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Messages - commander apoc

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Newbies / Another newbie from The Netherlands
« on: October 15, 2006, 06:10 AM »
hi everyone,

Im not complety new at this forum, I just never had time to properly introduce myself.

I'm a 28 year old male collector of clonetroopers/commanders/vehicles and stuff. I'm living in the far west of the Netherland, a region called the westland. For 4 years I'm working for a big company that gives suplies to greenhouses, where I work in the technical division as a mechanical engineer.

My other hobbies are playing electic Bass in a Rockcover band, playing pc-games (my fiancee doen't like that much) and making our 4 birds tame. Recently we have 9 eggs to look forward too.

For the last 4 months I had I great time at JD, and for in the future many years to come I positively hope.

My collection is already online for the viewing. Click here

-Commander apoc, commander of the Westland clone divisions

Collections / Re: Commander Apoc's collection
« on: October 15, 2006, 05:11 AM »
Here an update on my collection, I moved it too another room, because we got some new birdcages...

Some Tie-fighters surrounding my book collection

All of my inbox collection clones on the wall

My revell-starwars-vehicle collection, 1 is still missing, a republic stardestroyer. :-[

My kotobukiya/unleashed clonetrooper/commander collection.

ROTS Starfighter collection, boxed kotobukiya red clonetrooper and pccd-rom collection.

Upper shelf, my clonetrooper collection. Lower shelf, clonecommanders and driods.

Middle shelf, the I-just-wanna-have-for-my-collection figures.

Top shelf, starfighter collection AOTC. Bottom Shelf, Driodstarfighter collection.

More comming next month.

Modern Classifieds / Re: Looking for one 501st Troopers
« on: August 1, 2006, 06:43 PM »
keep shooting, and tell me if you find 2.....

Collections / Re: My small army.
« on: July 9, 2006, 06:46 AM »
I will never get an army like that.... :'(

Because you have it all ;)

Collections / Re: Commander Apoc's collection
« on: July 8, 2006, 06:45 PM »
The hunt for Grievous is in!!!!! I'm soo happy I can't even take it out the box....

These are in too:

Elpant Mon
another 41 clone trooper
another AT-TE trooper
silver episode 2 special edition clone trooper
Destroyer droid
Exploding body Grievous
2x black clone pilot (for in the republic gunship hey)

fun ;D
pics come later

Collector's Tips / Re: Action Figure Stands
« on: July 8, 2006, 06:32 PM »
You are so right,

But i'm new here so I didn't look at the dates and I had a whole evening of nothing to do, so I just gave some tips. ;)

The tips could be helpfull if you're more like a modeler like me, but you are so right to buy them. Here in Europe the stands are too hard too get, so i just make them. I wouldn't have written the comments if I could just get the stands, get it? 8)

Sorry about the resurrection, I hope I don't do it again :P

Collections / Re: My Collection - Warning! Clones Only!
« on: July 7, 2006, 12:03 PM »
there can never be enough clones........... ;D

Saterday i'm recieving the hunt for grievous too............ can't wait.....

Very nice collection hey...

hey everyone from holland/ the netherlands,

Do you have any Starwars tradeble stuff for within the country? It's a bit cheaper and easyer than doing busniss with someone in America, if you know what I mean.

Everyone whom has some starwars toys for sale, can almost certenly come to me....

Collector's Tips / Re: Recons Tips
« on: July 5, 2006, 06:28 PM »
Sorry, I don't have extra stuff.... I just don't have enough stuff yet........

Can you send me youre extra's instead? ;D

Collector's Tips / Re: Action Figure Stands
« on: July 5, 2006, 06:25 PM »
You can make them from a cutdown plate of transparent plastic (every hardware store has it).
Polish of the sides and round em with a machine or sandpaper...

Then just put in a small screw, about 2-3mm thick and 5-7mm long, and do it in the right place... and than you have you're stand...

It's good when you have a glass-cabin, because the transparent stands almost invisible then....

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Stands for ROTS figs?
« on: July 5, 2006, 06:22 PM »
You can make them from a cutdown plate of transparent plastic (every hardware store has it).
Polish of the sides and round em with a machine or sandpaper...

Then just put in a small screw, about 2-3mm thick and 5-7mm long, and do it in the right place... and than you have you're stand...

It's good when you have a glass-cabin, because the transparent stands almost invisible then....

Clone Wars '03-'05 / Re: 2003 Clone Wars Republic Gunship
« on: July 5, 2006, 06:14 PM »
I got mine for 77 Euros, that's about 50 Dollars... but it is the special Deco ;D

Look for it in the toys review secion.....
Here a photo of it.....

Um... That isn't the '03 Clone Wars Gunship.

Sorry... that's the 2005/2006 clonewars special from cartoon network.... oops :-\

Collector's Tips / Re: Looking for suggestions
« on: July 5, 2006, 06:12 PM »
just use you're finger.....

The stuff you can do with finger..........

Collector's Tips / Re: Hanging Ships
« on: July 5, 2006, 06:06 PM »
Here in Europe we sometimes have seilings that are made from a sort of foam (not too strong ofcourse and very thin), and sometimes concrete. What we use in the concrete types are standart plugs, just drill a holl and plug in the plastic stick... Than you can screw in a hook and hang you're ships on with fishingline. Every hardware store has these plugs in masses ;D

In the other case, foam (what I have my at home) you use special plugs, that foldout when they are inserted and hooked them self thight around the foam when you put in a screw or hook. keep in mind that that is not stong enough too hold heavy stuff. Luckely I don't have enough models to do that yet, and I have a lot space on my shelfs for more models in the upcoming years... ;D

Oh, and we don't have metal runners in the ceiling, there from wood in de foam case.....

good luck.

Collections / Re: Commander Apoc's collection
« on: July 5, 2006, 12:03 PM »
The snake figure with the blue figure next too  it have nothing too do with starwars.... they have been there before all the starwars and are from the game starcraft.

The snake thing is a Hydraulisk.
The blue guy is a space marine.

These 2 are the only 2 figures available from the starcraft series and are no more available.
I have a second space marine figure, but I want paint it red/blue or gray. This because there are 3 versions of the spacemarine.

I couldn't gave em a spot in one of my otherrooms yet, but they will be removed from the collection in the near future...

next saturday the collection will have 10 new additions...... I can't wait.... ;D

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