Author Topic: Problems with Saga?  (Read 5566 times)

Offline Chris

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Problems with Saga?
« on: January 15, 2003, 10:18 PM »
I am having a terrible time finding new things, or anything for that matter at Target. Today I went in and they had 2 clonetroopers and a Zam Wessel I believe, that's it. A few action fleet items and lightsabers but that is it. Anyone else like this?

Then we have Krap Mart, with Padme and Tusken Raiders, a great abundance of old, old figures. KB Toys is the same.

Good ole' TRU, the best for me and guess what? Figures in horrible condition. I have not bought a figure at retail that goes in my "master collection" (not MOMC, I have bought some for loose) for about 3 months.

I have no Wal-Marts for about 45 miles, so I never go there.

Man, collecting at retail is getting hard. >:( :(

Offline Guttersnipe

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2003, 05:09 AM »
I can honestly say that I haven't been to a TRU for about 3 months. Over here in the UK most High street stores only stocked 3 or 4 basics (Yoda, Obi, Padme and Jango) but they are all gone now. That leaves me TRU or collector shops which charge 7.99-9.99 per fig.
I collect behind the current line i.e. I am still trying to complete POTF2, POTJ and Ep1, reasoning that they will increase in price before Saga does. But TRU no longer stocks these so I have no reason to go much.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2003, 05:09 AM by Guttersnipe »

Offline JediMAC

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2003, 05:47 AM »
Problems with Saga?  Well, hmm...let me see:

  • Rehashes
  • Action Features
  • Scene-specific static poses/Ultra-wide stances
  • Lack of all-new O.T. selections
  • Poor paint jobs/quality control
  • Poor articulation
Oh, wait - did you mean distribution/retail store wise?  Oops, my bad!  Well in that case:

  • Target - #1 around here.  Lots of them, and often with new stuff
  • Toys 'R' Us - Pretty close to Target status as well
  • KB - Comes and goes, but a few occasional good scores
  • Wal-Mart - Only one store within 25 miles with ZILCH
  • K-Mart (see Wal-Mart)
Aside from the Wal-Mart exclusives, all in all I get by pretty well around here in L.A.  Sometimes it may take a couple months from initial release, but I usually manage to track everything down eventually (often with the assistance of my very capable Star Wars hunting wife).

But I've found that overall distribution around the U.S. really varies by region.  Some people have a ton of well stocked Wal-Marts nearby, while others get by very well with the Target chain as their only source.

That's why making some fellow collecting friends in one's area can be very beneficial - more eyes to scope stuff out, and you can look for your friend's needs while they look for yours.  Not to mention it's a great idea to make some good and honest acquantainces on the trading boards too!  That's where you can really start to cover the various geographic areas that can be rich with the Star Wars goodies that are nowhere near your neck of the woods.  Many of our Canadian (and foreign) collector friends will especially atest to this, I'm sure...
« Last Edit: January 16, 2003, 03:08 PM by JediMAC »

Offline max_one

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2003, 01:28 PM »
the only way to get the goods from retail is to work there. i picked up some holiday hours at kb, i got to open whatever cases came in pick from those cases what i wanted and hold them til whenever and 25-35% off while i worked there.

Offline JediMAC

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Re: Problems with Saga distribution?
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2003, 03:06 PM »
Check this thread out if you're interested in seeing just how many of each or your favorite Star Wars retail stores are actually out there.  Some pretty interesting numbers...

Offline Jedi_Joel

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2003, 05:53 PM »
All of my stores hardly have any new figures, the newest one I saw was the new Yoda. My TRU overstocked on the 12" Tauntauns!! :o

Offline Chris

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2003, 06:00 PM »
Yeah, being the idiot I am, I ran over to TRU today to find the usual, old Jango Pilots and Captain Typhos crushed and terribly beat-up in those awful bins. Quality back on the pegs wasn't much better.... They do have a ton of the Taun Taun's and quite a few Republic Gunships. I was a sucker and bought a Clonetrooper Pilot, Djahs Puhr and Padme pilot for loose. I have not even seen the new Yoda with chair.

Offline Reconsgt

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2003, 11:44 AM »
around here I can't find much unless you want tthe old figs.
My local Kmart only had the first wave of figs

Target is better but a very small selection usually only a case or 2 at most on the rack

Walmart is overstocked with the mid waves and is just getting the Teemo wave.

KB only gets in a new case per week and I usuall mis out on it.

As far a quality goes I hate a fig that can't even hold its own weight and the weapons. Don't get me started but guns are not supposed to sag. They are better than the steroid line but need work.

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Offline Thomas Grey

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2003, 04:54 PM »
First, most of the retail stores are suffering from the dockworkers strike still. They have exhausted most of their stock and haven't received back up yet due to shipping delays and problems. Other retail outlets have become weary of over-ordering and being left holding a lrage bag they have to clearance to get rid of and lose some profit. They remember Episode 1, POTJ and they took another chance with AOTC and they got burned again. They get stuck with several figures that never move off the pegs and they get real tired of them taking up space and taking up room the newer stuff could be in. Most have decided to wait until they have cleared most out before they even order again and then they don't order enough to meet the demand. Then we are stuck missing certain waves because retailers are playing it cautious... on & on & on...

KB Toys has been the most consistent and dependible source for figures since they were first released in Colorado. All others suck! Kmart was actually hanging in there for me, but they have nothing on pegs because they aren't ordering new stuff. Why not you may ask? Because they are going to go out of business and they can't order new stuff for a store that won't be there when the shipment arrives!!!

I think the variant/error thing has gotten out of hand and I believe that Hasbro has purposely created many. They also are obviously having trouble getting the paint, sculpting and text correct. This tells me that they are not as quality concerned as they say they are. I love that they are doing some new sculpts of characters from Episodes 4-6. I wish they would just make an effort to make all figures equally nice. The posed figures (no knee joint or leg articulation) really bug me. It's not an action figure if it doesn't move in my book. Who cares how good it looks!

Anyway, done ranting...
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Offline max_one

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2003, 01:54 PM »
i think it's time too bring on the new figs, we're way over -due!

Offline krisvds

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2003, 12:43 PM »
I have no problems with saga, only finding them ...

Offline Nicklab

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2003, 01:32 PM »
Availability has not been a problem in the SAGA line.  For me, at least.  There are only a handful of items that have been a little scarce, and it's due more to popularity than anything else.

I'd like to see the push button action features go away.  That's my only semi-major gripe.  When these features detract from the sculpt of the figure, I take a little issue.  The other ones where the feature is pretty well concealed are fine by me.

One more gripe....plastic strength on figures like the Battle Droids and Super Battle Droids.  Just a little too soft.

Lastly, the R2-D2's have been kind of sub-par.  I think we reached a peak with the Commtech R2-D2, and we've been sliding backwards since.

But, in the context of the entire line, I think we're doing alright.
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Offline SikSyko

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Re:Problems with Saga?
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2003, 03:06 PM »
We are so far behind in Canada it is not funny, we are just getting the Palpatine/Djas wave now. I almost gave up and sold my collection off because I could not find anything.