought in the Clone Wars for years. -

Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor show up in full wardrobe. Anakin's is in one of his Episode III looks -- according to the slate, they're shooting Hayden's "tidy" look. His "messy" look will come later. A scar added by makeup isn't reading well enough on the monitors, so Nikki Gooley and her crew thicken it up to make this particular trophy of the Clone Wars more visible. -
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #66 on: September 5, 2003, 12:45 AM »
Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader is extremely graphic. Anakin suffers complete burn wounds from the neck down. His head takes severe injuries also. Anakin is going to look horrible. Due to some of the intense scenes shot for Episode 3, Lucas is going to have a hard time getting a PG rating in the United States. The death star plans are not primary to the Episode 3 plot. The dark side cave on Dagobah will not be seen. Sidious will remove his hood during the movie. Episode 3 WILL reveal how Jedi become ghosts/spirits.
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #67 on: September 5, 2003, 09:53 AM »
Thanks for posting all this stuff, Darth Stiffler!  :o
(Formerly LandotheScoundrel)

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #68 on: September 5, 2003, 10:20 AM »
There was a post on saying that the opening scroll will explain that the clone war is over and that supreme chancellor Palpatine has been captured by the separatists!!!  This would give him a good way of leading the battle on the side of the Separatists.  He could be in their base and no one would be suspicious.  In comes Ani and Obi to the rescue.  After their space battle they land on the separatist home-world where Ani takes out Dooku!  

Go over there and check it out, I'm getting excited now, only two years to wait!
He can't muck this one up! just kill'em all in a really cool way!

Offline DarthStiffler

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #69 on: September 5, 2003, 02:59 PM »
thanx  fox , i have heard that rumour a few times a few months ago i wasn't sure if that would happen im like you i cant wait im putting 100$ on table & i will say episode 3 will make episode 1 & 2 look like crapp MTFBWU urban fox
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #70 on: September 5, 2003, 03:04 PM »
My pleasure Lando it makes it alot easier to have it all on one thread insted of running all over the place looking for spoilers ...btw the rumours of the duel being  surrounded by lava seems to be true .The duel on the set of episode 3 is said to be donned i red lighting !!
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #71 on: September 6, 2003, 11:45 AM »
The Official Site Homing Beacon talks about Episode III costumes. Here's a clip of the action to encourage you to subscribe yourself:
Anakin Skywalker clearly has the most profound transition from the prequel to the original trilogy, but the evolution of his Jedi robes from Attack of the Clones to his garb in the new installment is more understated than his future look of dark armor. "We changed his cloak shape, and gave him a new slightly more Jedi-like cloak this time," says Biggar. "We changed his colors, and we darkened them all down, hinting at what he's going to become. Although he was quite dark brown before, there were some lighter aspects. This time, we've really taken shades of dark brown to give him a dark outline even though he's still a Jedi."
Though Senators Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa are absent from the original films, they continue to evolve Episode III, building upon their looks from the previous chapter. "In Episode I, Padmé was very formal and very ceremonial, and that became slightly relaxed for Episode II. In Episode III, we see her in a couple of business-like -- but not heavily ceremonial -- costumes, so generally her look is softer, and we get a chance to see her in a more relaxed state. I think even more relaxed now than she was in Episode II -- softer, more feminine," explains Biggar.

"Though we saw Bail Organa in Episode II as a Senator, George wanted him to look slightly more high tech in a way," she says. "We ended up using more metal pieces in his costumes. He has a high-tech metal comlink, and his ceremonial Senate costume has a beautiful metal collar piece."

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #72 on: September 6, 2003, 11:47 AM »
EP3: Ryan Church Chat Highlights
The Official Site updated with a chat with Ryan Church, concept designer for Episode III. Here's some highlights from what was a stellar day for spoilers:
We will see prototype TIE Fighters.
We will see both the "used universe" design style common in the Classic Trilogy as well as the sleek, "pretty" environments seen so far in the prequels.

We will see evidence of Rebel Alliance ships.

We will see a new location on Naboo.

The new bad guy has a lot of screen time, a memorable role, and he is central to the plot.

Ryan designed the prototype for the X-Wing.

Some of the old Ralph McQuarrie images were incorporated into Ep3. At the start of designing, George pointed out certain designs he definitely wanted to see in the film.

There are not too many scenes that take place in or around a Death Star.

The new Federation Cruiser is a large and aggressive warship. It will look "slightly familiar".
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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #73 on: September 8, 2003, 04:52 PM »
Episode III will be PG - This is what is best for the franchise no doubt. Though there's a trend to push for more and it would defintiely appeal to the older fans, PG is the way to go and no surprise.

Running Time: 2 Hours - The final cut of the film should clock in around 2 hours which means there's about a 110 page script that Lucas has produced. Fans wanting a lengthy finale will be dissapointed, but this is something everyone should have been prepared for and again no surprise.

Episode III definitively has the most lightsaber action of any Star Wars film - Again, great confirmation but expected. There's a lot to do ad we figure the saber will figure prominantly into the final sequences. Great to hear!

SW3 takes place 3 years or so after Ep II - Hayden said recently is would be much more than that, but Rick corrected him and gave us the time scale for the film, noting also that everything is bigger this time, including the battle scenes.

Space Battle Beginning - An epic space battle to begin the film. Now that is a great way to start. We know it is the end of the Clone Wars about this time period, so expect it to be the defintive moment of the war.

And here's a fun quote to end this review: "Yes, I do believe Ep III will bridge the gap and answer most all of the unanswered questions. I think it's much more of a fun adventure feel. Although, of course, Anakin turning into Vader is pretty intense."

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Re: episode 3 spoilers perhaps ?
« Reply #74 on: September 8, 2003, 04:55 PM »
the official 'Star Wars' website has officially revealed that Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious are in fact the one and same.

Thanks to his piece: Palpatine instituted a military build-up unprecedented in galactic history. He created the New Order, a Galactic Empire that ruled by tyranny. The Jedi Knights, his biggest threat, were extinguished by his greatest dark side pupil: Anakin Skywalker, who had become Darth Vader. The only reason i have posted this is because everyone seems to think palpatine & sidious are not the same our tht palpatine is a clone of sidious episode 3 will reveal that both are the same
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