Author Topic: JediDre's Customs Updated 04/04/2007 Spec Op ARC & 2 new 1205th  (Read 62086 times)

Offline JediDre

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Re: Aurebesh ARCs **Last update finally!! this PM**
« Reply #90 on: March 12, 2006, 12:34 PM »
Finally I have recieved my last Kama for my ARC squad.  I'll be posting the final pictures tonight, along with names and the beginning of a back story.

I find her attractive because she's a clinet and she sleeps above the covers....FOUR FEET above the covers!!

Offline JediDre

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Re: Aurebesh ARCs **Last update finally!! this PM**
« Reply #91 on: March 12, 2006, 03:01 PM »
Zeta Squad, ARC Class Troopers

T-1 Captain (Enza)
T-3 Lieutenant (Jae)
T-5 Lieutenant (Darvinn)

Zeta Squad was trained in part by Jango Fett, and one of his recruited Cuy’val Dar, Skeer Delp.  Skeer named the obvious squad leader after his son Enza.  Capt. Enza led his squad of eight in a black ops mission on Jabiim to assassinate Alto Stratus.  An ambush cost him more than half of his squad.  Zeta was recalled to Courscant to be rebuilt.  Enza refused the new members stating, “Zeta squad is an even more dangerous force that is was now that we have our vode memories to fight for.”  Skeer reassessed Zeta and found them to be in perfect fighting order.

Capt. Enza carries only one DC-17 blaster.  He keeps the two small blasters that fallen team member T-4 (Monac) had used to hold off the oncoming battle droid advance, so Enza and the remaining members could evac.  They are unloaded and haven’t been used since.

Lt. Jae is the comm/slicer of Zeta squad.  He carries a DC-16 rifle(predecessor to the DC-17 that commandos use), and has more kills(wets and clankers) than his other squad members.  He is described as “violent, brutal, but an all around nice troop.”  He is trained to use a PLX-style launcher that fires proton torpedos.

Lt. Darviin is the heavy gunner in Zeta.  He is the “youngest” member of the squad.  He is also trained with the PLX launcher, but doesn’t get much time with it.  Darviin considers himself the reborn version of Jango Fett, but with out the personal freedoms Jango enjoyed.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2006, 03:05 PM by JediDre »
I find her attractive because she's a clinet and she sleeps above the covers....FOUR FEET above the covers!!

Offline JediDre

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Kal Skirata
« Reply #92 on: March 14, 2006, 10:43 PM »
So I've been on this big Republic Commando kick.  I've read both books, great reads by the way, and have been taking note of characters that I'd like to do customs of in the future.  Of course a Black Matte armored Omeag squad is tops on my list, but thats some time away.  Triple Zero is full of great ideas, and I've gone with one.  I was enamored by the idea that the Null ARCs and RC squads had a training seargant that would do anything to them.  Kal Skirata has this aura about him that just leaps off of the pages and makes you believe that the Clones we see in the movies are more than just "wet battle droids."  I had to figure out what I could use to make him.  The only picture I've found is on the Wikicities site, and it's not very good.  So I am winging it a bit here.  So far, I've used three figures.  The upper torso and arms is Cpt Panaka from the EP I line, and the legs are from EP III Plo Koon.  I love the way the boots look so I had to use them.  I spun his belt part backwards so the saber clip isn't seen, but is still visible on the back.  The head I lucked into.  I had bought a Salvo GI Joe figure for his big ol missle launcher, had him laying around while studying the Kal page at Wikicites, and lo behold, he bore enough resemblence that I went with it.  Anywhoo...I'll stop rambling is what I have so far.  My wife asked if I was going to leave his one arm blue, I said no, I just don't feel like painting any more tonight.  <rambling stops now>

Comments, gripes, know what to do...

I find her attractive because she's a clinet and she sleeps above the covers....FOUR FEET above the covers!!

Offline Greg

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #93 on: March 14, 2006, 10:55 PM »
Wow. I like what I'm seeing. He looks really good. I suggest painting his hair gray, because I believe he is older and the picture that I have of him has him with gray hair.

Offline JediDre

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #94 on: March 14, 2006, 11:01 PM »
My only concern using the head I did is that he looked young compared to what Skirata is in the novels, but I went with it any ways.  I'm going to add some grey, and maybe some age lines...I don't know yet.

Thanks for the comment!!

I find her attractive because she's a clinet and she sleeps above the covers....FOUR FEET above the covers!!

Offline Jediknight760071

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #95 on: March 15, 2006, 01:03 AM »
I was gonna say....If you can weather a clone's armor, it's likely you can make a man look older too.

Offline ThePerennial

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #96 on: March 15, 2006, 01:18 AM »
I like your choice of boots. Plo Koon's boots have always reminded me of jango's/mandalorian shin armor plates.

Offline Darth Delicious

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #97 on: March 15, 2006, 01:46 AM »
I was thyinking of doing a Kal Skirata too...I have to say you're off to a great start!

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Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #98 on: March 15, 2006, 10:55 AM »
I'm not familiar with the character, but this is a great custom.  Great use of parts, excellent articulation and that head is awesome.


Offline JediDre

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #99 on: March 15, 2006, 11:35 AM »
I'm not familiar with the character, but this is a great custom.  Great use of parts, excellent articulation and that head is awesome.


Kal Skirata

Here is the Wikicities page for Kal Skirata.  It has the only picture I've been able to find of him.  It puts forth the idea of him and his beliefs fairly well.

I find her attractive because she's a clinet and she sleeps above the covers....FOUR FEET above the covers!!

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #100 on: March 15, 2006, 11:45 AM »
Thanks for the link, and wow you really nailed the parts to create this figure.  Awesome!


Offline Fritzkrieg

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #101 on: March 15, 2006, 07:14 PM »
Great Job on the Parts Selection for this Custom. Although I think mabey one of the 21st Century Marine Heads might suit Skirata's Character Better.


Offline Darth Delicious

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #102 on: March 15, 2006, 07:20 PM »
I'm going to agree with Fritzkrieg...a 21st Century head might come closer to the reference picture. I think the Salvo head would work better for Walon Vau.

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Offline JediDre

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #103 on: March 15, 2006, 08:28 PM »
I have a Vau in the works.  He was described as more cadaverous looking than normal.  Vau will probably be in Mando armor.

Thanks for the comments!!!

I find her attractive because she's a clinet and she sleeps above the covers....FOUR FEET above the covers!!

Offline BrentS

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Re: Kal Skirata
« Reply #104 on: March 16, 2006, 09:51 AM »
Dre - I really this custom.  Its a seemless blend of parts.  Looks pretty good against the reference picture too!