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Messages - I Just Sithed My Pants

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The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: August 21, 2009, 07:49 PM »
picked up the new saga legends han solo and chewie. really liking them considering they're based on ESB versions.  Also picked up the new waves of clone wars, including the TRU exclusive Commander Ponds

Bought all of Wave 7 except for concept anakin and obi-wan, because they didn't have them.  I also found AOTC Anakin.  Found at Target.  I have had really good luck at Target for the last few waves.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Recent Legacy Purchases
« on: June 20, 2009, 02:41 AM »
Went to TRU and was excited to find that they had the new smaller cards in.  Unfortunately it didn't mean Wave 7, all they had was saga legends in the new packaging.  But I did pick up the Yoda with cannon that I couldn't get when I was broke a few years ago...

Good point ryan, I ultimately wish that they all sold well, that way Hasbro would be more willing to put out figures that haven't been released yet or badly need re-released!  and i hope im wrong about the hoth soldiers and ugnaughts, because I think they both look great and they deserve to be purchased.  :)

i know but kids will tend to go for the lukes and leias and emperors.  There were even kids going through them when I was there, and they're mom asked them if they wanted the ugnaught and they just ignored them trying to go for palpatine (which i grabbed).  and of course they wont sell as much with an 8 dollar price tag, but parents will still buy them to shut up their kids.  and i'm just saying we'll be seeing ugnaughts next year still hanging up but there will no sign of palpatine or luke.

Oh btw, the leia was pretty basic looking, nothing spectular.  I was impressed with Palpatine, even if it didn't look like him as he appeared in ESB.  He looks more like a EU Palpatine or even a Palpatine clone, but I still like it.

Picked up palpatine and leia at target today.  they had all of the new wave except luke.  I have a feeling the ugnaughts and hoth soldiers will be the peg warmers this wave though.

Went to TRU tonight and they had a 2 for $10.99 basic and clone wars figures sale going on.  The catch is you HAVE to buy 2 to get the deal.

Don't usually go here but i found myself in a k-mart today and saw that all basics were on sale for $4.99

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