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Messages - Darth_Ennis

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No one tells jokes since the fungi incident.



Phruby, the due date will be at the end of the month ( ish ;)) as usual.I just got a big old bag full of stuff from GTG and Im stoked. ;D


no questions, comments, insults or dirty jokes anywhere on this thread.

I must be losing my touch. :-\

Whew! Thank God I was starting to get worried about you. I thought he got you drunk and talked you into moving to that commune in Maui.

Trust me Ive been there, it's not all its cracked up to be. Oh, and anopther thing never , NEVER loan TPPDK money, it's the last youll ever see of it.

But in all seriousness, Im glad youre back, I am really looking forward to the pics.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Custom Clone ...
« on: October 2, 2006, 10:16 PM »
NICE!!! I love the black and red color scheme, its one of my faves.

The cloth Kama is a nice touch. I love the helmet, How exactly is that put together?

The parts choices are a nice blend, I like that, The armor and belt pouches look excellent.

Not a bad job I have to say. I look forward to seeing more of your work.

Looking over the votes on these last 2 pages, The Mandos win by a landslide. And seeing as how this idea has been floating around for quite a while I say lets give these guys a try.

Rules are the same as always. Due at the end of the month, submit as many designs as you want. Good luck guys I look forward to seeing these.

Hey guys, I know this is a day late in getting up, but Im starting a UGP only version of the Customiser Challenge to coincide with the CCC In the other boards.

The theme for this one will be Proto Rebels. Around the time that our project takes place, the Rebellion wasn't quite what it would become. There were small pocket cells with little or no organisation. They would harrass the Empire at every turn, but nothing on the scale that they would during the OTC era.

Now is your chance to design these Rebellion forefathers. Now that I have thrown down the gauntlet, lets see what we can come up with. ;)

As with the previous project, let your imagination run wild. Humans and especially aliens will work well with this, seeing how the bigoted Empire made their lives completely miserable.

You have your assingnents, lets see what damage we can do.

Good luck.

I am totally speechless. This is AWESOME!!! Well worth the wait. I wanna see more pictures. You have done a fantastic job on this Brent.

Dammit...YOU TEASE!!!! ;D

Cant wait. ;D

Jocasta's Reading Room / Re: Legacy Novels
« on: September 27, 2006, 08:25 PM »
Im about 2 books away from finishing NJO, then Im going straight into Dark Nest, and Legacy.

Jacen Solo has become a favorite of mine, I like his darker edge. I'm still not quite sure about some of the rumors that I have heard about Legacy thus far. I have puropsefully stayed away from spoilers, but every now and then one slips past my radar. I beleive he may be Darth Krayt myself, but that remains to be seen. I will comment more on this as I read the series.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: EUCustomMan's figures (jawa children)
« on: September 27, 2006, 04:22 PM »
Those things are absolutely adorable. ;D I love them, but then again, I love anything Jawa.
An excellent and very original idea.

great job.

Ok guys, I think I'm finally over my customisers block, and its time I finally got off of my arse and started finishing my Photo Novel. I am in need of a few things if anyone can help me out I would greatly appreciate it. I have lots of stuff to trade, If you have any of this, PM me eith your wants and Ill see what I can do to help. If not, there is always cash, and I am Paypal capeable.


ROTS Antilles heads: I can use as many of these as possible.
ROTS pilot Obi wan bodies
ROTS Ki Adi Mundi legs ( From the knee down)

Ric Ole Figures ( heads optional
Gungans ( anything except Jar Jar !!!)
Geonosians ( any)
Naboo Royal Guards
Naboo security Guards
Captain Panaka
Pilot Amidala
Capt. Typho
Zett Jukasa body

ARC Trooper Legs
EII clone heads. Preferably the ball jointed ones but Ill take whatever I can get.

Since the majority of the first story arc will take place on Naboo, I am in need of a lot of EI figs.

Let me know if you can help. Thanks for looking.

I saw a couple of gnarley looking black Halloween trees at Walmart yesterday, that are in pretty good scale. They look like nothing of this world, so I figure with a few modifications it should suit our purposes. Has anyone else seen them? If not Ill see what I can do about getting a sample and posting it.

as a matter of fact, I've already got an idea. Al I need to find now is another ewok. ;D

Vewry interesting idea indeed. I wouldn't mind having a few battle droid parts lying around the junkyard.

I can go with either of these.

though I am partial to the second one. Im a lot like Jediknight on that.

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