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Messages - jedi_master_sal

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The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: March 8, 2010, 01:46 PM »
...I don't know of too many people that were psyched about the online comic subscription (or price) to get him.

That is what held me back. I wouldn't mind getting the figure, but he's not THAT important for me to collect to have to pay for a subscription.

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: March 8, 2010, 01:45 PM »
Just watched that trailer. WOW!

This looks even better than the first movie!

I can't wait to see it!

The Bullpen / Re: Section Name
« on: March 6, 2010, 11:51 AM »
Well JediJman got to it before me, but the only one that really makes sense and covers all of Marvel is Excelsior!.

It's Stan Lee's signature line!

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: March 4, 2010, 10:12 PM »
Whoah, that IS a sweet looking figure!

Anyone have the official lists for waves 2 and 3?

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: March 4, 2010, 05:01 PM »
I picked up the Comic War Machine yesterday. I don't read comics, but I thought the figure would look cool with the MU Iron Man I have on my shelf. It does.

Now, can anyone recommend good movie versions of Iron Man and War Machine? I'm really only looking to get one of each, and preferably the better figures currently available.

If you're going MU scale then the Mark III is good. It's from the first movie. Retails right now for $6.99. Just be a little careful about your selection as it's in a little bit of a funky position so that it's lower right leg may be a smidge warped. Not bad mind you, just be mindful of this when you pick it up.

Currently in the MU scale that I know of there is only the Comic Book version of War Machine, and it is excellent! So I'd recommend getting that one if you can find it. It seems that figure has already grown in popularity and has become scarce already.  I've seen two in the wild and got one of them, the other was scooped up by another guy who was right behind me eyeing up the figures.

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: March 3, 2010, 03:59 PM »
Also, Marks IV - VI are out as basic, carded figures ... along with the Inferno Mission Iron Man.

Really? These aren't shown on any of the cardbacks I have.

Got a link to those toys?

If they are out, then I'll need to get them.

NM, I found links. Dang, okay, so I saw the pics for the Mark 4 and Mark 6 but not Mark 5. Also there is another deluxe that looks sweet. Shockwave armor. He's mostly red with silver. Faceplate is red on this one, I LIKE it!

Man, add those to the Marvel universe figs, and there are already plenty of variations. That Hall of Armor is going to look great!!

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: March 3, 2010, 12:34 PM »
Sal, don't forget both War Machines (Comic and Movie) and Iron Man first appearance.

Comic War Machine is probably the best figure out right now.

D'oh thanks. Yes, I have those too and forgot to post them. Above post has been edited.

Thanks again!

The Bullpen / Re: Iron Man 2 Toys
« on: March 3, 2010, 10:19 AM »
Okay, I'm pretty sure I have all of the IM2 figures that are out right now.

Movie Series:
IM Mark I
IM Mark II
Hypervelocity Armor
Deep Dive Armor
Power Assault Armor
Iron Monger

Comic Series
1st appearance IM
IM (Classic Red/Yellow)
Stealth IM (Same sculpt as above but now in a deep blue/purple-ish deco)
Crimson Dynamo
War Machine

IM-Juggernaut Upgrade (Same as Mark VI but better articulated and paint app is a little different-more gold)
IM-Negative Zone Upgrade (Same as Mark VI but better articulated and paint app is a little different-sap gold for silver instead)

And finally the IM car with IM Mark VI

Here's a link to reference each currently available IM2 figure:,3348.0.html

A note about the Deluxe and IM Car figure. These are all the same sculpt. However the deluxe figures have decidedly better articulation. If you are looking to make one of these the Mark VI armor for your collection go with the "Juggernaut" version. The IM from the race car set has very basic articulation. (Head, shoulders, hip ONLY) As well the plastic for the race car IM figure is softer. This figure is hard to stand straight and with the lack of articulation it's near impossible to correct it.

It clearly was made to fit inside the car as its legs are so tight to the body.

Unless you REALLY want the race car (which I did), I suggest passing on this set.

The deluxe figures are decent, though I do not think they are worth the $15 price tag. Since the regular figs are $7, these deluxe shouldn't have been more than $12 for what you get. The "Negative Zone" armor IM is cool for the different deco, but the large accessory that goes over the armor is very wonky. It's this huge chest missile launcher that just doesn't look good at all. Though this set does include snap on forearm armor than differentiates this figure from the other two Mark VI designs. So it looks different enough.

Since I'm a big IM fan, I was compelled to buy each version. If you're a casual fan, you might want to pass on the deluxe figures as well, or risk buyers remorse.

Other than those three, I'm VERY happy with the basic carded figures. Well made, great articulation and paint app and all for a decent price. I think this line will be a success.

Personally for me, I'm excited because I've wanted to build an IM hall of armor diorama for sometime and just didn't have enough IM figures to do it. This series had made that possible and I greatly look forward to finally making this dio happen.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Transformers Live Action Movies
« on: March 2, 2010, 02:31 PM »
Some new rumors and stuff...

What we’re really doing is getting back to some of the core character development and storytelling. And I think there’s some elements of the core story that the filmmakers, Michael in particular wanted to tell. He’s really well-versed in the Transformers lore. So I think you’ll see, you know, less bedlam, more characters. - Hasbro CEO and TF3 Producer Brian Goldner

We're adding a lot of new elements. We're adding new characters. We're adding a lot of twists. - Bay

Oh and this one about Ray Park  He never spoke in EP1, X-Men, or GI Joe so I can't see him voicing a character...but who knows?

He DID speak in X-Men. Go watch it again.

The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: February 27, 2010, 07:14 PM »
Yeah, this is one line that won't cost you a fortune to collect. Some figures are still hard for me to find though. Still no Warpath, Jean Grey, Vision or Sunfire for me.

I'm not caving to scalpers/eBay though for those.

You should try  I think all those were in stock when I ordered by Black Widow, IM, and New Thor.

I do constantly.

While there is a listing for them, when you actually go to add them to cart, they are not in stock. Haven't been for months now.

I check the site daily, usually 2-3 times a day too. If it gets by me it's because it was very low quantity and sells out in between when I check.

The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: February 26, 2010, 09:11 PM »
Yeah, this is one line that won't cost you a fortune to collect. Some figures are still hard for me to find though. Still no Warpath, Jean Grey, Vision or Sunfire for me.

I'm not caving to scalpers/eBay though for those.

The Bullpen / Marvel Universe
« on: February 26, 2010, 09:21 AM »
I got my three lastest comic packs last week and finally opened them last night. All were great except Mr. Fantastic.

Let's just say he wasn't all that fantastic. The torso joint was SO loose that he can't stand up straight and constantly droops at the torso. Likewise, his head was pointed downward at a great angle and it took some work to get him to  look straight. Though of course with the torso problem he never got to look straight.

I'll buy a Human Torch figure to swap heads for a quick custom of this figure. Then I'll have to track down another comic pack or at least the Mr F. fig.

The paint apps on all of them were great though. I'm glad for that quality upgrade. Some figures in the past haven't been so good.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: General Vehicle Discussion Thread
« on: February 24, 2010, 12:55 PM »
But this is a $60 remote control toy that fires missiles.

Are you guys forgetting that? So you're not just getting a toy, but a remote control one to boot, and on top of that you can shoot the missiles (remotely I think too, IIRC). PLUS you get a pack-in figure.

I think $60 is quite worth it and I'm very likely to get one.

Is it an AT-AT? No, but then there really isn't all that much in CW that compares to an AT-AT. Both the AT-TE and Turbo Tank have been done. So Hasbro found a way to make a mid to large vehicle in the Hailfire droid and with some very cool features.

I think you guys are being just a little too hard on Hasbro.

Arguably it was the OT's "turn" since it only has seen the release of the BMF, while PT/CW era has the AT-TE, Turbo tank and even the CW Y-wing.

We complain about Hasbro all the time, but I think this is one of those times that they did a good job of things.

The Vintage Collection / Re: Big Items of the Future!
« on: February 23, 2010, 08:45 AM »
It is a tad ironic that the big items are hitting at what has to be the eventual "tail" of the line. I wanted playsets, death star dioramas, bigger ships, and just about everything else you could dream up. But that was 5-10 years ago. Now, I'm cutting back spending, selling off portions of the 15 years worth of excess, and trying to turn the collection into a size that can be managed, displayed (in rotation), and enjoyed, rather than catlogued and boxed away.
It is amazing how much work collecting can be, and how much more work it can be to scale down the collection! But, I will happily replace my AT-AT's this summer. I love Empire, and am glad to see all the product being produced. I just don't know how much of it I am going to end up with, as I don't need a 3rd Dengar, 4-Lom, Zuckuss, or slave 1, or 10th (or more) Fett.
For those that are looking for them, I hope they make the sail barge, death star, and whatever else can be contrived from plastic. I just don't know how much more you can possibly have, and still manage to enjoy (that's not a slam, I just realized I had past that point myself some time ago).

Wow Dan, it's like you crawled inside my head with your response. I agree with everything you posted.

I'm going to use some of the time between now and the Vintage release to go through my stuff and sell what I know I don't want anymore. I've got a huge basement filled with stuff, but it's all in tubs and boxes so I can't enjoy looking at it. I need to get my collection to about 30-40% of the size it is now.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: Imperial AT-AT
« on: February 19, 2010, 03:56 PM »
Like most people I've talked to, I'm looking forward to this too.  I think Hasbro did a fantastic job.

Fine, I'll buy it.

Your easy, lol.

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