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Messages - rishakra

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Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: October 28, 2005, 11:11 AM »
Awesome!  Finding new figures is fun but busting someones stash is a new find plus 10 baby!! ;D

Well the ball turrets move just like the AF ships and the cockpit opens.  Just the side doors being metal now and all.  I guess that's why they don't move.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hold Date for Remaining Figs?
« on: October 28, 2005, 09:35 AM »
I had a similar, more embarassing experience in August.  I was at a Navy Exchange and I found a Scanning Crew Member figure.  It was so "old" that the bar code wasn't in the system but I didn't know that.  I was just excited to finally find not one but 2 of them in a small store in a small Navy Base.  There was a line (lunch time rush) and the lady scanned them and they didn't register a price....and then it happend.  "I NEED A PRICE CHECK ON STAR WARS TOYS PLEASE!"  EVERYONE looked right at me, the big bad Officer buying toys..."for my kids I swear :-["  I didn't say anyting and just waited for an eternity while an employee went back and picked a newer figure for her to scan and get a price... :P  But I got 2 Scanning Crew guys out of it :D

Other Collectibles / Re: darth vader "eva" lamp??!
« on: October 28, 2005, 09:29 AM »
I've seen that at WM.  I didn't like it and it looked like a cheap attempt at a nuevo “lava lamp” like Star Wars knock off. ::)

$19.99 each.  A little hight but they are metal except for the "pointy" type parts that would hurt kids.  They are basically the Action Fleet ships redone, repainted and mostly metal.  I have the AF and Titanium version of both but comparing the Gunship I like the AF version better but it's nice to have another Gunship even if it's not quite as good as the AF ship. ("side" doors don't open on the metal one.)

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Weird KBToys droid
« on: October 27, 2005, 02:11 PM »
What does KB stand for anyway? ???

Revenge of the Sith / Re: TRU Exclusive Holographic Emperor
« on: October 27, 2005, 12:12 PM »
Yeah, it really stinks that Target has all the clone exclusives and no 'real' control over them like TRU does.   ::) It's nearly impossible for a "regular" person to get a Target clone exclusive.  I'm not a regular person (I'm a clone FREAK :D) and I can't get them the normal, "walk to the store and see them on the shelf" way.  No one wants an army of lava reflection Obi Wan's or Anakins hence I can easily find them at all Targets around me, but the two waves of Clone Battle Packs I've seen put out vanished in less than 24hrs each time.    (I have an army of the Battle Pack clones (3 packs worth) and they are freaking cool baby! ;) )

Scalpers will be scalpers, collectors are everywhere and these are cool figures. I know that the only reason TRU exclusives are easy to get is because the booger pickin, fatboy, comic-shop-guys can't afford to clean out the holo figures if they have to buy $30 of SW stuff for EACH one.  I wish Target was the same. :-[

Revenge of the Sith / Re: TRU Exclusive Holographic Emperor
« on: October 26, 2005, 05:22 PM »
My TRU didn't have anything but that's what they've had for what seems like ages.  When Holo Yoda came out there were 5 or 6 old, fat guys waiting for the store to open on Sunday and they ran in and got a few but the store had many holo yodas for a few weeks after that.  The price point keeps the scalpers at bay a bit around here in VA.  So I predict this figure will be easy to find but for many stores you'll be forced to buy $30 of SW stuff to get it.


Darth D.  I love your avatar and comment!  "Kneel...kneel before Wobb!" and that cat!  It's hilarious!

I really, really hope they make the cruisers (AOTC, ROTS and star destroyer).    Hey an evolution pack!  Even the small die cast version of all three together would be cool.  I'm just glad they are making the Jedi Attack Cruiser  :D.  Mon cal cruiser would be nice along with the Death Star II or I but it's a long shot realistically.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Hold Date for Remaining Figs?
« on: October 26, 2005, 09:35 AM »
When you said "if you want to know what I want, but wont sell them, to stop jerking me off and think before you ask such a stupid question." I literally laughted out loud  ;D  I've been wondering what was up at my WM since they have reorganized the SW section 2 or 3 times in the past week and a half and there have been none of the "final 12" figures to be found.  I just found the DVD 3 packs (one clone pack left! YES!).   

Did they say what day you COULD buy them on?  BTW, I'd bet 100 bucks that some weesle stashed the Tack Ops Troopers under some huggies or somesuch...


Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: October 26, 2005, 07:35 AM »
Oops  :o I meant Bly not Cody.  :-[  Freudian Slip...

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: October 25, 2005, 05:49 PM »
Oh, and I STILL can't find the stinking Commander Cody! >:(  Why??  I look EVERY DAY!!!! >:(

Revenge of the Sith / Re: ROTS Recent Purchases
« on: October 25, 2005, 05:48 PM »
Picked up the WM clone 3-pack. They had a bunch of the others but only one of the clones. 

***Why can't Hasbro figure that clones will be MUCH more popular on average than other things and distribute accordingly?***  I have a theory that they could have short packed everything BUT clones and the clones would be hard to find... ::)

I didn't even plan on getting these but I'm a cloneaholic and I think I have clone magnets in my hands because I scambled through the Sith and Jedi packs to find the crown jewel (clone pack) in the very back and sort of hidden.   Fun!!!


Other Collectibles / Re: The "Official" Master Replicas Thread
« on: October 25, 2005, 05:44 PM »
I don't remember what it said when I entered but the podcast said it was the Obi Wan Kenobi MR lightsaber.  They didn't really say anything else so I'm assuming it's the one coming out now.  I've never even seen one of these things close up.  I'll definately let you know when I get it. 

I really hope I don't get hooked on the high end collectibles...

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