Hey guys - this was posted on the JD front page a while back, but I know a lot of guys don't go there too often, so I wanted to post something about it here.
PSWCS is selling these "challenge coin" style medallions to benefit a charity called Operation Ward 57. OW57 buys comfort items for wounded soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan who end up at Walter Reed. We hope to raise around $5500 for the charity by selling out. 100% of the proceeds go to the charity. They're $10 each shipped.
The medallion is limited to a 1-time run of 1000. We got Lucasfilm's permission to produce the medallions, so it's an authorized Star Wars collectible. It even has the little copyright date on it. And they're AWESOME. First off, they're HUGE! They're like old-style silver dollar big. 1.75" diameter is way bigger than it sounds. They're also very hefty, and they're protected by an enamel coating. Super high-quality stuff. The artwork was done by Mike Nair, a graphic artist in PSWCS who did just a phenomenal job. We're all thrilled with the final product. And we've gotten nothing but positive reactions from our buyers.
If we sell out, we're looking at doing another one next year. But we still have about 300 remaining. So I'm hoping some of my friends here will help out. You won't be disappointed, and it's for a great cause!
Here's the sale site: