Author Topic: JediDefender Fantasy Football  (Read 70336 times)

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #15 on: September 5, 2013, 10:32 AM »
Can I make the suggestion that draft order no longer be random?  Most leagues when they draft go in opposite order of the finish from last year.  Not that I am complaining where I drafted last night but we've been doing this long enough that would be only fair.

I would vote for that too.  I like know the draft order a little earlier and actually didn't read it correctly at first last night while trying to get the kids ready for bed.  Kind of a shocker to not know, then think you're drafting third, then actually draft 9th all in a 15 minute time span.  I would be cool with an online auction too if we want to go that route, though I'm not looking forward to a biddign war with Marin for all the Packer Players.

Count me for wanting to revert to the old waiver system as well, assuming my interpretation earlier was accurate.  The new set up penalizes top performing teams, which I don't think is very fair.  I'm not in favor of the free agent free for all either, so the pick a player then move to the back of the list format seems the most fair to me.

I also think we need a rule that says you can't draft more than 3 players from the same team.  I was reading my draft grade this morning and was shocked to find out that I have 4 Rams on my team.  I get 4 Falcons or 4 Saints, but 4 Rams?  That's embarrassing.
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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #16 on: September 5, 2013, 10:46 AM »
When the order flips each round, I don't think draft order is very important at all and that everyone is in a more or less level playing field.  If you get the last pick in the round, you also end up with 2 of the top 13.  If you get the first pick, you end up with 3 of the top 25...

Actually, Fanball or one of the big draft groups did a study on that.  I can't seem to find it, but will keep looking.  They essentially looked at performance of teams drafting in the early rounds of a snake draft versus teams drafting in the back of the pack.  Using standard Yahoo/ESPN scoring, the teams drafting first outscored the teams in the back by something like 50+ points year after year. 

They made the arguement that teams drafting early maintain an advantage throughout the draft.  When you draft early in the first, you get the top talent, so by end of round one you should have a better team.  In the second round, your advantage diminishes with later drafters getting higher picks.  The later drafters start catching up to the early drafters in points, but early drafters are no worse than even by the end of the second round.  Then they get an advantage again in the 3rd and the cycle continues.   

The writer's suggestion was to either hold an auction draft or to set up your snake draft where position 1 drafts at the end of rounds 2 AND 3.  They recalculated average point totals and the spread between early drafters and later drafters fell to about 10 points, though still in favor of the earlier draft picks. 

I am not suggesting we follow that for a snake draft, but I think it clearly highlights an advantage for earlier draft positions.  I'd much rather see the worst performers from last year get those earlier spots the following year than just random placement.
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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #17 on: September 5, 2013, 11:05 AM »
Yeah I know what you are saying Rob but you also get like Justin said #1, #24 and #25.  It just so happened Cory was last place year anyway so that worked out but Brent was like 2nd to last and got the 11th pick.  I'd say it a standard that is has a proven track record. 
The idea of an auction is a good one and it totally gets rid of all of that bias.  I'd be OK with that too.

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #18 on: September 5, 2013, 02:07 PM »
If it's how Justin is describing, I'm Not sure I like that.... I'd finally gotten used to how to best use the newer way we've been doing it.  Why mess with it again?

Or, is this how it's been the last two years and we are just misinterpreting the description?

Yeah it's been hard for me to read ANYTHING since the terrible new layout debuted on Yahoo, so I obviously missed the discussion. I prefer the "old" way, which would be option 1.

As for the draft, I work overnights so I decided to sleep in and do the autodraft... kinda wishing I hadn't. Not terribly thrilled with my lineup and stable of WRs. But we'll see what happens. I gave up on my team in week 1 last year so I'd like to avoid making that same mistake this year.

Thanks Brent.  Does this mean the worst team gets the first pick up of the week, and if they stay the worst team they get the first pick the next week and so on?  When do the waiver submissions actually process?

Why change it?  Mostly to try and get people reading things.  It had also been suggested to me and the only way to get feedback (understandably, the new Yahoo layout is hard on the eyes and difficult to navigate) is to make the change and then see what comes from it.  A few people had suggested it, certain aspects seemed reasonable so I thought what the heck.

That said, I'm not wed to it in any way.  Rolling waivers seems to place value on retaining your standing and not making frivolous waiver wire selections that will send you to the bottom of the order.  It creates a certain value to your waiver standing that won't occur if you keep winning.  But there are negative aspects in that some players will predatorily pick up players they have no need of just to use them as trade bait or to keep other owners from obtaining them.  I say negative but do understand that it is part of the game.  It also functions as insurance against future injury. 

Since it's the start of the season we have a couple of days to mull it over (post draft waivers open up Friday, I think - I can't check Yahoo from work any longer).  Early responses to the change are negative.  In the absence of arguments for (either here, on yahoo or by email to me) I'll just change it back to how it was last year on Sunday (later on as I have a CFL game to attend and my kid is at a basketball tryout) or Monday, prior to the usual deadline so it functions as it did previously. 
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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #19 on: September 5, 2013, 02:14 PM »
Yeah I know what you are saying Rob but you also get like Justin said #1, #24 and #25.  It just so happened Cory was last place year anyway so that worked out but Brent was like 2nd to last and got the 11th pick.  I'd say it a standard that is has a proven track record. 
The idea of an auction is a good one and it totally gets rid of all of that bias.  I'd be OK with that too.

The randomness of the draft order doesn't actually bother me that much, though Justin's discussion is somewhat interesting.  I drafted 11th (9th last year) and it does suck frankly (and according to Yahoo who gave me a C+ for my draft) but through all JD fantasy sports I don't think I really have all that much to complain about as I've drafted across the board fairly randomly as should be expected.  Someday I'll get notched back up higher but thus far this year my draft position hasn't been all that friendly (in our NHL ticket draft I got picks 8/9 out of 9  ::) )

I'm fine with changing the draft order to be the inverse of the season finish the preceding year and it is very easy to set up on Yahoo.  Any new players would have to assume the draft position of someone that's dropped out, though our group is pretty stable overall.  Again, would like more comments from people here, yahoo or email to get better representation of what the group thinks. 

On the auction side of things that could be very interesting though I confess I have no experience in it at all.  My only concern that way would be in terms of time commitment in doing the auction.  I'd think an auction draft would take quite a bit longer, probably 4-5 hours total and that's going to be tough to schedule.  Works well for in person drafting I assume where all can get together, but time zones alone would complicate matters.  I assume that someone here has participated in auction drafts, how long would we need and is it reasonable? 
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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #20 on: September 5, 2013, 05:33 PM »
I think I've got to take issue with the waiver settings.  As things are set now, waiver moves won't be processed until Saturday.  The season opener, however, is TONIGHT.  And I can't say that I'm pleased with Yahoo, since I had to autodraft and wound up with a player in a roster spot who had just been put on IR.  Yahoo, however, is listing that particular player as NA (not active).  Hence my desire to make a waiver move since I got screwed by the autodraft process.
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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #21 on: September 5, 2013, 07:13 PM »
I think I've got to take issue with the waiver settings.  As things are set now, waiver moves won't be processed until Saturday.  The season opener, however, is TONIGHT.  And I can't say that I'm pleased with Yahoo, since I had to autodraft and wound up with a player in a roster spot who had just been put on IR.  Yahoo, however, is listing that particular player as NA (not active).  Hence my desire to make a waiver move since I got screwed by the autodraft process.

All JD leagues have a two day wait following the draft, not just football.  You can take issue with it but it's the proximity of the draft to the start of the games that is the issue, not the setting.  I appreciate it sucks for you but those settings really weren't open to discussion.  We always try to draft as close to the start of the season as we can so that folks don't end up with an injury shortly after the draft.

Autodraft sucks.  Almost invariably. 

Looking at your team I'm not sure I understand the urgency to make a move.  I know the opener is tonight and maybe there's someone you want badly but we're talking about one game here.  I can't think of anyone that's going to make a huge difference tonight that isn't already drafted.  Help me understand. 

As for the NA player, he doesn't play until Sunday and players are FA on Saturday.  It's a little frustrating, but it's autodraft and it was a player taken in the 11th round. 
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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #22 on: September 5, 2013, 11:01 PM »
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Offline JediJman

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #23 on: September 6, 2013, 11:46 AM »
I think I've got to take issue with the waiver settings.  As things are set now, waiver moves won't be processed until Saturday.  The season opener, however, is TONIGHT.  And I can't say that I'm pleased with Yahoo, since I had to autodraft and wound up with a player in a roster spot who had just been put on IR.  Yahoo, however, is listing that particular player as NA (not active).  Hence my desire to make a waiver move since I got screwed by the autodraft process.

That sucks, but the solution is not to autodraft.  I wound up losing my connection one or twice the last few years and just a single autodraft pick can throw off your draft plan.  Like Brett said, you still have an opportunity to pick up guys before the Sunday games, so heopefully that helps you land who you want.  Good luck this week.
« Last Edit: September 6, 2013, 04:19 PM by JediJman »
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Offline Nicklab

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #24 on: September 6, 2013, 02:27 PM »
The more appropriate solution moving forward seems to be having the draft an appropriate length of time before the season opener in order to accommodate any waiver moves.  I understand the concern regarding injuries leading up to the start of the season.  But the first game of the season seems as if it should be the chief concern, not having that waiver wire clear one day before the first SUNDAY of the regular season.
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Offline JediJman

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #25 on: September 6, 2013, 06:00 PM »
I'm honestly for drafting anytime that works for everyone else, but I don't agree with the need to draft earlier to ensure we have added waiver time.  The vast majority of the time, you shouldn't need to make a waiver claim between the end of the draft and week 1.  In the event that you do need to make a change, you have Saturday to do so.  Pushing the draft earlier means we all have less information on player health and more risk that any player can develop an injury prior to the start of the season.  If we had drafted a week sooner and someone wasted a high pick on Andre Brown, or even earlier and grabbed Le'veon Bell, they would be pretty dissapointed as well.  There's no one on the waivers that could compensate you for the loss of those draft picks, so drafting as late as possible really is the fairest approach.  You must really be excited about someone on the waiver given it's just one guy for one week...
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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #26 on: September 18, 2013, 11:19 AM »
Ok guys, I’ve been in discussions with Justin about a waiver issue he has.  The background story is thus:

On September 10th Justin PM’d me to indicate he had inadvertently dropped Julian Edelman for the Washington Defense.  He tried to pick him up again immediately but was unable to do so because Yahoo setting put a two day wait on picking up your own guy again right away.  This is consistent across the leagues I’ve played in though I don’t honestly know if this is adjustable on Yahoo (I can’t check while I’m at work, Yahoo is blocked). 

I explained to Justin that I can’t do anything about Edelman (and trust me this is difficult because I’m the guy who ended up with him off waivers) because the two day wait on players you drop has been consistent in all JD leagues that I’ve ever played in (we can discuss whether we want to change that going forward, but it’s not the point right now).  Justin was accepting of that though he was unaware of the two day wait. 

Justin subsequently requested that I restore his waiver wire position to #2 position where he feels he should be, rather than at #9.  As this conversation did start prior to the week 1 waivers being processed I indicated I’d put it to the league for a vote. 
So am I restoring Justin’s waiver position? Yes or No? 

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #27 on: September 21, 2013, 09:33 PM »
Just to add some clarity here...

I dropped Edelman for a second defense week 1.  No accident and totally my fault.  I had waiver position #3 and figured I could probably get him back when waivers processed the following week if I really needed to.  The system wouldn't even let me put in a claim for him though.  I tried contacting Brent and posted on the site, but Brent was out of town.  Wasn't sure if this was a glitch or what, so I tried putting in a claim for another player dropped about the same (A. Brown) just to test the system.  That claim request worked - I thought I deleted it, but it still went through for some reason.  We have come to figure out that if you drop a guy, you cannot put a claim on him the following week - don't know why and don't agree with it, but at least now we know. 

Now, Brent did pick up Edelman, but he had the #1 waiver spot anyway.  I took the risk in dropping him, so that's my loss and on me regardless of the waiver setup.  I have no issues with that pick up beyond kicking myself for dumping him in the first place.  What is bothersome though is that I lost my wavier pick.  I believe oth guys in front of me have picked up players, so I should be at #1 now (if Winterfell Wolves haven't grabbed anyone, then I should be at #2).  I missed out on pickups this week because of my low waiver priority, so unfortunately this single waiver issue has had multiple negative consequences for me. 

Ultimately, the mistake was mine, but it was made without fully understanding the wavier rule for adding back players you drop.  I don't think any of us knew about this from what I've heard thus far.  I'm not asking that anyone change out any of the players they've picked up, but I do think it's fair to at least restore my waiver priority to #1 to set things right.  Thanks for hearing me out and sounds like you can vote one way or the other on the site.  Good luck to everyone this week!

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #28 on: December 3, 2013, 12:17 PM »
Scored 2nd most points this year...missed the playoffs.  Proving once again how much luck is involved in FF!

Good Luck to all who did make it.

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Re: JediDefender Fantasy Football 2013
« Reply #29 on: December 3, 2013, 02:41 PM »
And I squeaked in at 6-7, with possibly the worst team I've ever drafted.  It was my fifth draft (too many...) and after the first two I tried to do things differently so I wouldn't have the same team over and over... I avoided Spiller, Brady, and Wayne like the plague everywhere else... here?  Why not....